
  • 【地名】【日本】Ōmi
  1. 近江牡蛎体内累积的锌与暴露水体盐度之间呈显著的负相关(P<0.01)。

    Decrease in accumulation of Zn by this oyster was significant with increasing salinity ( P < 0.01 ) .

  2. 其中近江牡蛎体内的Zn含量最高,为限量标准的23.5倍。

    Among them , Zn in the oysters was 23.5 times of the limit standard .

  3. 近江牡蛎的Cu污染因子质量分指数最高达6.01。

    Among them , the highest quality fraction of pollution factor in the oysters was 6.01 times of the limit standard .

  4. 近江牡蛎16SRRNA基因片段序列变异分析

    Mitochondrial 16S rRNA Gene Fragment Sequence Analysis in Populations of Crassostrea rivularis

  5. 利用细胞松弛素B抑制第一极体排放诱导近江牡蛎(Crassostrearivularis)四倍体

    Tetraploids induced by inhibiting polar body I with cytochalasin B in Jinjiang oyster , Crassostrea rivularis

  6. Pb2+和Zn2+诱导近江牡蛎(C.rivularis)鳃和消化腺组织SOD活性变化的剂量-效应均为抛物线型;

    The dose-effect curves of the activity of SOD induced by the different concentrations of Pb2 + and Zn2 + both in gills and digestive glands were parabola .

  7. 因此,近江牡蛎可作为监测研究Cu、Zn、Cd污染的可靠生物指示种,但能否用于监测Pb还需进一步的研究。

    As a result , this oyster appears to be a reliable bio-indicator for monitoring copper , cadimium and zinc , although its use to monitor lead requires further study .

  8. 根据对SOD活性影响的强弱,三种重金属对近江牡蛎(C.rivularis)的毒性强弱顺序为Cu2+>Pb2+>Zn2+。

    Rivularis under the present of low concentration of metals , the order of the toxicity of the three metals to C. rivularis was Cu2 + > Pb2 + > Zn2 + .

  9. 采用聚合酶链式反应(PCR)技术对粤西镇海湾水域的近江牡蛎Crassostrearivularis(Gould)群体27个个体的线粒体DNA16SRRNA基因序列片段进行扩增,获得大约500bp的扩增产物。

    The PCR technique was used to amplify the mtDNA 16S rRNA gene in 27 individuals of southern oyster ( Crassostrea rivularis ) from Zhenhai Bay . The PCR products were purified and sequenced .

  10. 牡蛎礁主要由近江牡蛎ostrearivularis化石组成,其形成年代约距今3k&4ka,从而为研究该区的地壳运动、海平面升降和古地理环境演变提供佐证。

    Oyster reef is mainly composed of fossil of Ostrea rivularis of about 3000 & 4000 a B. P * The result provides an evidence for crustal movement sea-level change and paleogeographical environment evolution .

  11. 本实验通过近江牡蛎(Crassostreahongkongensis)家系建立和早期发育生长比较,研究近江牡蛎各种经济性状,以培育出具有优良性状的近江牡蛎品种。

    Crassostrea hongkongensis family were established and be compared growth of early development in this study . We studied various economic traits of C. hongkongensis in order to breed good traits with this species of C. hongkongensis .

  12. 盐度对近江蛏成活与生长影响的研究

    Influence of Salinity on the Survival and Growth of Sinonovacula rivularis

  13. 近江牡蛎两个野生种群的遗传多样性分析

    Genetic Diversity of Two Wild Populations of Oyster Crassostrea rivularis

  14. 响应面法优化近江牡蛎肉酶解工艺参数

    Optimization of enzymatic hydrolysis of Ostrea rivularis meat by response surface method

  15. 近江牡蛎作为重金属污染生物指示种的初步研究

    Oyster Ostrea rivularis as an indicator of heavy metals pollution

  16. 你一定就是来自北近江的幻十郎先生?

    You must be Mister Genjuro from northern omi ?

  17. 臭氧净化对近江牡蛎的存活率和主要营养成分的影响

    Effect of ozone depuration on survival rate and main nutritional components of Crassostrea Rivularis

  18. 广东沿海近江牡蛎氯代烃和石油烃含量分布与变化趋势

    Distributions and change tendencies of chlorinated hydrocarbons and petroleum hydrocarbons in bivalves from Guangdong coast

  19. 在近江牡蛎性腺整个发育过程中,存在雌雄同体现象。

    There was the phenomenon of hermaphroditism in the Gonad development process of C. hongkongensis .

  20. 我在近江与浅井对战时。

    While I fight Lord asai .

  21. 本文论述了近江牡蛎的价值、生活条件及生态习性,较详细介绍了筏式及栅式半人工采苗与养成的方法。

    Discuss the use of Crassostrea rivulari , living condition and the method of Simi-artificial collection of seeding and culture .

  22. 重金属Cd~(2+)胁迫对近江牡蛎超氧化物歧化酶活性的影响

    Effects of heavy metal Cd ~ ( 2 + ) on superoxide dismutase ( SOD ) activity of Crassostrea rivularis

  23. 为了近江牡蛎优质高产,特制定了该牡蛎吊养技术标准。

    In order to obtain better and higher product of the oyster , the technological standards for Jinjiang oyster culture have been produced .

  24. 本研究通过选取数量性状有较大差异的6个近江牡蛎个体作为亲本,成功建立了9个半同胞家系。

    The study was to select six C. hongkongensis with quantitative traits which are quite different as parents and successfully established nine half-sib families .

  25. 该地区牡蛎由主要分布在潮间带的熊本牡蛎和主要分布在潮下带的近江牡蛎组成。

    There are two oyster species including the Kumamoto oyster which mainly inhabit at intertidal zones and Jinjiang oyster which is mainly found at subtidal zones .

  26. 为大力推行该项目,东近江市携手当地民间组织、加油站、社区委员会以及一些公司。

    To carry out the project , the city began cooperating with the local residents ` association , gas stations , community councils , and companies .

  27. 近江牡蛎是我国贝类养殖的主要对象,在华南沿海养殖已有700多年的历史。

    The Jinjiang oyster is one of the most important and main farming species in China . It has a 700-year history in South China waters .

  28. 牡蛎作为优质蛋白资源,是我国四大养殖经济贝类之一,其中近江牡蛎是南方沿海主要的牡蛎品种之一。

    As a high-quality protein source , oyster is also one of the four greatest farming seashells in our country , Ostrea rivularis is one of the main oyster varieties of the south coastal areas .

  29. 近40a江河源区潜在蒸散量变化特征及影响因子分析

    Trend of Potential Evapotranspiration and Its Main Impact Factors in the Source Regions of Yangtze and Yellow Rivers

  30. 约生于4300年前的若水地域,位于川西,地近青衣江、宁河。

    He was born in about4300bc in Ruoshui section of Shangxi province , near Qingyi River and anling river .