
jìn dài
  • modern times;the capitalist times or age
近代 [jìn dài]
  • (1) [modern times]∶过去距离现代较近的时代,我国现在通常指十九世纪中叶到五四运动之间的时期

  • (2) [the capitalist times or age]∶指资本主义时代

近代[jìn dài]
  1. 近代日本借用此一汉语旧词对译英文术语economy,含义变为国民生产、分配、交换、消费的总和,兼指节俭、合算。

    In modern times Japan translated the English terms of economy by borrowing this old term from Chinese , which means the summation of national production , distribution , exchange and consumption .

  2. 法国建筑师保罗·慕乐(PaulMuller),是一位活跃于近代天津法租界的著名建筑师。

    French architect Paul · Muller ( Paul M ü ller ) , who was active in French concession of Tianjin , China in modern times , is a celebrated architect .

  3. 这类抗议事件在近代史上没有发生过。

    Such protests are without precedent in recent history .

  4. 这在黎巴嫩的近代史上是个特别困难的时期。

    This had been a particularly difficult chapter in Lebanon 's recent history .

  5. 在美国近代史上这一小段阴暗时期,很少有人能有好的结果。

    In this grim little episode of recent American history , few people come out well

  6. 他是近代英国最伟大的运动员之一,是这一体育运动的骄傲。

    He is one of the greatest British players of recent times and is a credit to his profession .

  7. 他在近代语言一科中获得第一名。

    He got a first in Modern Language .

  8. 他通晓近代史。

    He feels quite at home in modern history .

  9. 一种比较近代的、人们好采用的技术是在混合过程中加入可溶性的三价锑衍生物。

    One relatively recent technique which has found some favor involves the inclusion of soluble trivalent antimony derivatives in the slurry during mixing .

  10. 在中国近代史上有着重要影响的廖仲恺、李大钊、陈独秀、彭湃等曾在这里负笈求学。

    People who had a major impact on china 's modern history like Liao zhongkai , li dazhao , chen Duxiu and Peng Pai studied in this institution .

  11. 近代以来,野生动物受到了极大的威胁。

    Wildlife has been greatly threatened in the modern age .

  12. 林则徐是近代史上最著名的民族英雄之一。

    Lin Zexu was one of the most famous national heroes in recent history .

  13. 英国是近代小说发源地。

    England is the birthplace of the modern novel .

  14. 中东地区曾有过辉煌的历史,只是在近代以来衰落了。

    Middle East has declined since modern era , however it had possessed of refulgent history .

  15. 在近代的整体主义著作中,“整体”这个词的用法极其含混。

    There is a fundamental ambiguity in the use of word " whole " in recent holistic literature .

  16. 针对ECR离子源的束流引出及传输研究,在中国科学院近代物理研究所的LECR3离子源实验平台上开展了大量的实验。

    Experiments concerning the ion beam extraction and transmission have been done in Institute of Modern Physics on the Lanzhou Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Source No. 3 experimental platform .

  17. Sub-100-nm特征尺寸研究及干法刻蚀技术的近代发展特点

    Research on sub-100-nm pattern size and development of dry etching techniques

  18. 用近代几何方法对一般情形的力学系统进行研究,导出了一映射为牛顿运动的充要条件,最后给出了广义Hamilton原理的几何形式。

    A mechanical system in general is studied with methods in modern geometry and a necessary and sufficient condition is derived for mapping it into a Newtonian motion . The geometric form of extended Hamilton principle is finally presented .

  19. 对应原理在近代物理发展中所起的作用

    On the functions of the correspondence principle in the modern physics

  20. 并对近代测控系统的新应用进行了介绍,如载人航天、小卫星测控、巡航导弹测控以及深空跟踪测控。

    New application of TT & C system is also introduced .

  21. 科学,一直是近代中国的中心问题之一。

    Science was always one of the focuses in modern China .

  22. 关于近代飞机结构强度设计思想的探讨

    Investigation on the Design Thinking in Structural Strength of Modern Aircraft

  23. 北戴河近代建筑保护规划研究

    The Study on the Preservation Planning of Neoteric Buildings in Beidaihe

  24. 近代朝鲜文献中的汉朝对音转写问题

    Problems on Transcription of the Chinese-Korean Transcription in Modern Korean Documents

  25. 第四部分:探讨近代湖南人口的性别结构的变化。

    Fourth part : Discussion modern times Hunan population sex structure vicissitude .

  26. 近代社会:分类科学与专门教育;

    Modern society : " classified science " and " specialized education ";

  27. 总之,马克思主义哲学的中国化与近代哲学及其转型有着割舍不断的联系。

    So the China-Marxist philosophy develops and exceeds the modern philosophy continuously .

  28. 中法战争后云南近代社会经济的变迁

    The Change of Modern Socio-economic of Yunnan after Sino-French War

  29. 思维的理性化是近代化的关键。

    The rationalization of thinking is a key to modernization .

  30. 矿井瓦斯传感器的近代研究方法及方向

    The Recent Research Method and Main Objective on Coal Mine Methane Sensor