
yuǎn chénɡ kònɡ zhì
  • Remote control;long-range control
  1. 后台监控中心用VISUALBASIC语言编写,可实现数据接收、存储、远程控制等强大功能。

    The other is master monitoring station compiled with Visual Basic language , whose powerful function includes receiving data , stocks , long-range control and so on .

  2. 本文结合我院供配电系统的实际情况,采用可编程序控制器(PLC),实现了供配电系统网络的分布式控制,满足了远程控制、管理的要求。

    This paper discusses the distributed control of power supply system in a college , which is realized by using the Programmable Logic Controller ( PLC ) and satisfied for the long-range control and management .

  3. 基于神经网络延迟预测的Internet机器人远程控制

    Neural Networks Predictive Control for Internet Robots With Variational Time-delay

  4. 基于Internet的激光快速成型机床远程控制系统

    Research and development of tele-control system for rapid prototyping machine based on internet

  5. 基于智能Agent的分布式远程控制系统研究

    Research on Distributed Remote Control System Based on Intelligent Agent

  6. 移动通信技术与Internet网络的结合为家用机器人提供了一种稳定、方便的远程控制方法。

    The combination of mobile communication technology and Internet provided stable and convenient controlling means .

  7. 基于Internet的嵌入式远程控制单元

    Embedded Remote Control Unit Based on Internet

  8. 无线路由器aging测试的远程控制及实现

    Remote Control and Realization of Aging Test for Wireless Router

  9. 工业现场中PLC对变频器远程控制的实现

    Realization of the Remote Control of PLC to Inverter in Industrial Field

  10. 另一方面建立嵌入式Web服务站点,实现了网络家电的远程控制。

    On the other hand , the website has been founded and the long-distance control of network appliances have been realized .

  11. PLC在工业远程控制方面的应用

    Application of PLC in Remote Industrial Control System

  12. 基于PSTN与Internet的嵌入式终端远程控制方案

    The Long Range Control Project to Built-in Terminal by PSTN and Internet

  13. 基于PLC和GPRS技术的换热站无线远程控制系统

    Remote Control System of Heating-substation Base PLC and GPRS Technology

  14. 随着嵌入式技术和网络的发展,工业设备从基于总线技术的远程控制发展到了基于Internet技术的远程控制。

    With the development of embedded technology and network , industrial equipment developed from the bus-based remote control to internet-based remote control .

  15. 基于USB的远程控制系统在煤矿监测中的应用

    Application of Remote Control System in Coal Mine Monitoring Based on USB

  16. 基于QoS性能补偿的远程控制系统

    A Remote Control System Based on QoS Performance Compensation

  17. PC远程控制技术及其应用

    PC Remote Control-the Technology and Application

  18. 家居服务器可以采用带有语音提示功能的电话远程控制、通过INTERNET的远程控制等多种方案。

    Serve may adopt the control based on telephone which has the function of sound hint and the remote control based on Internet .

  19. 无线接入技术在基于Internet的远程控制系统中的应用将进一步扩大远程控制系统的适用范围,并使控制端更加灵活。

    The application of wireless access technology to Internet-based telecontrol system may enlarge its scope of application and may make the local computer more flexible .

  20. 该软件的旨在转入通用的PC远程控制您的移动电话。

    The main purpose of this software is to turn your mobile phone into a universal PC remote control .

  21. 另外,所有者可使用指纹,RF远程控制来开门。

    In addition , users can use PIN , RF remote controls to open the door .

  22. 基于Web的实时网络控制技术是控制技术与计算机网络技术相结合的一种远程控制技术。

    Networked control system ( NCS ) in real time based on Web is a new study field that integrates computer , network technology and control technology .

  23. VB的Winsock控件在远程控制系统实验中的应用

    The Application of Winsock of VB on Remote Control System Experiment

  24. 基于SCADA系统的井群远程控制系统设计与应用

    Design and Application of Well Group Long-distance Control System Based on SCADA System

  25. 利用Delphi实现远程控制

    Using Delphi to Complete Long-distance Control

  26. 形成了基于Android平台的移动机器人远程控制系统的雏形。

    It can be used as the rudiment of the Android-based mobile robot remote control system .

  27. 因此,基于Internet的远程控制机器人系统的研究成为当今世界的一个前沿课题和热点问题。

    Therefore , the research in the remote control robot system based on the Internet is growing up to an advanced research direction and hot issue in the world .

  28. 实现基于GPRS网络的远程控制、自动报警等功能。

    Realized functions of remote control , automatic alarm and so on based on the GPRS network .

  29. 在海水表面时,水下滑翔机借助于GPS导航和双向的无线信号通讯,来实现远程控制和测量数据的实施传输。

    At the surface , it 's commanded remotely and report their measurements in near real time via GPS navigation and two-way wireless telemetry .

  30. 他以通信设备故障测试仪为基础,基于Internet,以PC机作为远程控制平台,应用嵌入式、网络编程等技术,实现了远程信息显示和控制。

    Via Internet , taking the fault diagnosis platform for communication equipment as application terminal and adopting embedded system , network program technique , it realizes the remote monitor and control .