
tuì jū èr xiàn
  • resign from a leading post
退居二线[tuì jū èr xiàn]
  1. 你得退居二线,把过去和将来都捋清楚。

    You need to take a back seat and think about both past and future

  2. 现任领导层必须决定是否应退居二线,把重任移交给更为年轻的一代。

    The present leaders have to decide whether to stand down and hand over to a younger generation

  3. 你该退居二线了,让你儿子来经营吧。

    It 's about time you took a back seat and let your son run the business .

  4. 我在这一行干了40年,现在该退居二线,让位给青年人和新思想了。

    After forty years in the business it 's time for me to take a back seat and make room for younger men and new ideas .

  5. 消息称Larry将完全退居二线,但这项新安排还是被体贴的称为是工作分担制,以免Larry心理上受到伤害。

    Sources claim Larry will be completely sidelined and have described the new arrangement as a ' job share ' to avoid any hurt feelings .

  6. 于是,集团给予刚从澳新市场全权负责人位置上退居二线的葡萄酒专家托尼•乔丹博士(DrTonyJordan)4年时间,请他找寻一块能酿制出顶级红葡萄酒的地方。

    Accordingly , they gave Dr Tony Jordan , a wine scientist who had just stepped back from full-time responsibility for their Australian and New Zealand operations , four years to find a place where they stood the best chance of making world-class red wine .

  7. 利比亚战役是美国首次退居二线的联盟战役。

    Libya is the first alliance campaign where America took a back seat .

  8. 罗宾接管时,我将很高兴退居二线。

    I 'll be happy to take a back seat when Robin takes over .

  9. 微软则计划在今年底让老的服务器退居二线。

    Microsoft expects to decommission the older servers by the end of the year .

  10. 当达到一定年龄时,军官们退居二线而不再从事那些活跃的工作。

    When they reach a certain age , army officers retire from active service .

  11. 尽管己退居二线,他的工作热情丝毫不减。

    He works enthusiastically as ever even though he has retired from the leading post .

  12. 你又退居二线了,不过你还能看到美景,那就是我的后背。

    You 're back in second place with your favorite view ... my sweet behind .

  13. 多年来退居二线的连体泳衣如今要大放异彩了。

    AFTER YEARS OF being relegated to secondary status , one-piece swimwear is having a moment .

  14. 是啊,我的意思是,你该让那个射南瓜的故事退居二线了。

    Yeah , I 'm just saying maybe you take punkin chunkin out of the rotation .

  15. 也许我可以退居二线

    Perhaps I could step back

  16. 据说军队高级领导人透露,丹瑞已经决定退居二线。

    Senior army leaders reportedly told guests that the military supremo was readying to take a back seat .

  17. 在全球为英国退欧而烦恼之际,中国引发的担忧已“退居二线”——至少目前是这样。

    As the globe frets over Brexit , China worries have been superseded - for now , at least .

  18. 赛季末期的踝伤让他完全退居二线,但他看上去更有准备了。

    A late-season ankle injury kept him from taking the reins completely , but he looked much more ready .

  19. 这位老干部主动退居二线,让年轻的干部来接班

    The veteran cadre left the leading post of his own accord to let a younger cadre to succeed him

  20. 同时,广播网络已经退居二线,成为情景剧、侦探作品和歌唱比赛的领地。

    Meanwhile , broadcast networks have retreated into a safe zone of sitcoms , police procedurals and singing competitions .

  21. 对于我来说是时候退居二线,来个深呼吸和反省了。

    For me it is the right time to take a step back , take a deep breath and reflect .

  22. 30年后的今天,卡兰已退居二线(不再担任自己品牌的设计总监),但跨季概念如今比以往任何时候都显得重要。

    Thirty years on , Karan has stepped away from her label but the trans-seasonal concept is more relevant than ever .