
  • 网络Retirement Planning;retirement plan
  1. 作为夫妻,你怎么做对退休规划呢?

    As a couple what do you do about retirement planning ?

  2. 任何人,无论是否是会员,都可以注册并加入到“退休规划”、“老年创业”等具体的话题小组,也可以新建一个群组。

    Anyone , member or not , can register to join topic-specific groups such as " retirement planning " and " seniors as entrepreneurs " or start a new group .

  3. W:还有,我们公司还有一项极好的退休规划和医疗保险。

    W : Yes , we have an excellent retirement plan and medical insurance as well .

  4. 卡洛斯•格林在一家大型共同基金公司负责退休规划业务时,同事们都没想到,他的五张信用卡居然共计欠款约40000美元。

    When Carlos Greene worked in retirement planning for a major mutual fund company , none of his colleagues knew that he was carrying nearly $ 40,000 on five different credit cards .

  5. 人寿保险作为个人理财规划中一个不可缺少的重要工具,不仅是风险管理的重要组成部分,而且在储蓄和投资规划、遗产规划、教育规划、退休规划、最小税负规划等方面发挥着重要的作用。

    Life Insurance as an important and indispensable tool in personal financial planning , it is not only an important component of risk management , but also play an important role in savings and investment planning , estate planning , education planning , retirement planning and tax planning .

  6. 理财顾问的职责通常是帮助投资者管理资产、为退休做规划。

    Financial planners typically help investors manage their money and plan for retirement .

  7. 但退休需要规划和储蓄。

    But retirement calls for planning and savings .

  8. 三分之一(38%)的中国家长没有人寿保险;另外,50-59岁之间的人中有三分之一的人没有退休养老规划。

    A third ( 38 percent ) of Chinese parents do not have life insurance while another third ( 35 percent ) of those aged 50-59 are not saving for retirement .

  9. 据悉,30多岁的受访者中有超过37%的人没有任何短期储蓄;三分之一(38%)的中国家长没有人寿保险;另外,50-59岁之间的人中有三分之一的人没有退休养老规划。

    Over 37 percent of respondents in their thirties do not have any short-term savings . A third ( 38 percent ) of Chinese parents do not have life insurance while another third ( 35 percent ) of those aged 50-59 are not saving for retirement .

  10. 这些外部的第三方供应商网站包括外包旅行预定、管理调查、退休福利与规划、辅导计划和IBM书店等。

    These external , third-party vendor Web sites include outsourced travel reservations , management surveys , retirement benefits and planning , a mentoring program , and an IBM bookstore .

  11. 从服务管理的角度而言,可以使用此信息来测定服务资产的使用率并据此对服务迁移和“退休”策略进行规划。

    From a service management perspective , you can use this information to measure the utilization of the service assets and plan service migration and retirement strategies accordingly .