- velocity constant

New method for computing the kinetic velocity constant
In chemical kinetics , the measurement of velocity constant of sucrose hydrolysis by polarimetry is a typical experiment .
K3 - rate constant of chain propagation .
The gelation rate constant K is an important parameter in characterizing gelation rate and membrane structure .
Nitrogen conversion rate in water is directly related to the available nitrogen content in the sediment .
Determination of Rate Contants of Alkaline Hydrolysis for Model Vinyl Sulfone Dye-Cellulose Compounds by HPLC
Kinetic constant and apparent activation energy of iodine catalytic reaction of ascorbic acid oxidation Naphth Green B have been determined by spectrophotometric method .
14 reaction kinetics rate k , 14 reaction activation energy E and 14 frequency factors have been obtained by the regression of test data .
Its reaction constant K , rate constant k_1 , activation energy E_ ( a.1 ) and Arrhenius factor k_ ( 0.1 ) were determined .
For the simplified equation : coal → Asphaltene → Oil , the specific reaction-rate constant K_1 , K_2 and activation energy E_1 , E_2 were estimated .
For the kinetics of ion flotation of cupric ion , a zero order reaction was found by experiment , and the rate constant K_0 was estimated .
Is this article , a new mathematical procedure for calculating the rate constants ( k2 / k1 , k1 ) in 2-step series-parallel second-order reactions is presented .
CONCLUSION : The mechanism of analgin nasal absorption is passive diffusion , following first order kinetics , the absorption rate constant is 0.022 19 min - 1 .
Methods : The novel method was based on the analysis of differential kinetics of the plasma level of the single compartmental drug by single intravenous infusion injection .
The rate constant of the Zu ( II ) / Zn exchange reaction in slightly acidic sulfate solution has been determined through AC impedance spectroscopy .
Besides , the simplified methods that could calculate the apparent zero-order absorption rate constant ( k0 ) of inhaled MMH vapour were explored .
In addition , we have also proposed a new index & the volume of the oxygen consumption of the coal samples , whose value can be directly tested by the experiment .
According to the reaction rate at different temperatures , we calculate the activation energy of AlAs reacting with H2O vapor .
The experimental investigation shows that these two dyes undergo fluorescence quenching in their singlet excited state and the quenching rates ( Kq ) by viologen are faster than that by amines .
The increase of AP specific surface area lead to decrease of initial decomposition temperature , decomposition peak temperature and decomposition activation energy , but reaction rate constant rise .
When DPE / n-BuLi ( mole ratio ) increased from 1.0 to 10.0 , the apparent propagation rate constant kp ' ' decreased 32 % at 30 ℃, and decreased 47 % at 60 ℃ .
The electrode kinetic parameters such as charge transfer coefficient α, diffusion coefficient D and apparent reaction rate constant k_f are determined by CV , CC and CA.
The transient photocurrent behaviours of Au modified CdSe thin film electrodes were studied in polysulfide solution . The reaction rate constants of interfacial heterogeneous charge transfer KF , surface charge recombination KR and photocorrosion Kc were estimated .
The results of Tafel curves showed the additive decrease the exchange current density values and electrode reaction rate constant .
The oxidation kinetic rate constant kp of heavy rail steel followed the exponential curves with temperature , kp value under the same atmosphere increased with temperature .
The dissolving process accords with first-order reaction dynamic model , and the relation between dissolving rate constant and temperature can be depicted by Arrhenius equation .
Phases were identified with the X-ray diffractometer . As a result , the oxidation is do - minated by decarburization in the first stage of oxidation , and K_ ( pl ) is hig - her .
The kinetics of homogeneous phase dodecyl alcohol ethoxylation for alcohol ether synthesis has been studied in the presence of KOH catalyst with a continuous tubular reactor . A simplified kinetic model and the reaction rate constant were obtained .
The Kinetics of aerobic oxidation of ascorbic acid ( H_2A ) in the aqueous solution is studied at 25 ~ 50 ℃ . The experiments indicate that the oxidation is a 0.5-order reaction and the velocity constants of oxidation were evaluated .
As the platinum content in the catalyst is 21 . 6 % lower than that of the R-32 catalyst , the constant of the coke burning rate is smaller , but both dependences of the coke burning rate on the oxygen partial pressure are matched with each other .