
  • 网络Na Ying;aska
  1. 以下是1994-2011年间那英的主要专辑:

    The following are Na Ying 's album releases between 1994 and 2011 .

  2. 那英军司令问:「你凭的是什麽?」

    By what authority ? The commander asked .

  3. 之后那英与孟桐结婚,他们的女儿于2007年出生。

    She married Meng Tong in 2006 and their daughter was born in 2007 .

  4. 如果说美剧是可口可乐,那英剧则是一杯咖啡。

    If American shows were Coca-Cola , British dramas seem more like a cup of coffee .

  5. 是啊是啊现在你有这张照片来纪念那英勇的一天了

    Yes , yes , look , and now you have a photo to remember that heroic day .

  6. 相信上帝宽恕我,虽然我是一个基督徒,但我却老是想为我那英名显赫的父亲复仇。

    Although a Christian , may God forgive me , I have always sought to revenge my illustrious father .

  7. 那英是中国大陆一位知名流行歌手,因性格活泼豪爽而著称。

    Na Ying is a noted pop singer in Chinese mainland , known for her lighthearted and forthright personality .

  8. 是的,孙楠、那英和王菲都到了,并且他们唱了所有他们流行的歌曲。

    Yes , Sun Nan , Na Ying and Wang Fei were there and they sang all their popular songs .

  9. 尽管那英2002至2009年间将主要精力放在家庭,但她从未退出舞台。

    Although mainly having devoted herself to her family and children between 2002 and 2009 , Na Ying never really left the stage .

  10. 那英与足球名星高峰有过一段恋情,育有一子,二人于2005年分手;

    Na had a relationship with Chinese footballer Gao Feng and they had a son , but the couple broke up in 2005 .

  11. 那英曾获得众多演唱奖项,其中1991年荣获全国十大最受欢迎歌手奖,1993年再度荣获全国十大最受欢迎歌手奖。

    Na has won many awards participating in national singing contests , including the Top 10 Mainland Pop Singers in 1991 and in 1993 .

  12. 我知道我没有来生了,因为我能为那英寸来牺牲我自己。

    And I know , I am not gona have any life anymore , it 's because I 'm still willing to fight for that inch .

  13. 王菲之前已在香港等地出名,此次与那英的合作使她在大陆地区一举成名。

    Wong had already achieved fame in Hong Kong and elsewhere , but her duet with Na brought her the status of superstar on the mainland .

  14. 那英格兰人来的时候,我们就跟着她下了楼。她的小狗跟在她身边,跑在纱裙下面,但那英格兰人没有看到它。

    When the Englishmen came we went downstairs with her.Her little dog walked beside her , under the veil , but the Eng - lishmen didn 't see that .

  15. 这些课程对你们所说的飞机的液压,油料,环境控制,还有座舱等各个系统的介绍非常深入,那英09演唱会。

    The course went into great detail about every system on the airplane the hydraulic system , the fuel system , the environmental control system , the cockpit you name it .

  16. 2012年那英被浙江卫视今年推出的“中国好声音”节目选为四名评委之一;

    In 2012 Na was asked to act as one of the four judges on " The Voice of China , " a singing talent show broadcast on Zhejiang Satellite TV .

  17. 那英与足球名星高峰有过一段恋情,育有一子,二人于2005年分手;之后那英与孟桐结婚,他们的女儿于2007年出生。

    Na had a relationship with Chinese footballer Gao Feng and they had a son , but the couple broke up in 2005 . She married Meng Tong in 2006 and their daughter was born in 2007 .

  18. 那英1988年开始在港台发展,成为第一个签约港台唱片公司的内地歌手,其中《征服》进军亚洲市场,销量破200万。

    Na began her recording career in Taiwan and Hong Kong in 1988 , becoming the first Chinese mainland singer to sign a contract with a Hong Kong record company . Sales of her Conquer album exceeded 2 million across the Asian region .

  19. 2012年那英被浙江卫视今年推出的中国好声音节目选为四名评委之一;与其搭档的其他三位评委分别是刘欢、杨坤和庚澄庆。

    In 2012 Na was asked to act as one of the four judges on The Voice of China , a singing talent show broadcast on Zhejiang Satellite TV . Her fellow judges are Liu Huan , Yang Kun , and Harlem Yu .

  20. 要是苏格兰人投反对票,那英国许下承诺,如果苏格兰留在英国,那苏格兰将从明年开始享有更多自治权。这相当艰难,但是今天卡梅伦试图表明,投出反对票也就是选择了变革。

    In the case of a no vote , England has promised that Scotland would have new autonomy starting next year if they stay in the U.K. It 's a tough sell , but Cameron today tried to make the case that a no vote is also a vote for change .

  21. 所有的这些元素都使得“好声音”极具娱乐效果。中国好声音导师那英说,“我们鼓励每位学员表现出他们最好的状态。即使他们没能被选为最好声音,我们也会告诉他们继续唱下去并歌随心动。”

    All of these elements make for lively entertainment . Na Ying , coach of " The Voice of China , " said , " We encourage each singer to give their best . So even if they 're not chosen as the winner , we tell them to develop their singing and follow their heart . "