
pèi jīn
  • reinforcement;reinforcing bars
配筋[pèi jīn]
  1. 针对我国混凝土配筋品种,论述了热轧带肋钢筋、冷轧带肋钢筋的现状,对钢筋混凝土用钢筋开发应用中的问题进行了分析,并展望了应用前景。

    According to the type of reinforcing bars practically used in China , the present status of hot rolled ribbed bars , cold rolled ribbed bars are narrated , and the prospects and problems to the development and application of reinforcing steels for concrete construction are also reviewed .

  2. 三维水工配筋CAD系统的集成方案

    3D Integrated Reinforcing Bars CAD System for Hydraulic Architecture

  3. 大体积水工结构配筋CAD研究

    CAD Approach for Layout of Reinforcement in Large Volume Water Conservancy Works

  4. 采用X形配筋改善短柱抗震性能的研究

    Using X shaped reinforcing to improve anti seismic capability of short columns

  5. 墙体保温迫在眉睫配筋砌块砌体剪力墙构件CAD的研究与开发

    The Research and Design of the Reinforced Concrete Masonry Shear Wall Element CAD

  6. PC板梁锚固区微裂缝的配筋设计

    On the Reinforced Design of the Minute Crack in the Anchorage Zone of PC. Plate Girders

  7. 一类RC构件配筋计算的拉格朗日逆插值方法

    Lagrangian reverse interpolation method for a group of RC members

  8. 应用有限元理论,借助于Ansys分析软件对此结构进行内力分析,在此基础上对结构进行预应力配筋。

    Using the finite element theories , it makes use of software Ansys doing internal force analyze of this structure .

  9. 本文在Windows和Linux操作平台上分别开发了异形柱配筋计算软件。

    In the paper , an analysis software for the reinforcement of the special & shaped columns is compiled under the Windows and the Linux .

  10. 预应力和部分预应力砼受弯构件最小配筋率P(pmin)的简捷计算方法

    A Simplified Method for Calculating Minimum Steel Ratio of Prestressed and Partially Prestressed Concrete Bar

  11. 碱矿渣(JK)高强混凝土配筋梁试验研究

    A study on reinforced beams of high strength alkali-slag concrete

  12. 针对这些问题,提出了计算对称配筋小偏心受压构件截面强度的三个方案以及Rw、σg的计算公式。

    For these questions , three calculating methods and formulas for calculating R_w 、σ _g are put forward for the symmetrically reinforced concrete short column with small uniaxial eccentricity .

  13. 利用FRP筋混凝土梁截面的平衡条件和变形协调条件,给出梁的平衡配筋率;

    Based on equilibrium and deflection compatibility condition of concrete beam section reinforced with FRP bars , the balanced reinforcement ratio was provided .

  14. 正向极限荷载下破坏截面受压区相对高度ξp与综合配筋指标β0线性相关,与文献犤2犦单调加载时的回归分析结果接近;

    The relative depth of the compression zone ξ p and the composite reinforcement index β 0 are close to the results of regression analysis of reference , in which the beams are subjected to monotonic loading .

  15. 本文介绍了国外在经历碱-硅反应(ASR)的单面配筋的钢筋混凝土梁中,用F级低钙粉煤灰来控制其结构变形的试验数据。

    Test data on the use of a low-calcium class F fly ash to control the structural deformations occurring in singly reinforced concrete beams undergoing alkali silica-reaction ASR are introduced .

  16. 本文主要对CFRP加固后,连续梁调幅能力、支座配筋率对加固效果影响、二次受力等几个因素可能对连续梁承载力产生的影响做了定性分析。

    This article qualitatively analyses several possible effects to the carrying load , in the capacity of moment adjustment with CFRP reinforcement , the support reinforcement rate and two-way loading .

  17. 连续配筋混凝土路面(ContinuouslyReinforcedConcretePavement,简称CRCP)是在纵向连续配置足够数量的钢筋,施工时一般不设置横向接缝的一种高性能混凝土路面结构。

    Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement ( CRCP ) is a kind of high performance concrete structure with enough continuously re-forcing steel in the longitudinal direction , and normally not set up the transverse joint in the construction .

  18. 采用Newmark和NewtonRaphson相结合的方法,利用编制的程序对配筋砌快剪力墙的非线性地震反应进行了分析。

    The methods of Newmark and Newton_Raphson are adopted and the program has been made to analyse earthquake response on reinforced concrete block shear walls .

  19. 用ANSYS软件,建立三维有限元模型分析不同钢筋布置方式、不同配筋率对蜗壳结构受力以及裂缝宽度和裂缝分布的影响,从而确定最优的配筋率和钢筋布置方式。

    Applying ANSYS program , establish the whole 3D finite element model , analyze the stress , crack width and crack distribution of structure with different reinforcement ratio and arrangment , select the best reinforcement ratio and arrangment .

  20. 提出了在截面角区用GFRP筋代替钢筋的混合配筋方法来解决结构的耐久性问题。

    The hybrid reinforced method of replacing steel bar with FRP bar ( fiber reinforcement polymer bar ) in angle region to solve the problem of durability is proposed .

  21. 采用有限元分析程序ANSYS,对剪力墙下部地基梁的三种截面和配筋各异的情况,建立了包括剪力墙、桩和地基梁的整体模型。

    With FEM software ANSYS , three models including shear walls , beams under the shear walls and piles under the beams , are built considering respectively three cases with different sectional sizes and longitudinal reinforcing bars of the beams .

  22. 碳纤维(CFRP)筋的线弹性力学性能使得采用CFRP配筋的混凝土结构延性较差,本文对配置CFRP筋T梁进行了受力性能试验研究。

    The concrete structures prestressed with CFRP tendons are lack of ductility due to the linear elastic behavior of CFRP tendons . In this paper , the concrete T beams prestressed with CFRP tendons are studied .

  23. 进一步利用JAP程序预测了不同剪压比,不同配筋特征值及不同轴压比条件下节点区的延性变化规律。

    Predictions were made on the ductility of the joint core when shear compression ratio , reinforcement contant and axial force ratio were different .

  24. 在ANSYS仿真计算中,探索了考虑普通钢筋和不考虑普通钢筋的作用对结构长期变形以及长期应力的影响,并进一步从配筋率的角度对普通钢筋的影响进行深入研究。

    In the ANSYS simulation , explore considering and not considering the role of ordinary steel bar how to affect the long-term deformation and long-term stress of the structure , and further study of the impact in the perspective of ordinary steel bars ' rate .

  25. 在试验研究基础上,采用ANSYS有限元分析程序,对不同抗拔钢筋配筋率的混凝土承台-钢柱脚在单向加载下的性能进行了弹塑性计算分析。

    Nonlinear finite element analysis of pile caps of steel column base under unilateral load is carried out by ANSYS program in order to understand the enhance effect to ultimate up-lift bearing capacity of steel column base embedded in concrete pile cap with anti-punching shear bar .

  26. 利用傅里叶积分变换、三角级数和复变函数等方法,求得了双向非对称配筋、板边简支CRCP在静荷载作用下位移和应力的解析解。

    The static solution for displacements and stresses of CRCP with unsymmetrical reinforced in tow dimension and simply supported edges is obtained by using triangular series and Fourier transformation .

  27. 进行了4组共12根粱的三分点弯曲试验,其中3组为局部碳纤维混凝土配筋梁且具有不同的碳纤维混凝土(CFRC)层厚度,一组为普通钢筋混凝土梁。

    A total of 12 , four types of beams , three with different carbon fiber reinforced concrete ( CFRC ) layer thickness , and one without CFRC layer were tested in three-point bending .

  28. 通过量测81个配筋试件和素混凝土试件,从拆模起到180d龄期内的收缩值,得到其各自的收缩应变。

    Through the measurement of 81 commercial reinforced concrete and plain concrete shrinkage samples from removal of shuttering till 180 d age , various shrinkage strain were obtained .

  29. 试验表明,对于非预应力混凝土配筋梁,LC45轻骨料混凝土构件的开裂荷载及破坏荷载分别高于C45普通混凝土构件;

    From the test we known : for nonprestressed distributed steel beam , lightweight aggregate concrete beam 's cracking load and failing load all larger than normal concrete beam .

  30. 沥青层厚度的增加、横向裂缝间距的加宽、配筋率的适当增加和底基层强度的提高可以降低K2,延缓CRC-AC复合式路面沥青层反射裂缝的开裂扩展。

    Adding thickness of AC layer , widening transverse cracks , increasing steel ratio properly and enhancing subbase strength , K2 will be decreased , which can prevent the initiation and expanding of reflection crack of AC layer in CRC-AC compound pavement effectively .