
  • 网络import sales
  1. 主营业务为进口销售国外品牌葡萄酒及代理销售国产优质白酒,兼营茶叶及饮料。

    Operating sales for the import of foreign brands of wine and liquor quality of domestic sales agents , run and drink tea .

  2. 这是为让出售给HP的部件,件,原材和产品能在上述国家中获得进口和销售许可。

    This is to permit import and sale of HP products and their parts , components , and materials in all of the above countries .

  3. 此前,奥巴马政府上周六否决了国际贸易委员会做出的禁止进口和销售部分苹果iPhone和iPad产品的裁决。

    They follow the Obama administration 's veto last Saturday of an ITC order banning the import and sale of some Apple iPhones and iPads .

  4. 美国国际贸易委员会(ITC)在上周五作出的初步裁定中称,宏达电子侵犯了苹果持有的两项专利。ITC是一个美国法庭,有权禁止进口和销售侵权的商品。

    The International Trade Commission , a US court that has the power to ban import and sales of infringing goods , ruled in an early judgment on Friday that HTC had breached two patents held by Apple .

  5. 我们的进口和销售的木门,在波兰。

    We import and sale of wooden doors in Poland .

  6. 进口商也要求保持记录进口和销售的详细资料。

    Importers are also requested to keep records on import and sales details .

  7. 高通称,法庭裁决将阻止苹果手机的进口和销售。

    Qualcomm said the court ruling would prevent Apple from importing and selling iPhones .

  8. 进口和销售产品,只能由一个越南注册的公司。

    The importing and selling of products can only be done by a Vietnamese-registered company .

  9. 温州爱琴海贸易有限公司是一家专门进口及销售希腊橄榄油和橄榄系列产品的企业。

    WenZhou Aegean Trade Company Ltd is a company which import and sale olive oil and something about olive oil professionally .

  10. 销售人乃在经销区域从事与本商品相关商品进口与销售之公司。

    Whereas , Distributor is engaged in the importation and distribution of the related products of the Products in the Territory ;

  11. 西元1987年,政府开放酒类商品进口台湾销售,台湾菸酒专卖制度也正式终止。

    In1987 , the Taiwanese government abolished the old restrictions and began to open the country up to imports of alcoholic beverages .

  12. 诉状还表示,大众还进口和销售在设计上与提交给监管机构的数据有出入的车辆,这也违反了法律。

    The complaint also says the carmaker broke the law by importing and selling vehicles with designs that differed from the data given to regulators .

  13. 本文对美国食品的进口和销售方面的法律法规,特别是对食品成分、食品标签和进口方面的要求进行了综述。

    The US laws and regulations of food import and sales especially summarize the food ingredients , food labels and the requirements of the import .

  14. 为商业目的进口、销售或者以其他方式提供受保护的布图设计、含有该布图设计的集成电路或者含有该集成电路的物品的。

    Importing , selling or otherwise distributing , a protected layout-design , integrated circuit incorporating a layout-design or article incorporating an integrated circuit for commercial purposes .

  15. 单位和个人应当按照国务院规定的期限,停止生产、进口、销售含铅汽油。

    Units and individuals shall , according to the time limit prescribed by the State Council , stop the production , import and marketing of leaded gasoline .

  16. 该案仍在审理中,尽管小米在随后的裁决中赢得喘息空间,仅被禁止进口和销售含有与爱立信纠纷相关的部件的手机。

    The case continues , though Xiaomi won a reprieve in a subsequent ruling barring it only from importing and selling phones containing components linked to the Ericsson dispute .

  17. 就制成品或用于批发和零售分销的产品而言,在生产、进口、销售或在国际市场中提供服务的经验和能力;

    Experience and ability in producing , importing , marketing , or servicing in international markets , in the case of finished products or products destined for wholesale or retail distribution ;

  18. 做好农药登记审查和农药产品质量检测监督,严禁生产、进口、销售及使用高残留的农药;

    The work of pesticide registration and examination , testing and control of pesticide quality should be done well ; The production , import , marketing and application of high residue pesticide must be strictly prohibited ;

  19. 周三的裁决称,小米被“禁止”在印度“制造、组装、进口、销售或宣传”其产品,需等待进一步审理结果,同时印度海关被“指示不要放行”可能侵犯爱立信专利的手机和其他产品的“进口”。

    Wednesday 's ruling stated that Xiaomi was " restrained from manufacturing , assembling , importing , selling or advertising " its products in India pending a further hearing , while India 's customs authorities were " directed not to allow the import " of mobiles and other products that may infringe Ericsson 's patents .

  20. 间接税是以进口关税、销售税和营业税的形式征收。

    Indirect taxes are imposed in the form of customs duty , excise and sales tax .

  21. 代理各类进口锯片和销售锯片加工设备、检测仪器等业务。

    Agents and sales of various types of imported saw blade saw blade processing equipment , testing instruments , such as business .

  22. 随着日元上周一走强,丰田公司开始销售Avensis车,这是丰田公司第一款完全在英国生产、随后进口到日本销售的丰田车。

    As the yen was strengthening on Monday , Toyota started selling the Avensis-the first Toyota to be made entirely in the UK and imported for sale in Japan .

  23. 建立我国进口反倾销售管理体系的战略目标与内容体系,可使我国企业得以在公平的贸易环境中发展,使产业结构更加合理化,进而维护我国的国家经济安全。

    Founds strategic target and the content system of imported anti-dumping managing system establishment in our country may enable our country enterprise to develop in the fair trade environment , make the industrial structure even more to rationalize , then maintains the state economy security .

  24. 进口限制相当于销售税,而且往往是针对必需品。

    Import restraints are equivalent to a sales tax and often apply to necessities .

  25. 本公司是一家专业从事进口五金工具代理销售的贸易公司。

    This is a company specialized in imports of hardware sales agent of the trading company .

  26. 是一家从事澳大利亚葡萄酒进口并在全国销售的专业公司。

    Aulon , is a company engaged in the Australian wine imports and sales of professional firms in the country .

  27. 关税提高了进口商品在国内销售的价格,因此使得它们没有当地生产的商品具有竞争力。

    Tariff raises the price at which the goods are sold in the importing country and therefore makes them less competitive with locally produced goods .

  28. 加拿大已经宣布将会起草相关条例来禁止含双酚A的聚碳酸盐婴儿奶瓶的进口、广告和销售。

    Canada has announced it will proceed with drafting regulations to ban the importation , advertising and sale of polycarbonate baby bottles containing bisphenol A ( BPA ) .

  29. 澎湖、金门及马祖地区之营业人进口并于当地销售之商品,免征关税;其免税项目及实施办法,由财政部定之。

    The commodities imported and locally sold by business operators in penghu , Kinmen and Mazu shall be exempted from customs , and the exemption items and implementation methods shall be prescribed by the Ministry of finance .

  30. 它请求在世贸组织进行磋商(这是迈向诉讼的第一步,尽管申诉方经常不采取跟进行动),并威胁要限制美国肉鸡和汽车部件的进口这些产品的销售已经受到原有贸易争端的限制。

    It requested consultations at the WTO ( the first step to litigation , though the complainant frequently does not follow through ) and threatened to block imports of American chicken and auto parts products whose sales are already restricted by existing trade disputes .