
yuǎn háng
  • oceangoing voyage;long voyage;voyage
远航 [yuǎn háng]
  • [long voyage] 远距离航海

远航[yuǎn háng]
  1. 舰艇环球远航国际报务员应掌握的GMDSS通信业务

    Naval Vessel Global Oceangoing Voyage International GMDSS Communication Service that Radio Operator Should Master

  2. 海军陆战队员远航登陆训练后血液流变学和凝血系统的变化

    Changes of hemorheology and blood coagulation system in members of marine corps after oceangoing voyage training

  3. 是金钱驱使这些渔民驾着破旧小船冒险出海远航。

    It 's the money that spurs these fishermen to risk a long ocean journey in their flimsy boats

  4. 只有意志坚强的小伙子,才能平息波澜,扬帆远航。

    Have tough-minded boy only , ability appeases billows , hoist the sails Yuan Hang .

  5. 它是被PLA海军操作的唯一适于远航的扫雷舰。

    It is the only seagoing minesweeper operated by the PLA Navy .

  6. 船员远航期间SCL-90测试结果的变化趋势

    The variation patterns of sailors ' SCL-90 test results during long voyage

  7. 《海贼王》讲述了蒙奇·D·路飞梦想成为海贼王,与同伴在大海上远航寻找宝藏OnePiece的故事。

    The cartoon 's story centers on Monkey D.Luffy , who dreams of being the king of pirates as he travels the seas with his buddies in search of a treasure called One Piece .

  8. INMARSAT-C电传业务在舰艇远航通信中的应用

    Correspondence Applications of INMARSAT-C Telex Service in Naval Vessels Long Voyage

  9. 目的:调查海军医学专业(海医)本科学员的防御机制和个性,并分析其与远航中血浆促肾上腺皮质激素(ACTH)变化的关系。

    Objective : To investigate the defense mechanism and personality of college students in naval medicine and their relationships with the change of plasma adrenocorticotropic hormone ( ACTH ) during voyage .

  10. 与我一起远航吧,亲爱的,就现在,现在,现在。

    Sail away with me honey now , now , now .

  11. 我们正在装备这艘船,以便能作远航。

    We are fitting out the ship for a long voyage .

  12. 长时间远航对远洋渔民免疫功能和营养状况的影响

    Changes of immune function and nutrition state in pelagic fishermen

  13. 为了理想我扬帆远航去超越落日。

    For my purpose holds to sail beyond the sunset .

  14. 你为什么不跟我一道远航寻觅夏之岛?

    Will you sail away with me to discover some summer island ?

  15. 它有最强大的船队,可以远航至其他国家不能到达的地方。

    Its fleet was the strongest and sailed further than any others .

  16. 该产品适用于远航运输电子产品的包装。

    The product is suitable for packaging of electronic products transport voyage .

  17. 我们远航,我们远航,穿越海洋,重回故乡。

    We are sailing , we are sailing home again'cross the sea .

  18. 只要动下你的小手指,我们就会为你远航

    Just click your little finger and we 'll ship it for you

  19. 小舟不能远航。&富兰克林

    Little boats must keep the shores . & Benjamin Franklin

  20. 有一年,鲁道夫远航到冰岛。

    One year , Rudolph sailed all the way out to Iceland .

  21. 这个季节越海远航非常危险。

    The crossing can be perilous in this season .

  22. 成为远航世界的水手,能够成功到往各样的港口。

    To be a sailor of the world , boud for all ports .

  23. 我小的时候,我爸爸曾带我去远航。

    My dad used to take me sailing when I was a kid .

  24. 伟大的探险家曾经为了它们而远航。

    Great explorers have sailed in pursuit of them .

  25. 何塞-穆里尼奥如同海上浮标带领我的小船扬帆远航,而贝克汉一辈子都无法做到。

    Jose Mourinho floats my boat with more buoyancy than Beckham ever could .

  26. 1492年哥伦布远航美洲。

    So1492 , of course , Columbus sails the ocean blue to America .

  27. 我们这次潜水活动就是属于这个远航的一部分。

    Our dive is a part of this expedition .

  28. 随舰远航对直升机飞行人员血浆神经肽的影响

    Effects of prolonged sea deployment on plasma levels of neuropeptides in helicopter pilots

  29. 海员远航心理卫生保障

    Psycho - medical health-care of seamen on long voyage

  30. 海军远航舰艇艇员心理健康状况研究

    Mental Health of Navy Seamen Going on Long-distance Voyages