首页 / 词典 / good

  • check;hold back
  • 阻止:~止。~制。~抑。怒不可~。

  • 古同“害”:“无~尔躬”。


(阻止;禁止) check; hold back:

  • 怒不可遏

    be in a towering rage; be overcome with indignation; boil with anger

  1. 档案人才流失何日可遏?

    When can the brain drain in archival circles be stopped ?

  2. 两人都住在康考德,出于同样的冲动而情不可遏。

    Both lived in Concord , stirred by the same impulses .

  3. 我国荒政中的市场性救荒措施研究&以禁遏籴为例

    A Research on the Market-oriented Measures for the Disaster Relief in China

  4. 这些政策已起到阴遏人口流失的作用。

    These policies have helped to stem population loss .

  5. 黄羽肉鸡慢羽羽型遏传及分布规律研究

    Study on the Inheritance and Distribution of Slow feathering Type in Yellow Plumage Meat Chicken

  6. 即使对前者的担心有一定的基础,遏被制的恐惧还是夸大了。

    Even if the first worry has some basis , fears of containment are overblown .

  7. 文章从还贷、遏源、开源与节流四个方面对高校贷款问题进行了全面的思考。

    The paper carried on all thinking to the loan problem of university and college .

  8. 一次尝到血,虎欲永难遏。

    The tiger that has once tasted blood is never sated with the taste of it .

  9. 作为炎黄子孙还可以去拜遏离西安不远的皇帝陵。

    You may pay tribute to the tomb of Huangdi ( Yellow Emperor ), first Chinese Emperor .

  10. 第二个星期叫「遏蒲昙」,就是由凝滑,变成一种胞形了。

    The second week of development is called the arbuda stage when the coagulated form takes on a globular shape .

  11. 那些显然并非人类的怪物在一点点靠近时,我遏住她的手腕,把她的胳膊紧紧束在身边。

    I pinned her arms to her sides and slipped the restraints onto her wrists as the inhuman nightmares came at us .

  12. 认为湖南报业应抓住历史机遏,走产业化、集约化发展的道路。

    It is thought that Hunan 's newspaper industry should grasp the historical opportunities and take the road of industrialization and intensive development .

  13. 祛瘀法治疗疮疡病的临床体会气血壅遏,热盛肉腐为主要病机;

    Clinical Experience of Blood-Stasis-Removing Therapy for Sores The main pathological process is long time stasis of Qi and blood transforming into heat and exuberant heat leading to sores .

  14. 面对如此严峻的挑战,发展中体育服装业已经成为迫在眉睫,遏待解决的核心问题。

    Faced with such serious challenge , the development of the clothing industry has become a sport to be imminent , the core of the problem to be solved topographic maps .

  15. 1998年底,美国海湾战略转变为独遏伊拉克,2003年美国发动伊拉克战争,结束了伊拉克的萨达姆时代。

    By the end of 1998 , Iraq was the only target of American containment strategy , when the regime of Saddam in Iraq was overthrown in 2003 in the Iraq War .