
shì shì
  • Death;pass on;pass away;loss;die;demise;grave;expire
逝世 [shì shì]
  • [pass away;die] 死亡的婉词

  • 这位巨人逝世以后所形成的空白,不久就会使人感觉到。--《在马克思墓前的讲话》

逝世[shì shì]
  1. 从Mara邀请圣尊到逝世是这一章最适合的开始的话题。

    Mara invite to Blessed One to pass away this is most suitable topic to begin this chapter .

  2. 爱因斯坦于1955年在美国新泽西州逝世,享年76岁。

    Einstein die in the American state of New Jersey in1955 .

  3. 明年是威尔第逝世一百周年。

    Next year sees the centenary of Verdi 's death .

  4. 她的逝世引发了大规模的骚乱。

    Her death was the occasion of mass riots .

  5. 举国都在为她的逝世哀悼。

    The whole country mourned her death .

  6. 去年我父亲逝世了——我要是能使他起死回生该多好啊。

    My father died last year ─ I wish I could bring him back to life .

  7. 为纪念他逝世30周年,有一系列的电影要上映。

    A series of movies will be shown to commemorate the 30th anniversary of his death .

  8. 这是该作曲家逝世40周年纪念日。

    It was the fortieth anniversary of the death of the composer .

  9. 展览恰好在他逝世50周年之际举行。

    The exhibition coincides with the 50th anniversary of his death

  10. 很多人都会哀悼他的逝世。

    His passing will be mourned by many people .

  11. 时下出现的这些有关玛丽莲·梦露的书和纪录片是借她逝世30周年之际推出的。

    The present crop of books and documentaries about Marilyn Monroe exploit the thirtieth anniversary of her death

  12. 世界各地将举办以莫扎特的作品为主题的音乐会,以纪念他逝世200周年。

    The 200th anniversary of Mozart 's death is being commemorated around the world with concerts featuring his work .

  13. 今天是他逝世100周年纪念日,我们为此在这里举行盛大的纪念活动。

    It is the 100th anniversary of his death . We here are having very great celebrations in this connection .

  14. 他的逝世是国家的重大损失。

    His death is a great loss to his country .

  15. 我们哀悼他的逝世。

    We lament ( over ) his death .

  16. 当今的女王是在她父亲逝世时继位的。

    The present Queen succeeded to the throne upon the death of her father .

  17. 你母亲逝世,我特向你表示哀悼。

    I condole with you upon the loss of your mother .

  18. 惊悉你亲人逝世,深切悲痛。

    It is with the deepest regret that we learn of your bereavement .

  19. 他的逝世标志着一个时代的结束。

    His death marked the end of an era .

  20. 他逝世后出版的有:几部变奏曲,一些独立的乐章,两首协奏曲,和一首协奏曲快板。

    Several sets of variations , a few independent movements , two concertos , and a concert allegro were published after his death .

  21. 梅里安已逝世三百周年,今年六月将在阿姆斯特丹举行一场国际研讨会来纪念她。

    Three hundred years after her death , Merian will be celebrated at an international symposium in Amsterdam this June .

  22. 最近,斯塔布斯以哈德森太太的身份赢得了年轻人的喜欢。她在BBC电视剧《神探夏洛克》中饰演贝克街221B和221C的女房东,与本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇和马丁·弗里曼合作。尤娜·斯塔布斯逝世后,本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇表示悼念,他说:

    More recently , she won new generations of fans as Mrs Hudson , the caring landlady Street in the BBC series Sherlock , alongside Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman .

  23. 主教逝世两年后被正式封为圣者。

    Two years after his death the bishop was canonised .

  24. 他的逝世对这个国家是一大损失。

    His death was a great loss to the country .

  25. 国际奥委会当地时间8月29日宣布,国际奥林匹克委员会前主席雅克·罗格逝世,享年79岁。

    Former International Olympic Committee ( IOC ) president Jacques Rogge has passed away at the age of 79 , the IOC announced on Sunday .

  26. 人们没有国鼎家电网想到,在唐伯虎逝世N百年后,著名武林前辈小李他爸的断言竟然应验。

    People have never expected that after N hundred years of Tang Bohu 's death , the affirmation of the famous Wulin senior-Xiao Li 's father could still come true .

  27. 2006年,亲北京的香港大亨霍英东(henryfok)逝世,享年83岁。

    In 2006 , Henry Fok , a prominent pro-Beijing magnate , died at the age of 83 .

  28. 工作人员接到BBC更改时间表的通知,将会与女王的逝世保持同步。

    Staff were informed of the change in BBC schedule that will coincide with the Queen 's death .

  29. 当科学诞生之时,在1880年,JamesClerkMaxwell刚刚逝世一年,他成功的解释了光、电、磁和热现象。

    When Science was born , in1880 , James Clerk Maxwell had died just the year before , after successfully explaining light , electricity , magnetism , and heat .

  30. 新德里——B·K·S·艾扬格于周三在印度南部城市浦那逝世,享年95岁,在西方世界开始了解“内在生活”概念期间,他曾出力将瑜伽引入西方。

    NEW DELHI - B. K. S. Iyengar , who helped introduce the practice of yoga to a Western world awakening to the notion of an inner life , died on Wednesday in the southern Indian city of Pune . He was 95 .