
  • 网络intake structure;inlet structure;intake construction;intake works
  1. 设计不良的泵站进水建筑物,在不带泵运行的情况下,也会引起水泵进口水流预旋和吸水管内涡流,改变水泵的进水条件,恶化水泵的能量特性和汽蚀特性。

    Incorrect designed intake structure of a pumping station may result in pre swirl in the flow entering the pump and swirl in suction pipe even under no pump operation , which shall change flow condition , and affect adversely both pump performance and cavitation characteristics .

  2. 平原河流上筑坝引水灌溉,要遵循河流流势的基本规律,合理布置枢纽的堰、闸、导流墙、进水闸等建筑物。

    This paper presents that diversion irrigation building dam on river and stream of plain should follow the natural law of river and stream , and reasonably layout buildings such as weirs , gates , diversion walls , and intake gates etc.