
lián xù fēn bù
  • continuous distribution
  1. 一个接触应力的连续分布函数P(θ)用来描述齿间载荷的分配。

    A continuous distribution function of the contact stress p (θ) is used for describing the load sharing among tooth .

  2. 对华北GPS监测区近期地壳应变连续分布的估计

    Estimation for continuous distribution of recent crustal strain in GPS monitoring area of North China

  3. 揭示了AlN/Si界面存在连续分布的载流子陷阱态,给出了陷阱态密度在Si禁带中随能量的分布;

    The trap states distribution with the energy range at Si forbidden band was given .

  4. TiO2薄膜在釉面陶瓷表面呈连续分布,而在玻璃表面上出现了破裂现象;

    But on the glass surface , the films appeared cracked phenomenon ;

  5. 采用三次样条函数拟合连续分布的曲线函数;燃气轮机叶片造型的混合约束条件三次B样条设计法

    The piecewise curve is fit by the cubic spline to obtain curvature function . Blade Forming of Gas Turbine Using Cubic Spline Fit Method

  6. 基于连续分布方向图和改进的PoincaréIndex的指纹分类

    Fingerprint Classification Based on Both Continuously Distributed Directional Image and Modified Version of Poincar é Index

  7. 此外,BC1群体可育株的育性分离皆呈连续分布,说明有修饰或抑制基因对育性恢复作用。

    Besides , Fertility segregation of the fertile plants in BC_1 populations distributed continuously .

  8. 具有连续分布时滞的中立型Hopfield神经网络的吸引集

    Attracting set of a class of neutral Hopfield neural network with continuously distributed delays

  9. 各F2群体中的叶色呈现双峰连续分布,验证了叶色遗传的双基因模型;

    The leaf color distribution in F2 populations showed two successive apices , approving the inheritance of rice leaf color accorded with two genes model .

  10. 使用一个半监督学习算法,ANN可产生一个能够指示相对稳定度的连续分布的暂态稳定指标。

    The ANN can derive a continuous-spread stability index to indicate the relative stability degree by means of a semi-supervised learning algorithm .

  11. 燃烧合成产物由TiC和Ni两相组成,Ni粘结相基本上呈网状连续分布于球形的TiC颗粒周围,随着Ni含量的增加,TiC颗粒尺寸减小。

    Spheroidal TiC particles were enveloped by nearly continuous Ni binder phases . Size of TiC particles decrease with Ni content increasing .

  12. 晶界无析出带的宽度随时效温度提高和时效时间的延长而增大。120℃时效24h后晶界析出相连续分布,晶界无析出带很窄。

    The width of precipitation free zone ( PFZ ) increases with the increase of ageing time .

  13. 连续分布时滞系统(ContinuouslyDistributedTime-LagsSystems,简记为CDTLS)是一类应用广泛的系统。

    The continuously distributed time-lags systems ( CDTLS ) are widely found in socioeconomic activities and engineering practice .

  14. 群体呈连续分布,双向超亲现象明显,HR较BR、MR变异范围更大并偏向低值方向;

    The population showed continuous distributions with transgressive segregation on both sides for all traits while HR had a wider variation than BR and MR.

  15. 弱致病菌株与强致病菌株杂交F1代致病性由弱至强呈连续分布,子代致病性的平均水平接近种亲代致病性的平均值。

    Segregation in F1 generations distributed continuously , and the mean of pathogenicity in posterity was close to that in two parents .

  16. 将连续分布函数离散化,构造Leslie矩阵,对群体动物进行动态研究;

    Leslie matrix was structured by discrete continuous distribution function and then animals population dynamics were studied ;

  17. 基于衡量连续分布之间距离的Kullback-LeiblerDivergence,我们提出了一个新的非线性相关聚类算法。

    Based on Kullback-Leibler divergence between continuous distributions , we develop a novel nonlinear correlation clustering algorithm . 4 .

  18. 连续分布时滞Cohen-Grossberg神经网络渐近稳定性准则

    Criteria on asymptotical stability of Cohen-Grossberg neural networks with continuously distributed time-delay

  19. 此外,由于组织中β相的颗粒化使其在组织中呈现不连续分布,引起了材料硬度HV和伸长率δ的降低。

    In addition , the discontinuous distribution of β phase caused by the granulation results in the decrease of elongation (δ) and micro-hardness ( HV ) .

  20. F2代四个组合淀粉特性分布规律结果表明各个组合淀粉特性的分布均为连续分布,但分布规律因组合和性状的不同而异。

    The starch properties of F2 single plant in 4 different crosses showed continuous distribution , but the regularity of distribution were different .

  21. 从255个双单倍体株系抗旱鉴定结果看,该群体表型呈单峰连续分布,符合正态分布,表明叶片卷曲度在DH群体中呈现数量遗传的性状。

    The result indicates that the leaf rolling presents quantative genetic character in the DH population because the phenotype distribution accords with normal school .

  22. 通过研究土壤速效钾的空间变异性,获取香蕉地土壤速效钾、pH的连续分布图,为土壤钾养分分区管理及科学施肥提供依据。

    Continued distribution map of soil available potassium and pH were obtained through researching on the spatial variability of soil available potassium , and it could provide reference to the management and scientific fertilization of soil potassium nutrient .

  23. ~F2,其中F1(已知)与F2(未知)为两个不同的连续分布函数;

    ~ F 2 , where F 1 ( is known ) and F 2 ( is unknown ) are two different continuous distribution functions .

  24. 结果表明,在F3株系群中水稻发芽率及其相对碱害率均呈单峰接近正态的连续分布。

    The germination capacity and its relative alkali damage rate showed a continuous and near normal distribution in F3 lines .

  25. 仅通过单步光刻和相对廉价的湿法腐蚀步骤,制作具有纳米特征尺度、表面相位台阶连续分布的DOE器件。

    The DOE device with nano-scale features and continuous phase-step distribution , can be fabricated only through single-step photolithography and low cost wet etching process .

  26. 组织观察结果表明,Si相呈网络状连续分布,其形成机制主要为浸渗时Si颗粒的溶解析出机制和凝固过程中Si的附着析出机制。

    The results show that an approximate parabola curve of infiltration depth versus infiltration time is proved . It is indicated that the main mechanisms of continuous netlike Si phase are dissolution-deposition and appendiculate deposition of Si .

  27. 通过Robin特征值的方法获得了带连续分布偏差变元的抛物泛函微分方程解振动的若干充分条件。

    More precisely , using Robin eigenvalue method the authors obtained several sufficient conditions of oscillation of solutions of parabolic functional differential equations with continuous distributed deviating arguments .

  28. 在GIS中,有一类应用是基于连续分布耗费场的最优路径计算问题,如公路选线等。

    In GIS applications , there is an important class which is used to calculate the optimum path with minimum cost based on a cost field , such as to find the shape of a road line with minimum cost , etc.

  29. 在actin阳性儿呈连续分布者中明显低于actin阴性或不连续分布者(P<0.05)。

    The expression of cyclin E in actin positive and continuous distribution tissues was lower than that in actin negative or discontinuous distribution tissues ( P < 0.05 ) .

  30. 结果表明,上述根系性状在F3代家系群均表现为连续分布,认为是由多基因所控制的数量性状。

    All of root traits at seedling stage showed a continuous distribution in F_3 lines , which were quantitative traits controlled by many genes .