首页 / 词典 / good

  • call on ;pay respects to
  • 拜见:~见。拜~。进~。

  • 说明,陈述,告发:请~其故。

  • 请求:~归。~医。

  • 名帖:“使者惧而失~,跪拾~”。

  • 掌管晋见的近待。

  1. 访谒者操作的欣赏器与平台多种多样。

    Statistics indicate visitors use a wide variety of browsers and platforms .

  2. 谒诚欢迎各界朋友和我们联系。

    Welcome the public the friend to contact with us .

  3. 其中,游谒活动是贯穿他诗歌的一条主线,而亲情的诚挚诉说则是最打动人心的部分。

    The sincere affection is the most deeply moving part of his poems .

  4. 论唐代干谒之风及其对文学的影响

    Ganye in Tang Dynasty and its Influence on Literature

  5. 我厂全体员工谒诚欢迎客户莅临指导、参观考察或来电咨询!

    All of our staffs sincerely welcome clients to visit , or to inquire !

  6. 唐代文学的新变与当时盛行的文人干谒风气有着千丝万缕的联系。

    The variation of Tang literature is closely connected with the prevailing Ganye atmosphere .

  7. 她是那种非常和谒的人。

    She 's an extremely kind person .

  8. 陀螺仪的设计曾使许多熟练的科学家和工程师谒尽了创造才能。

    The art of gyro design has taxed the ingenuity of many skilled scientists and engineers .

  9. 新市少有规矩天前去访谒皆市贫仄易远,得到了他们的一些好感。(名次勃换成副词)

    The new mayor earned some appreciation by the courtesy of coming to visit the city poor .

  10. 他真诚地改信了犹太教。谒诚欢迎各界有识之士坦诚相见,真诚合作。

    He sincerely converted to Judaism Wholeheartedly welcome faithful cooperation from men of insight of all circles .

  11. 请按我方谒价单报最低价格和最早交货期。

    Please quote as request in our inquiry sheet your lowest price and state your earliest delivery date .

  12. 谒诚欢迎新老客户光临惠顾,共谋发展,共创未来!

    Customers are sincerely welcome to pay a visit to our company and develop together for the brilliant future !

  13. 以质优、价廉的产品与新老客户谒诚合作,共创辉煌。

    We hope to cooperate with new and old customers with good quality and competitive price to establish new resplendence .

  14. 谒诚欢迎各界有识之士坦诚相见,真诚合作。我们秉以诚心,等待您的竭诚合作!

    Wholeheartedly welcome faithful cooperation from men of insight of all circles . We Bing to sincerely awaiting your wholehearted cooperation !

  15. 我们的服务宗旨是方便、快捷、高效,谒诚为国内外客户提供一站式综合物流及供应链式服务。

    Our services are convenient , fast , efficient and sincerely provide our clients one-stop integrated logistics and supply chain services .

  16. 结合其自身处境、社会背景、投谒性文字三个方面分析论证,可对其人品重新作一评价。

    This article analyzes it from three aspects : the social background , his life and his begging words , to reappraise his character .

  17. 我原筹算在今年二月访谒印度,后来不得不推迟,这使我出格失踪望。

    It was a keen disappointment when I had to postpone the visit which I intended to pay to India in February this year .

  18. 我担任总理以来多次访谒德国,每次都给我留下深刻印象。

    I have paid several visits to Germany since taking office as the Chinese premier , and each visit left a deep impression on me .

  19. 其源头,隐隐约约,并不引人注目;其流势,时而平缓,时而湍急;其水情,有汛期,也有枯谒期。

    It has its obscure and unpretentious beginning ; its quite stretches as well as its rapids ; its periods of drought as well as of fullness .

  20. 我们真诚地希望与各界同仁加强合作,共同发展,同时谒诚欢迎国内外新老客户前来洽谈业务,试压泵惠顾指导。

    We sincerely hope with all my colleagues to strengthen cooperation and common development , sincerely welcome new and old customers to negotiate business , throughout the guide .

  21. 欢迎各界人士到我公司洽谈业务,公司必本着让顾客百分之一百满意的企业精神,谒诚为广大客户服务,满足广大客户的要求。

    We are willing to cooperate with new partners , with our company spirit of " 100 percent customer satisfaction " to serve customers and meet their requirements .

  22. 企业本着“持续改进、精益求精、用户满意、行业创优”的质量方针,谒诚为客户提供优质满意的产品和服务。

    We always pursue the policy " continuous improvement , excellence , customer satisfaction , industry excellence ", We try our best to provide customers with qualified products and services .

  23. 本厂以“质量第一,顾客至上”为宗旨,谒诚欢迎海内外客商光临惠顾,真诚合作,共图发展。

    Sticking To Hte Aim Of " Quality First , Cuttomers Utmost ", Warmly Welcome Businessmen At Home And Abroad To Visit And Discuss Business To Create A Splendid Future .

  24. 我们诚信致力经营及优质的售后保证,诚获各界的认可,谒诚欢迎新老客户惠顾,携手合作共创繁荣昌盛。

    We are committed to business integrity quality after-sales guarantee , Prudential has been recognized by all walks of life , sincerely welcome new old customers , work together to create prosperity .

  25. 我梦想有一天,深谷弥合,高山夷平,歧路化坦途,曲径成通衢,文学的光华再现,普天下生灵共谒。

    I dream that one day , deep bridge , leveling mountains , Crossroads of smooth , winding paths into a thoroughfare , literary representation of Sinorama , people were called the whole world .

  26. 公司将一如继往地坚持“质量第一、服务第一、信誉第一”的宗旨,谒诚为新老客户提供价格最低品质最好的卷板机!

    Will , as always , adhere to the " quality first , service first , credibility first ", We sincerely for the new and old customers with the best quality the lowest price machine !

  27. 公司以品种齐全、质优价便,本着以品质赢天下、以诚信服务为宗旨,谒诚为中外客户提供优质产品。

    Company to the full range , quality and price will be , in order to win the world quality , integrity and service for the purpose ; for Chinese and foreign customers with quality products .

  28. 东汉初年,官府已注意水利的兴修。明帝时,命民间水利专家王景和将作谒者王吴主持修治黄河和汴渠,并为这项工程而征调数十万人。

    In the earlier years of the Eastern Han , the government had attached importance to constructing water conservancy , in the reign of Emperor Ming , the noted specialist Wang Jing and Wang Wu organized the huge project to repair and harness the Yellow River and the Bianqu canal , in which hundreds of thousands of people were recruited .