
lián zì fú
  • hyphen;en dash
连字符 [lián zì fú]
  • [hyphen] 用来分开或连接词或词中的成分的标点符号

连字符[lián zì fú]
  1. 你的名字有用连字符吗?

    Is your name hyphenated ?

  2. “网络英语”即在网络上使用的英语(如缩写、首字母缩写、小写字母、不使用标点符号和连字符等)。

    Weblish is a form of English that is used on the web ( use of abbreviations , acronyms1 , small letters , absence of punctuation2 and hyphens etc. )

  3. -a-连字符+-tron(=electron)电子.[物]阴电子(等于negativeelectron)

    An electron with a negative charge , as contrasted with a positron n

  4. 要撤消所选的短划线并阻止word以后将连字符转换为短划线,请单击“停止自动创建破折号”。

    To undo the selected dash and prevent word from converting future hyphens to dashes , click stop automatically creating dashes .

  5. 对于每个XML标记名,该函数将其中的下划线()该为连字符(-)。

    In every XML tag name , the function replaces any underscore character ( _ ) with a dash character ( - ) .

  6. 若要删除某一单词中的连字符,请选择该连字符,然后按delete。

    To remove a hyphen from a word , select the hyphen , and then press delete .

  7. “co-operate”这个词书写时可用连字符。

    " Co-operate " can be written with a hyphen .

  8. 单词均以连字符分隔,并且此函数的名字是以一个问号结尾的,用以表示此函数是一个断言,因它会返回true或false。

    Words are separated by hyphens , and the function 's name ends with a question mark , indicating it is a predicate in that it returns true or false .

  9. 另外,出于相同的原因,将原始用户ID中的=(等号)符号替换为-(连字符)。

    Also , the = ( equal ) sign is replaced by the - ( hyphen ) in the original user ID for the same reason .

  10. teapot是个连写的复合词(即中间无连字符)。

    The word ` teapot ' is a solid compound , ie not hyphenated .

  11. 连字符后的任何内容都被看作是Debian修订号。

    Anything after a hyphen is considered the Debian revision number .

  12. 在XML中,最常用的做法是名称全部小写并加连字符,比如first-name。

    The most common approach to XML is to use all lowercase names with dashes , like first-name .

  13. stdout和stdin通常表示为连字符(-)。

    Both stdout and stdin are typically denoted as a hyphen ( - ) .

  14. 作为XML处理器的实现者,我们可以定义一个特殊的date数据类型,该类型遵循“日-月-年”的格式,也可以使用其他分隔符,不一定要使用连字符(-)。

    As an implementor of an XML processor , we might define a special date datatype that conforms to the format of day-month-year , but uses various separators , not just a hyphen ( - ) .

  15. 语言环境名称是这样组成的:小写的两字母ISO语言代码,可选地,后面可以跟下划线或连字符以及大写的两字母ISO国家或地区代码。

    A locale name is constructed from a two-letter lowercase ISO country code , optionally followed by an underscore or hyphen and a two-letter uppercase ISO language code .

  16. 它包含locale文件夹,使用小写格式,并用连字符分隔语言代码和可选的国家代码。

    It contains the locale folders , which are lower cased , and a hyphen separates the language code from the optional country code .

  17. CLP将前缀为两个连字符的所有文本字符串都解释为注释。

    The CLP interprets any text string that is prefixed by a double hyphen ( & ) as a comment .

  18. 在这种环境中,登录Shell和其他的Shell实例(比如那些运行Shell脚本的Shell)通过名字相互区别:每个登录Shell的进程名字都以一个连字符作为前缀,如-bash。

    In this environment , a login shell was differentiated from other shell instances ( such as those running a shell script ) by name : The process name of each login shell was prefixed with a hyphen , as in - bash .

  19. 命令行中的双连字符把dsh命令本身的选项与要运行的命令分隔开。

    The two dashes in the command line separate options for the dsh command itself from the command to run .

  20. 由于大多数工具都接受使用连字符(-)的标准输入作为一个参数,因此即使使用cat来分散stdin中的多个文件,参数也通常是无效的。

    Because most tools take standard input as an argument using a hyphen ( - ), even the argument for using cat to intersperse multiple files with stdin is often not valid .

  21. 第一个tar命令将目录/path/to/original进行归档并将归档文件写到stdout,创建(c)选项后面使用的连字符(-)表示stdout。

    The first tar archives the directory / path / to / original and emits the archive file to stdout ; the hyphen ( - ) used with the create ( c ) option specifies stdout .

  22. 2008年6月30日,沃尔玛公开了新的公司标志,完整的没有连字符的“Walmart”名称加上一个设计精美的火花图案,一如卖场广告上出现的标志。

    On June 302008 , Walmart unveiled a new company logo , featuring the non-hyphenated name " Walmart " followed by a stylized spark , as it is referred to on store advertisements .

  23. 许多命令使用连字符(-)取代文件名作为一个参数,用于表示输入来自stdin而不是文件。

    Many commands use a hyphen ( - ) in place of a filename as an argument to indicate when the input should come from stdin rather than a file .

  24. 如果名称是用连字符连接的,或者使用了名称空间,就加上引号(request.XML.“official-name”)。

    If the name is hyphenated or namespaced , surround it in quotes ( request . XML . " official-name ") .

  25. 如果您想提供一个以连字符链接的元素名称的话(诸如official-name),又或者想要添加名称空间支持的话,只要给元素名称加上引号就可以了。

    If you want to provide a hyphenated element name ( such as official-name ) or add namespace support , simply surround the element name in quotes .

  26. 在扫描了所有的选项参数(也就是那些以连字符为前缀的参数)后,如果selpg发现还有一个参数,则它会接受该参数为输入文件的名称并尝试打开它以进行读取。

    After scanning all option args ( that is , those prefixed by a hyphen ), if it finds one more arg , it takes it to be the name of the input file and tries to open it for reading .

  27. 在名称中点号的旁边不能有连字符。

    There cannot be dashes next to periods in the name .

  28. 如果你用了项目符号,把它们换成连字符。

    If you have used bullets , replace them with hyphens .

  29. 我们用电脑查找所有用连字符连接的词。

    We did a computer search for all the hyphenated words .

  30. 他的姓是斯特罗恩一汉密尔顿(中间是个连字符),出身南方世家。

    Strawn-Hamilton 's his name-hyphenated , you know-comes of old Southern stock .