
  • 网络telemetering station;telemetry station;telemetric station
  1. 基于PCI总线的PC机再入遥测站设计

    Design of PC Re-entry Telemetry Station Based on PCI Bus

  2. 实现了对浑河流域内各遥测站实时雨情、水情信息的自动监视;

    The automatization of watching the real-time precipitation information through the remote telemetry station in the Hun-River is obtained .

  3. 遥测站水文数据固态存储及PSTN传输模块应用研究

    Research on Application of Solid-state Data-logger and PSTN Module in Telemetric Stations

  4. 系统现有各类遥测站81个,中心站1个,其中,56个遥测站和中心站之间的数据通信采用了海事卫星C(Inmarsat-C)。

    The system has eighty-one telemetering stations and one central station . The data communication between fifty-six telemetering stations and the central station is realized by use of the Inmarsat-C satellite .

  5. 该系统设9个遥测站和1个中心站。

    It consists of 9 telemetering stations and 1 central station .

  6. 水库流域遥测站网规划布设论证

    Demonstration of telemetric network stations planning and disposition in reservoir basin

  7. 地面有线综合遥测站数据采集系统设计

    Design of a data collection system for wire comprehensively sensing ground stations

  8. 各遥测站均采用蓄电池组供电和太阳能浮充的供电方式。

    The remote stations are powered by storage batteries and solar floating charge .

  9. 防汛指挥系统遥测站双通信信道的选用

    Double Communication Channel Application on Remote Stations for National Flood Control Commanding System

  10. 黄河三小间水情自动测报系统遥测站供电系统设计计算

    Design and Calculation for Telemeter Power System of Yellow River San-Xiao Automatic Regimen Measuring and Reporting System

  11. 陕西省三门峡库区洪水预警预报系统共设中心站两处,遥测站49处。

    Sanxi Province Sanmenxia Reservoir Flood Prewarning and Forecast System are established two center stations and49 telemeter stations .

  12. 主站向遥测站(监测点)发送指令,接收遥测站的信息,并储存、显示、打印。

    The main test station sends command to and receive information from monitored points ( telemetered stations ) .

  13. 供电系统是水情自动测报系统遥测站的心脏,可靠与否至关重要。

    The power system is the important part of the telemeter of automatic regimen measuring and reporting system .

  14. 通信软件负责接收上报数据进行解码,以及下发指令到遥测站进行参数设置和数据招测。

    The communication software is responsible for receiving and decoding the reported data , and it is also in charge of sending orders to the RTU , which sets the parameters and asks for data .

  15. 适当减少电路不畅、通信困难的测站:调整后的遥测站网基本合理,达到了优化要求。

    The stations , in which circuits are obstructed and communications are difficult to get through , are reduced properly . The adjusted remote sensing station network is reasonable and can meet the requirement of optimization .

  16. 但因流域处于粤北山区、地形地貌差异巨大,中继站及个别遥测站现场的运行维护条件恶劣,增加了系统的维修费用和故障时间,降低了系统的可靠性。

    However , the basin is located in the mountain northern Guangdong Province , there are much difference in terrain and physiognomy , which increase the maintenance cost and fault time on system , the system reliability is decreased much .

  17. 介绍了3台遥测气象站样机的现场试验结果。

    The field experiment results of three prototypes of AWS are described .

  18. 频分制遥测地面站总体设计

    System Design for a Frequency-Divison Telemetry Ground Station

  19. 遥测自动气象站的日常使用维护经验

    Experience of the Automatic Meteorological Stations ' Routine Maintenance

  20. Ⅱ型遥测自动气象站的防雷措施及其仪器设备的保护技术

    The Preventive Measures of Thunderbolt and The Protective Technologies of Its Instruments about Automatic Weather Station of Type ⅱ

  21. 在遥测地面接收站中,过去通常采用磁带机来记录检前信号,随着高速数字采集和大容量磁盘阵列记录技术的发展,现在已可以采用直接中频采样和数字记录技术。

    At ground receiving station , magnetic tape was generally used to record the undetectable signal . With the development of the technologies of high-speed sampling and large capacity disk array recording , sampling at intermediate frequency and digital recording can be adopted .

  22. 本文针对智能交通系统中气象信息系统的特殊性,提出并研究设计了一种基于双单片机的智能遥测微型气象站,完成了系统的硬件和软件设计。

    Aiming at particularity of Weather Information System ( WIS ) in the Intelligent Transportation System ( ITS ), this paper advanced and designed an intelligent remote measurement micro observatory based on double Micro Control Unit ( MCU ), and finished the hardware and software design of this system .

  23. 无缆遥测地震仪采集站的低功耗设计

    Low Power Consumption Design of Non-cable Telemetric Seismic Data Collecting Station

  24. 一种超低噪声遥测地震数据采集站前置放大器的设计

    An ultralow-noise preamplifier for telemetry seismic data acquisition unit