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  1. 这就把资产阶级要搞自由市场、自由取得原料、自由销售工业品这一条资本主义道路制住了,并且在政治上使资产阶级孤立起来。

    This will block the capitalist road the bourgeoisie wants to follow , namely , the opening of free markets , the free acquisition of raw materials and the free sale of manufactured goods , and will in addition isolate the bourgeoisie politically .

  2. 今天,我国走的是具有中国特色的社会主义道路,公有制经济在国民经济中占有举足轻重的主导地位。

    Today , China is taking the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics , and public economy plays a significant role in the national economy .

  3. 新型工业化道路在所有制上、实现机制上、实现路径上、发展基础上和外部环境上与传统工业化道路完全不同。

    The new-type industrialization differs completely with the traditional one in the property possession system , realization mechanism , realization route , development base and exterior circumstance .

  4. 计算公式表明:决定汽车起重机制动距离的主要因素是制动初速度、路面阻力系数、道路坡度和制动力增加时间;

    The calculating formulas show that braking distance depends on ini - tial braking speed , road dragging coefficient , road slope grade , braking force increasing time ;

  5. 只有这样才能使官员问责制走向不断优化的道路,使有制可问,有章可循。

    Only then can officials accountability system is to optimize and make a " system " to ask , have regulations to abide by .

  6. 根据机电混合模拟理论,应用相似规则,通过对汽车道路制动过程和试验台系统的动力学分析,建立了汽车运动惯量和道路制动力的台架电模拟数学模型。

    I applied hybrid simulation theory and similitude rule to construct math model of vehicle locomotive inertia and braking force of road by analysis of process braking on the road and testing system with dynamic mechanics .