
  • 网络transportation route;Line
  1. 作为基础设施指标的运输线路总里程在10%的显著水平上,构成了物流成本占GDP比重变化的原因。

    At 10 % significance level , total length of transportation routes is Granger Casuality of the ratio of logistics cost to GDP .

  2. 不同的运输线路所产生的成本也不相同,集装箱班轮公司如何选择合理的路线运送集装箱,使集装箱运输的成本最低,成为班轮公司最紧要的问题。

    Since the cost varies depending on the different transportation routes , the rational choice of each container can reduce the cost of a liner shipping company 's transportation system to the minimum .

  3. Fuzzy图与交通运输线路网模型

    Fuzzy graph and a model of transportation network

  4. 在连接中国和欧洲的所谓欧亚大陆桥(EurasianLandBridge)上,至少远至德国的运输线路早已颇具规模。每周都有大约五列火车抵达德国。

    Use of the so-called Eurasian Land Bridge between China and Europe is well established at least as far as Germany , which receives some five trains a week .

  5. 但很多企业仅仅是为达到监控配送车辆的行进轨迹而应用GPS,很少把GPS和物流配送的其他环节,如工作量的衡量、配送运输线路的规划等结合起来。

    But many enterprises simply to monitor delivery vehicles for road and track use GPS , few enterprises to combine GPS and other elements of logistics and distribution , such as the workload of the measure , distribution , route planning .

  6. 并在GPS实时监控的基础上提出以在途时间来衡量配送运输线路的工作量,据此来进行配送运输线路规划,得出适合烟草物流实际的配送运输线路规划方法。

    In the basis of GPS real-time monitoring , using transit time to measure the distributed delivery route will be advanced , and then plan the delivery route , educe the suitable planning method for the actual distribution transportation route of this tobacco company .

  7. 对物流方案优化中有关问题建立了数学模型:包括运输线路的优化、RDC选址以及运输方式的选择;

    Establish the mathematics model aimed at some problem that logistics process involved : including the optimization transportation routing , the RDC locating model and the transport mode ;

  8. A~算法在运输线路优化中的应用

    The Application of A ~ Algorithm to the Routing Optimization

  9. 石油运输线路设计是石油运输至关重要的一环。

    Oil transport circuit designing is the key word of oil transportation .

  10. 环境评估与运输线路规划一体化模式初探

    Study on Mode of Composition of Environment Evaluation and Transport Line Planning

  11. 遴选运输线路,运输体例和合适的承运人。

    Choose the route , mode of transport and a suitable carrier .

  12. 零部件运输线路与时序规划。

    Transportation line and time sequence planning of part .

  13. 沿着盐的运输线路驻扎了军队,以防盗贼。

    Guards were stationed along the route to protect the salt against thieves .

  14. 运输线路优化问题的最小路集算法

    Last Route-set Method of Transport Route Optimization Problem

  15. 城市直送式配送运输线路优化

    Optimization of routes of transiting goods in cities

  16. 运输线路运行中断损失评估模型研究

    Appraisal Modelling for Interruption Losses on Transport Lines

  17. 应急救援物资车辆运输线路的选择

    Route choice for transporting exigency succor materials

  18. 公路军事运输线路中断下运输时间优化

    Time Optimization under Military Highway Transportation Interruption

  19. 临时设置的主要运输线路远离声环境保护目标。

    The temporary main transportation route shall be far from the acoustic environmental protection objects .

  20. 运输线路质量招投标中的监督博弈

    Monitoring games in road transport franchise bidding

  21. 原油进口公司对于如何合理安排运输线路来降低进口运输费用的问题非常关注。

    To reduce its transport cost , crude oil importers are urgent to find out an economic transport network .

  22. 实验表明该神经网路算法可有效解决运输线路的最优化问题。

    The experiment result shown that the algorithm could solve the problem of optimal transport path of Module-united FMS .

  23. 该移动系统曾用于西弗吉尼亚州铁路运输线路几处地质薄弱区段.进行数据采集。

    The mobile system was used in several geological weak section of West Virginia railway lines , for data collection .

  24. 法国各地和伦敦发生罢工,主要交通道路被关闭,运输线路混乱。

    Strikes taking place across France and London have closed down major transport routes and turned transport links into chaos .

  25. 其中运输线路是否合理直接影响到配送速度、成本和效益。

    In the problem , whether the transportation route is rational will affect the speed , cost and benefit of distribution .

  26. 在考虑运输线路和规模经济的影响,利用鲍摩-瓦尔夫模型,对物流中心进行选址;

    While selecting site of storage , we utilize the baumol-wolfe model under the influence of the economic scale and transportation ;

  27. 对目前国内外关于车辆运输线路选择的算法研究现状进行了阐述,并列举了目前比较经典的一些算法。

    Of the current domestic and international vehicle transport route selection algorithm Research , and listed some of the more classic algorithm .

  28. 城市公共交通运输线路经营权转让问题公交一体化运营模式在城市路网工程中的应用

    Transfer of the control right of city bus lines ; Application of Public Traffic Integral Running Mode in Urban Road Net Engineering

  29. 运用神经网络优化算法,对一种符合二部图最大权匹配的船舶运输线路进行了优化计算,仿真计算表明其结果是正确的,为船务公司的生产决策提供了定量依据。

    In this paper , Neural networks is used to optimize the lines of transport ships which conforms to two parts graph maximum weight matching .

  30. 不存在已经约定的具体的限额,联邦快递保留以联邦快递认为合理的方式安排运输线路之权利。

    There are no specific stopping places which are agreed to and FedEx reserves the right to route the shipment in any way FedEx deems appropriate .