
  • 网络surface layer
  1. 二参数Weibull分布函数对近地层风速的拟合及应用

    Fitting to wind velocity of surface layer using two parameter Weibull distribution function and its application

  2. 以0.25s间隔对近地层风速风向的观测

    The observation for wind velocity and direction on the surface layer by 0.25 second interval

  3. 根据Kolmogorov局地均匀性湍流假设,大气近地层湍流能谱在惯性副区符合-5/3律。

    According the locally isotropic turbulent hypotheses of Kolmogorov , the turbulent spectra of the atmospheric surface layer obey the well-known - 5 / 3 power law in the inertial subrange .

  4. 其触发机制是冷空气从近地层楔入暖空气中,在高、低空急流、层结不稳定等诸多有利条件下,由几个小尺度对流云团合并发展成1个中尺度对流复合体(MCC)。

    And its trigger condition is cold air near ground join warm air , then develop a MCC by several small scale convective cloud under condition of upper and low level jet 、 stratification instability 、 etc.

  5. 臭氧(O3)是近地层重要的大气污染物之一,其对地表植被和农作物的负面效应已成为国内外研究的热点领域之一。

    Ozone ( O3 ) is one of the near surface layer of air pollutants , and its negative effects on vegetation and crops has become one of the hot areas of research at home and abroad .

  6. 本文介绍了HEIFE近地层观测中应用的大气湍流数据的采集和处理系统。

    A micro-computer controlled turbulence data acquisition and processing system has been developed for the Program on Atmosphere-Land Surface Processes in Heihe River Basin ( HEIFE ) .

  7. 本文利用数值模拟方法的方法,研究了夏季我国东部生态系统排放非甲烷烃(NMHC)对近地层臭氧的影响,闸明了生态NMHC在大气化学系统中的重要作用。

    By using numerical simulation method , the effect of biogenic non-methane hydrocarbon ( NMHC ) on surface layer ozone in east China in summer are investigated and the importance of biogenic . NMHC to atmospheric chemistry system are illustrated .

  8. 为给出周期为0.5s的自然风脉动频谱,采用EN2型风速风向传感器及特制的EN型风数据记录仪,以0.25s为间隔对沿海及山地近地层风速、风向数据进行了测记。

    Using EN-2 type sensor for wind velocity and direction and the special manufacturing EN type record instrument , the data of wind velocity and direction in the surface layer of coastal and mountainous region were recorded by 0.25s interval .

  9. 天山北麓地面至700hPa的水平风、上升运动为沙尘暴发生的驱动力,气温回升和近地层干燥丰富了沙尘物质,天山北麓地面至850hPa对流性不稳定是沙尘暴发生的局地热力不稳定条件。

    The horizontal wind and ascending motion from ground surface to 700 hPa was the driving force of this sandstorm , the convective instability from ground surface to 850 hPa was its thermal instability condition , and temperature uprising and arid ground surface offered abundant dust substance .

  10. 三种不同床面近地层湍流输送特征

    Characteristics of Turbulent Transmission near Ground Surface over Three Different Beds

  11. 广东沿海近地层大风特性的观测分析

    Observation and analysis of Guangdong coastal Gales in the near-surface layer

  12. 南京地区飑锋近地层气流特征分析

    The analysis of airflow characteristic of squall front near the surface layer

  13. 城市蒙古栎对近地层臭氧浓度升高的光合生理响应

    Photosynthetic physio-response of urban Quercus mongolica leaves to surface elevated ozone concentration

  14. 近地层能量平衡闭合问题&综述及个例分析

    The Problems of Surface Energy Balance Closure & An Overview and Case Study

  15. 青岛地区8月份沿海近地层风场数值模拟和三维结构研究

    A Simulation Study of Three-Dimensional Structure of Qingdao Coastal Area Wind Field in August

  16. 热带沿海近地层大气的湍流结构和谱特征

    Spectral and turbulent characteristics in the near surface atmospheric layer over tropical coastal area

  17. 一个引入近地层的区域气候模式

    A Regional Climate Model with a Surface Layer

  18. 地形对近地层风场日变化影响的数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Terrain Effect on Diurnal Variation of Wind Field in Ground Layer

  19. 我国冬夏近地层流场的基本特征

    The climatic characteristics of boundary layer wind field of China in summer and winter

  20. 利用气象要素估算海洋大气近地层光学湍流

    Estimation of the Optical Turbulence in the Marine Atmospheric Surface Layer Based on Meteorological Data

  21. 近地层能量锋特征明显;

    Clear energy front near the surface ;

  22. 北极夏季冰面上近地层特征及热量收支问题

    Characteristics of the atmospheric surface layer and heat budget over the Arctic ice in summer

  23. 云南大理干湿季近地层湍流特征对比分析

    Comparative Analyses of Turbulence Characteristics in Near-Surface Layer in Dry / Wet Periods at Dali

  24. 沙漠地区沙尘天气近地层湍流输送特征分析

    Turbulent Transfer Features of the Surface Layer over Desert Area in a Dust and Sand Weather

  25. 敦煌戈壁不同近地层大气稳定度下的感热交换系数

    Transfer Coefficients of Sensible Heat under the Atmospheric Stability in Near Surface Layer over Dunhuang Gobi

  26. 夏季金塔绿洲与沙漠次级环流近地层风场的初步分析

    Preliminary Analyses on Ground Level Wind Field of Second Circulation in Jinta Oasis and Desert in Summer

  27. 海洋大气近地层折射指数模式及其在蒸发波导分析上的应用

    The Refractivity Models in the Marine Atmospheric Surface Layer and Their Applications in the Evaporation Duct Analysis

  28. 北京市夏季城市热岛特征及其近地层气象场分析

    Analyses on the Characteristics of Beijing Summer Urban Heat Island ( UHI ) and Its Meteorological Fields

  29. 北京市近地层气象要素与大气真菌浓度分布规律的调查研究

    Study on laws of ground layer meteorological elements variation and fungal concentration distribution in air in Beijing

  30. 稳定层结下近地层垂直风速方差σw/U相似性的理论探讨

    The similarity of vertical wind velocity variance σ w / u in the stable atmosphere surface layer