- rebate

Relations between Rebate Policy and Marketing Performance in Oligopolistic Corn Seed Industry
Selling Quantity Decision Making Based on profit Maximization in the Case of Rebate System
BeatThatQuote was providing cash back deals and discounts .
Taobao rebates , automatic call Taobao goods .
All they do is provoke against each other and find a reason to buy weapons .
Finally , they return the profits to the people who bought shares in the company .
Purchase Rebate : Special Offer by Supplier , such as Rebate , Cooperation Fee , TG Fee .
Can we get the material as a rebate in rebate settlement instead of getting cash in rebate ?
Uniting of Classification Management and Target Rebates can increase supplier 's expected profit and achieve supply chain coordination .
The dealer revolt gathered momentum in late November , ahead of crucial end-of-year discussions about rebates and sales targets .
Some states simplify the paperwork by just giving out cash ( calling it " rebates " or " grants ") .
Download will bind the customer 's account , you can right-rebate check and buy , no need to repeat logins .
Officials point to rebates , tools , and educational programs aimed at improving water-use efficiency as factors in the change .
TopCashback spokesperson Natasha Smith said : " Those friendships which stand the test of time are often the most important in our lives . "
Supermarket retailers make money from manufacturers by charging them store entry fees , display fees , promotion fees and annual rebates based on sales volume .
However , against the background of dual-channel , manufacturer rebate is influenced by the relationship between manufacturer and retailer , as well as the relationship between e-channel and traditional-channel .
The scheme of sharing the profit increased for the alliance member is determined by this model . And the whole rebate mathematics expression formula and the mechanisms have been discussed .
Carmakers routinely give China dealers rebates to compensate them for holding cars longer than expected when sales slow & or for unloading inventories at a loss to meet volume commitments .
Now many manufacturers and professional shop more and more popular , so we have a bigger rebate website business , with the mall about a higher level of our revenue rebate .
The new units are still expensive even after the givebacks & some are commanding US $ 2,500 a square foot , or more , which rivals new luxury condos in Manhattan .
Such as , false advertising , excessive publicity cashback amount , malicious raise rebate threshold , artificial cashback cycle long , abuse of format contract , overlord terms , to rebate as a stunt for Internet pyramid selling activities .
The department says that J & J 's questionable antics took place between 1999 and 2004 . It alleges that the company used rebates , grants and other kickbacks to encourage Omnicare , a pharmacy for nursing homes , to recommend its drugs to patients .
Faced by this nightmare , the Chinese authorities recently announced plans for 50 , 000-yuan rebates for electric and hybrid cars , encouraged city taxi fleets to buy vehicles with the new technology , and prompted state and regional grids to set up charging stations .
At first we study the problem how supplier to design the terms of Supply Contracts to maximize its profit based on Target Rebates and Quantity Discounts respectively when retailers are independent to each other and there exists asymmetric information about demand distributions between supplier and retailers .