
jìn ɡǎnɡ
  • arrival;make/enter port
进港 [jìn gǎng]
  • [put in] 进入港口

  • 沙丘环绕的港口那儿经常有船进港

  1. 船在夜间悄然进港。

    The ship slipped into the harbour at night .

  2. 我将在进港大厅的迎接点等你。

    I 'll wait for you at the meeting point in the arrivals hall .

  3. 他把船开进港。

    He steered the boat into the harbour .

  4. 机场对进港航班关闭了。

    The airport was closed for incoming flights .

  5. 用探照灯引领轮船进港。

    Searchlights were used to guide the steamer into the harbour .

  6. 那艘船在进港时触礁了。

    The ship struck a rock at the entrance .

  7. 那些渔船刚刚进港,那场风暴就到来了。

    The fishing vessels had hardly entered the harbour when the storm came .

  8. 就在我们对这艘船的平安返港几乎不抱什么希望时,它进港了。

    We had almost given up hope of the ship 's safe return when she sailed in .

  9. 汽船是昨晚进港的。

    The steamer arrived in harbor last night .

  10. 人员的长期进港证、车辆B类通行证的使用单位必须在证件到期前1个月提出续办申请。

    Personnel 's long-term entry harbor passport , vehicle class B passport , it must apply for continuous application before one month for passport become due .

  11. 船长文献&澳大利亚CapeFlattery港进港指南与靠泊操作要点

    Captain 's literature-Australian port Cape Flattery guide to port entry and key points of berthing operation

  12. 进而对实际航班数据的分析处理,利用辨识技术建立航班进港动态过程的ARMA模型。

    Further more analyze and deal with actual flight data , setup ARMA model of flight arrival dynamic process with using identification technology .

  13. 进港航道长约5km。

    The approach channel is about 5 km in length .

  14. 海门港外航道水深浅(最浅处达1.2m)且距离长,吃水深的重载货轮都须乘潮进港。

    The outer channel of Haimen Port is very shallow and lengthy . The shallowest water is only 1.2m from the water surface .

  15. 分析结果表明:工程水域基本呈微淤态势,码头前沿港池回淤厚度约为每年2.5m。今后很长时期内大型海轮进港必须采取工程措施。

    The results indicate that project waters substantially appear stable with a little deposition , and the deposition thickness of dock basin is about 2.5m/a .

  16. 明天一清早,船没进港就老远停了。

    The next morning the ship did not enter the harbor .

  17. 进港航道通过能力经验公式的比较分析

    Analysis on Empirical Formulas for the Throughput Capacity of Entrance Channel

  18. 黄骅港进港航道航行船舶下沉运动量试验

    Test on Ship Squat Sailing on Approach Channel of Huanghua Harbor

  19. 船进港后我能去观光吗?

    Can I go sightseeing while the ship is in port ?

  20. 为了进港,我们花了好几个小时迎着风浪前进。

    We beat up for hours trying to enter the harbour .

  21. 这艘船需用两艘拖船把它拖进港。

    The ship needed two tugs to tow it into port .

  22. 我们的船由灯塔指引进港。

    Our ship was guided to the port by the lighthouse .

  23. 例句:我们的船在大连进港。

    For example : Our ship put in at Talien .

  24. 我们没有获准在悉尼进港。

    We were refused permission to put in at sydney .

  25. 我们在找一个刚刚进港的集装箱。

    Wee looking for a container that just came in .

  26. 船进港后,我们吃点东西。

    We 'll have something to eat when the boat gets in .

  27. 进港飞机调度的精华自适应遗传算法设计

    Design of Elitist Adaptive Genetic Algorithm in Arrival Aircrafts Scheduling

  28. 这条船很可能明天进港。

    Like enough , the ship will arrive in the port tomorrow .

  29. 基于延误成本的进港航班调度优化研究

    Study of Arrival Flight Scheduling Optimizing Based on Delay Cost

  30. 射阳港潮汐与乘潮进港芦潮港新城

    Tide and enter port of tidal boat of Sheyang harbor