
nì dìnɡ lǐ
  • converse theorem
逆定理 [nì dìng lǐ]
  • [converse theorem] [数]∶互换某一定理的条件和结论就得到相逆于该定理的定理

  1. 多元Bernstein-Kantorovich算子在Bα空间中的弱型逆定理

    The Weak-Type Converse Theorem of Multi-dimensional Bernstein-Kantorovich Operator in the B_ α Space

  2. Morley逆定理的证明

    The confirmation of Morley converse theorem

  3. Hilbert伴随算子逆定理在有限元法中的应用

    Application of the theorem of inverse hilbert & adjoint operator in finite element method

  4. 应用K-泛函和乘子方法建立了球面Jackson多项式逼近的正定理、逆定理和饱和定理。

    Using methods of K-functional and multiplier the direct , inverse and saturation theorems are established .

  5. 关于推广的Bernstein多项式同时逼近的逆定理

    The inverse theorem of global approximation of derivatives of generalized Bernstein polynomials

  6. 广义Bernstein组合算子饱和性的整体逆定理

    A global reverse theorem for combinations of generalized Bernstein operators

  7. 给出高维增广相空间中广义力学系统的Lie对称定理及其逆定理。

    In this paper , the Lie 's symmetrical theorem and its inverse of generalized mechanical systems in dimensional extended phase space are given .

  8. 研究了一类修正的Jackson型三角插值算子在Ba空间中的逼近阶,以K泛函为工具建立了逼近的正逆定理。

    The direct and inverse theorem of approximation by a kind of modified Jackson interpolatory operator in B a spaces is studied .

  9. Morley逆定理的证明海明威和卡拉汉之比较

    THE CONFIRMATION OF MORLEY CONVERSE THEOREM The Comparison between Hemingway and Callaghan

  10. 结果推广了Bernstein多项式的相应点态和整体的正逆定理。

    Results The corresponding direct and inverse theorems of pointwise and global approximation about Bernstein polynomials were generalized .

  11. 推广的Kantorovich多项式算子在Lp[0,1](1≤p)中的一个整体逆定理

    A Whole inverse Theorem in the L_p [ 0,1 ] ( 1 ≤ p ) for Generalized Kantorovich Polynomial Operator

  12. 根据广义力学中Lagrange方程在无限小群变换下的不变性,给出Lagrange系统的Lie对称性定理及其逆定理。

    According to the invariance of Lagrange equations under the infinitesimal transformations in generalized mechanics , the Lie symmetry theorem and its inverse of Lagrange systems are given .

  13. 还讨论了C_2π上最佳三角多项式一致逼近的平均逆定理,表明平均误差界的阶反映出概率测度所支撑集合上其函数的结构性质。

    The average inverse theorems about best uniform trigonometric polynomial approximation on C2 π was also discussed . A conclusion is obtained that the order of average error bounds reflects the structural properties of functions in supports of the probability measure .

  14. 利用光滑模ωφ(f,t)p和与之相对应的K泛函研究了Bernstein-Kantorovich-Bézier算子于Lp(1≤p≤∞)空间中的逼近正、逆定理和等价定理。

    Secondly , the approximation equivalent theorem for Bernstein-Kantorovich-Be'zier operators have been studied by using of smooth modulus ω _ φ( f , t ) _p in the space L_p ( 1 ≤ p ≤∞) .

  15. 本文给出弱Chebyshev空间的一个构造性定理,及其部分逆定理。

    This paper is to give a construction theorem of generating new weak Chebyshev spaces from standard ones and to establish a partial converes to it .

  16. 本文将射影平面上二次曲线的Steiner定理〔1〕及其逆定理、对偶定理推广到n维射影空间Pn的二次超曲面上。

    In this paper , the Steiner theorem . and its contra-theorem , duality-theorem of conical section on projective plane are generalized to the quadric-hypersurface of n-dimensional projective space .

  17. Cochran定理的推广及其逆定理

    The generalization of the Cochran theorem and its converse theorem

  18. 研究了多元Kantorovich算子在Orlicz空间中的逼近问题,得到弱型逆定理。

    In this paper , approximation problems of multivariable Kantorovich operators in Orlicz spaces are studied and a weak-type inverse theorem is obtained .

  19. 本文我们得到了广义经典力学的Poincare-Cartain积分不变量和Poincare通用积分不变量,而且还证明了相应的逆定理。

    In this paper , We obtain Poincare-Cartan integral invariant and Poincare universal integral invariant of the generalized classical . mechanics and prove the corresponding inverse theorem .

  20. 引进Bernstein型多项式的线性组合算子,研究其点态逼近的速度和逆定理,刻画了它的其逼近特征。

    After introducing the linear combination of Bernstein type polynomials , we get the rate of pointwise approximation and inverse theorem , A characterized theorem of approximation is given for the combination .

  21. Bernstein-Kantorovich算子导数的点态和整体的正逆定理

    The Direct and Inverse Theorems of Pointwise and Global for Derivatives of Bernstein - Kantorovich Operators

  22. 定义Szász型算子的线性组合,研究线性组合算子的点态收敛速度的上界估计,得到较高的逼近阶,同时给出逼近的逆定理。

    The linear combinations of Szasz type operators are defined , the upper estimation of rate of pointwise convergence is studied , a highter degree of approximation is getted , and an inverse theorem of approximation is given .

  23. 以加权最佳多项式逼近度为度量工具,建立单纯形上Bernstein算子加Jacobi权逼近的正逆定理,进而刻画逼近阶的特征。

    With the best polynomial approximation as a metric tool , we have established the direct and inverse theorems of approximation with the Jacobi weight for multivariate Bernstein operators defined on simplex , and the behavior of the weighted approximation degree is characterized .

  24. 根据一般动力学系统在相空间的作用积分在无穷小群变换下的变换性质,分别建立起完整和非完整非保守系统的Noether定理和逆定理。

    Noether 's theorem and its inverse one of holonomic and nonholonomic non-conservative sytems are presented , respectively , according to the transformation properties of active integral of general dynamical systems in phase space under the infinitesimal transformation .

  25. 对文[1]中有关DEA有效(C2R)的定理4,本文给出了在某种条件下的逆定理,以便简化DEA有效性(C2R)的判断。

    For the theorem 4 on DEA efficiency ( C ~ 2R ) in reference , this paper gives its inverse theorem under a condition in order to be easy to discriminate DEA efficiency ( C ~ 2R ) .

  26. 定义相对论Birkhoff系统的无限小变换生成元,根据在无限小变换下微分变分原理的不变性,得到相对论Birkhoff系统的Noether定理和Noether逆定理。

    By introducing an infinitesimal generator for the relativistic Birkhoff system and based on the invariance of the differentiation variation principle under the infinitesimal transformations , the Noether theorem and Noether inverse theorem of the relativistic Birkhoff system are obtained .

  27. 本文主要讨论一类多元Gauss-Weierstrass算子的线性组合的逼近性质,建立了一致逼近下的正、逆定理,并给出了逼近阶的特征刻画。

    In this paper , a class of combinations of multidimensional Gauss-Weierstrass operators are considered , and the direct and converse theorems and the characterization of approximation rate are given .

  28. 利用积分几何方法和经典的等周不等式,得到了Bol-Fujiwara定理的一个推广(定理1),以及推广了的Bol-Fujiwara定理的逆定理(定理2)。

    We obtain a generalized Bol-Fujiwara theorem ( Theorem 1 ) and the reverse theorem ( Theorem 2 ) of the generalized Bol-Fujiwara theorem by method of integral geometry and the classical isoperimetric inequality .

  29. 给出了CoH-arrow群定理的逆定理,并且定义了H-arrow群,得到与CoH-arrow群对偶的定理。

    The converse theorem of the Co H-arrow group theorem is given , and the concept of H-arrow group is defined . Then a theorem dual with that of the Co H-arrow group is obtained .

  30. 关于用分段多项式逼近的逆定理的注记

    A Note on the Inverse Theorem for Approximation by Piecewise Polynomials