
pèi zhǒng
  • breed;mating;tupping
配种 [pèi zhǒng]
  • [breeding] 使雌雄动物的生殖细胞结合以繁殖后代,分天然交配和人工授精两种

配种[pèi zhǒng]
  1. 本试验表明,使用性别控制液后配种,母牛的产母犊率可以达到70%。

    The test showed that using sex controlling liquid to breed cows , the calf 's birth rate could reach 70 % .

  2. 在河北细毛羊配种季节,根据发情羊只数,随机分成3组,即试验1组:在输精的同时每只羊肌注LRH-A340μg;

    During tupping season , according to the number of ewes in estrus they were divided into three groups at random , i. e. first test group 's ewes were inseminated and at the same time injected LRH-A3 40 μ g ;

  3. 妊娠期系指从配种到分娩之间的时间。

    Gestation extends from fertilization to birth .

  4. 未孕牛,配种后除谷点处孕酮含量较一致外,其余各处平均值都下降(P<0.05)。

    Nonpregnant cows after AI , P 4 concentrations were decreased ( P < 0.05 ) except of valley point concentrations which were kept the same level .

  5. A区和B区绵羊临床表现出被毛发焦、脱毛、羔羊出现摇摆病,羊群中母羊发情推迟,公羊配种能力下降。

    Clinical symptoms of sheep in zones A , B showed that ram and ewe were reduced reproductive performance , steely wolf , fall wool and lamb swayback .

  6. 而缩短配种间隔,增加配种次数不能增加供体的可用胚数。重复超排的效果略有下降(P>0.05)。

    The more of the superovulation times , the worse of the superovulation effect ( . P > 0.05 ) . The number of viable embryos did not increase when the interval of mate was decreased .

  7. 方法1实验动物及分组健康清洁级昆明小鼠,雌性30只,雄性96只(其中6只仅用于配种);5周龄,体重(18±2)g。

    Experimental animals and groups Healthy and clean KunMing mice , female 30 , male 96 ( 6 of them are used to reproduce ), 5-week old , 18 ± 2g .

  8. 补Se明显改善了某些繁殖性能,如减少了每次受孕的配种次数并降低了诸如胎衣不下和子宫内膜炎等产科疾病的发病率。

    Supplemental Se significantly improved cows ' reproductive performances including the reduction of services per conception and the incidence of obstetrical diseases such as retained placenta and endometritis .

  9. 杂交F1代羔羊与三个纯种羊羔羊组织、器官及生长发育状况比较研究配种母羊产羔百分率

    Comparative Study on Tissue , Organ Growth and Development between Hybridized F1 Generation and Three Kinds of Pure Breed Lamb ewe lambing of ewe exposed to ram

  10. 得出最佳妊娠诊断时间为发情配种后45d。

    The optimum time for diagnosis of pregnancy after mating estrus about 45d .

  11. 在进入种畜群后自由采食生长肥育猪日粮至初情期,但是要在活重或P2背膘厚达标后再配种。

    Feeding a grower / finisher diet ad libitum from arrival in the breeding herd to puberty but delay mating until live weight and P2 targets are reached .

  12. 用该制剂对母猪进行早期妊娠诊断的最佳时间是配种后14d~17d。

    The optimum time for the use of the preparation for early pregnancy diagnosis was shown to be 14 ~ 17 days after mating .

  13. 配种后26~30d妊娠检查确诊率高达88.9%,高于50日龄左右的直肠检查;

    The accurate diagnostic rate 26-30 days after insemination was 88.9 % , which was higher than the accurate diagnostic rate of rectal exams 50 d after insemination ;

  14. 应用维生素B12注射液做绵羊冻精的解冻液,实施人工授精配种来提高绵羊受胎率和羔羊成活率。

    A test of artificial insemination was conducted by vitamin B_ ( 12 ) as thawing solution of freeze-dried semen of sheep to improve the conception rate of ewe and survival rate of lamb .

  15. 对24头与杜洛克父本配种,妊娠70d的杂交母猪(长×大)及其所生的24窝仔猪进行试验,研究不同Fe源对妊娠母猪Fe营养状况、繁殖性能及新生仔猪Fe营养状况的影响。

    An experiment was conducted using a total of 24 gestating sows ( Landrace × Large White ) and their piglets to investigate the effects of Fe sources on iron status and reproductive performance of sows , iron status of neonatal piglets .

  16. 本文建立了定量检测血小板活化因子(PlateletActivatingFactor,PAF)的方法&血小板凝集生物学检测法,检测了大熊猫配种前后血浆中PAF的含量;

    In this paper , we established a quantitative determination method for platelet activating factor ( PAF ), that is , washed platelet aggregation test ( bio-assay ), to explore the changes of the concentration of PAF before and after artificial fertilization in giant panda .

  17. 用TDP处理产后之情三个月以上奶牛,极显著地提高了发情和配种受胎数(P<0.01);经照射的奶牛,其性腺激素E2及P4均呈正常周期性的变化规律;

    When cows under postpartum anestrus over 3 months were treated with TDP , the number of cows returned to estrus and the conception rate after mating were significantly higher than that of the control ( P < 0 . 01 ) .

  18. 在母猪泌乳阶段,促黄体素(LH)雌激素(E2)和孕酮(P4)的水平都较低,在配种阶段,雌激素分泌达到峰值,在怀孕15d时,促黄体素和孕酮的分泌达到峰值;

    During the lactation , LH , E 2 and P 4 levels kept low . E 2 reached its peak at breeding stage . LH and P 4 reached their peaks on the 15th day of pregnancy .

  19. 应用PMSG制剂对52头配种后14d~26d的母猪进行早期妊娠诊断,在5d内妊娠与未妊娠母猪的确诊率均为100%。

    PMSG , a reproductive hormone preparation , was applied to 52 sows for early diagnosis of pregnancy . The accuracy rate of diagnosis either for pregnant or non-pregnant sows was 100 % in 5 days .

  20. 应用红外传感器进行母猪的发情及最佳配种时间鉴定

    Oestrus detection and optimal insemination time of sows using infrared sensors

  21. 选择已经配种的供体母马18匹。

    Eighteen donor mares were selected from the served mated mares .

  22. 我打算把这匹马用来配种。

    I 'm going to put the horse out to stud .

  23. 雄性大熊猫配种期的性行为观察

    Observation on the sexual behaviour of male giant panda during the mating

  24. 骆驼配种采用人工授精。

    Artificial insemination was applied to the bactrian camel breeding .

  25. 明天我们用他的公牛与我们的母牛配种。

    His bull will come to serve our cows tomorrow .

  26. 提高种狐配种受胎率的技术措施

    Technical Measures foe Increasing the Conception Rate of Breeding Fox

  27. 配种前母体营养影响子代雄性比率的研究

    The effect of maternal nutrition before mating on sex ratio of offspring

  28. 性别控制液应用于母牛配种的试验报告

    The application test of sex controlling liquid on the cow 's breeding

  29. 你想问为什么,它们只是配种的料。

    If you ask me , they belong in fertilizer .

  30. 应用银黑狐精液改良蓝狐配种技术

    Breeding Technique of Improve Blue Fox Using Silver Fox ′ s Semen