
  1. 浅析《汉郊祀歌十九章》的艺术特征

    On the artistic characteristics of the nineteen poems of sacrificial rites of the Han Dynasty

  2. 《郊祀歌》表现了生命意识,具有历史认识价值。

    " Suburb Offered sacrifice to Songs " which displays the life implication and life consciousness had the historical understanding value .

  3. 西汉《安世房中歌》与《郊祀歌》之比较研究在歌剧中演主角的歌手。

    Comparative Research between An Shi Fang Zhong Ge and Jiao Si Ge in the Western Han Dynasty ; singer of lead role in an opera .

  4. 宗教思想与礼乐制度都是研究郊祀乐歌不可或缺的方面,《郊祀歌》中反映出的郊祀礼乐与儒家传统礼乐多有抵牾。

    Both religious ideas and etiquette system are essential to the study of ode to outskirts sacrifice .