
  • 网络Trongsa Dzong;Tongsa;Tongsa Dzong
  1. 在拍摄这张照片的时候,年老的僧侣TharpaTashi已经被禁闭在通萨宗(通萨要塞)嘹望塔6年了。

    At the time of this photograph , senior monk Tharpa Tashi had been confined to the Tongsa Dzong (" Tongsa Fortress ") watchtower for six years .

  2. 【英文原文】【中文翻译】在拍摄这张照片的时候,年老的僧侣TharpaTashi已经被禁闭在通萨宗(通萨要塞)嘹望塔6年了。

    At the time of this photograph , senior monk Tharpa Tashi had been confined to the Tongsa Dzong ( " Tongsa Fortress " ) watchtower for six years .