- 名heritability

Through conversion , the heritability estimates of litter size and live-litter size for three continous birthes are 0.35 and 0.36 in proper order , they are near high heritability .
The broad heritability of MDA content was 66 . 78 % and the narrow heritability of MDA content was 56 . 27 % .
The effect of ML and REML methods for variance components estimation were studied by using Monte Carlo simulation .
With the increasing of population size and heritability , the results of Bayesian QTL mapping were more accurate .
Inheritance of internode length is relatively high for all three types of crosses , indicating that the character is stable and can be selected at early generations .
And those of the minor genes were estimated as 83.56 % and 16.32 % , respectively .
A. . The broad sense hereditability of AI in tomato fruit is 36.8 % , the narrow sense hereditability is 21.7 % .
The increase of heritability and sample size can enhance the power of detecting QTL , but the efficiency decreased .
According to the simulation results , now power is primarily decided by heritability of the trait with large weight .
Broad heritability of collar diameter is ( 82.61 ± 8.42 ) % , genetic variation coefficient is 15.28 % .
This article mainly deals with the analysis of the combining ability effect of the poplar in the complete diallel cross on the high growth character of the parent and the estimate of such heritability .
When the heritability was higher , the inbreeding coefficient would increase slower , but QTL variance has less effect on it .
The lower the heritability and the larger the QTL variance component of the trait , the more accuracy of the marker assisted evaluation .
The H of specific activities of GOT and GPT are 87.44 % and 80.4 % , respectively , which can be an effective biochemical criterium for selection of silk yielding .
Hereditary capacity in a broad sense of salt-tolerant induction rate is 97.9 % , showing that the variation of induction rate for salt-tolerant mutants mainly depended on genetic variation with less influence of environment .
In the modern animal breeding practice , it 's very important to improve breeding efficiency for sex linked , low heritability or late-expressive traits by Marker-assisted selection ( MAS ) .
Drooping angle showed lowest heritability of 0.277 and highest environmental effect of 0.723 , which indicated that leaf drooping angle were mainly affected by environmental conditions .
Culm length and its CRI were affected by a few major genes , and these traits had high narrow-sense heritability .
The broad sense heritability of F2 generations was higher in some crosses . It predicted the selection might be carried out preliminarily in F2 generations .
The narrow heritability of yield of two S1 family groups from C0 and C1 populations were 9.59 % and 7.5 % , respectively .
GLM has a great advantage in heritability and breeding value estimation , and has nice accuracy for discrete traits .
This result indicates that the appropriate sample size will be necessary for QTL mapping in low QTL heritability to improve the precision of estimates of QTL position and effects .
The accuracy and precision of estimates of QTL position and effects will be enhanced as the increasing of QTL heritability , sample size and polymorphism information content of molecular marker .
The effects of interval mapping for quantitative trait loci ( QTL ) of single trait under different heritabilities and marker densities in a F2 population were compared by computer simulation .
The result of provenance trial and RAPD molecular markers experiment of Armeniaca sibirica showed that the characters such as height , ground diameter and crown , were distinct different among provenance , genetic ability is high .
However , with the increase of QTL effect , the relative advantage of the MBLUP improved correspondingly , especially in the case with low heritability and high QTL effect .
Despite of the high heritability of aphid resistance , It is recommended that the selection of resistance should be postponed to later generations such as F3 or F4 , because of the scarcity of resistant plants and the undesired wild soybean characters in F2 generation .
Therefore , we suggested that minor QTLs for traits with high heritability could be isolated using a map-based cloning strategy in a large NIL-F2 population .
For instance , the heritability of a QTL was 10 % and the marker density was 15 cM , F 2 population of 300 individuals can ensure the power of detecting QTL high 80 % .
With the method of probit analysis , we estimated the realized heritability ( h2 ) of resistance to fenitrothion in the rice stem borer ( Chilo suppressalis Walker ) .