
lián xù xìnɡ zhuànɡ
  • Continuous trait;linked characters
  1. 家禽连续性状遗传分析模型误差方差估计

    Estimation of Error Variance in Genetic Analysis Models of Continuous Traits of Poultry

  2. 岩体赋存于一定地质环境中,经过漫长的地质构造作用,形成连续性状的岩石材料和非连续性状的各种地质结构面组成的复杂地质体。

    Being situated in a certain geological environments , complex geological bodies were formed over a long geological period of time . Rock mass consists of continuum rock and discontinuous geological structural planes .

  3. 采用随机模拟方法模拟了在一个闭锁群体内连续对单个性状选择10个世代的情形。

    A ten-generation continuous selection experiment on a single trait in a closed population was carried out by stochastic simulation .

  4. 匍匐茎中柱鞘纤维呈几乎连续环带的性状,可能有利于其延伸来寻找顶芽的着生点。

    Pericycle fibers in the stolon nearly forming a ring is a secondary character that is usefull for the extension of the terminal bud of the stolon and finding a suitable point to develop .

  5. 从D0到D3代连续4代田间性状观察统计发现,变异植株的株高、穗位高、光合叶面积等均有变化。

    Through observing character of 4 generation from D_0 to D_3 , the height of plant the height of fruit and area of leaf are all variety .

  6. 这可能是由于连续对开花期性状定向选择的结果,也可能还与群体有效含量和选择强度引起的遗传漂变有关。

    This might be due to the continuous , oriented selection for the flowering traits and might also be due to the genetic drift induced by selection intensity and effective population size .