- 网络Excess air coefficient;excess-air coefficient;excess air ratio;lambda

Both to add secondary air and to keep excess air ratio 1.1 can decrease NOx generation .
When the temperature is 700 ℃ and the excess air ratio is 0.6 , the yield of smoke is decreased to about 10 % .
And reflects the q2 with CO , then the paper draw a new expression of exceed air coefficient .
While oxygen kept on increasing , NOx emission concentration increased slowly ;
It is found that coal N , volatile N and char N conversion increases as the excess air coefficient and temperature increase .
Research of Excess Air Ratio of Sequential Injection CNG Engine
Fine pulverized coal , low excess air coefficient , wet pulverized coal and high concentration of CO in the gas could bring the NO concentration down .
And the conversion rate of Cl → HCl is decreased as increasing the coefficient of the excess air .
The N_2O reduction efficiency increased as the excess air ratio increases in the primary combustion zone .
It is found that CO and N_2O reductions increased with increase in the reburn fuel fraction and decrease in the reburn zone excess air ratio .
The effect of temperature , Ca / S , CO2 volume percent , residual time , excessive air coefficient and coal species on sulfation process was studied under one dimension drop-tube .
It is shown from experimental results that for all fuel mixtures with the primary air fraction , the excess air coefficient and the Ca / S ratio increasing , N_2O concentration rises .
Test results indicated when excessive air coefficient changed from 1.17 ( oxygen 3 % ) to 1.24 ( oxygen 4 % ), NOx emission concentration increased quickly .
The results of influence on NOx emission and carbon in fly ash by coal type , coal particle diameter , furnace temperature and excess air are reached through tests .
And under the conditions of same engine speed and equal excess air coefficient , the rule and reason for the CO and NOx are studied by the influence of different quantities of methanol .
Decreasing excess air level can reduce N2O and NOx emissions , but the effects of excess air level on N2O emissions are correlated with coal type .
Emmissions of NO_x 、 SO_2 、 Cl_2 、 HCl and some heavy metals in ash under different operating conditions ( such as temperature , sludge moisture and excess air ratio ) were measured .
An industrial experiment were conducted to test the influence of excess air coefficient and secondary air ratio on the carbon content of fly ash of CFB boiler burning Fujian anthracite .
The reaction mechanism on decomposition of dilute sulphuric acid was analyzed . The effects of oxidizing and reducing conditions , combustion temperature , and excess air on SO2 conversion were obtained .
Experimental and numerical simulation study on NO_x release from superfine pulverized coal combustion and the effect factors such as particle size , temperature , stoichiometric ratio , coal sort have been done .
Some changes of the excessive air ratio and ignition advanced timing after adding hydrogen , combustion pressure variation and some problems on economic performance and hydrocarbon and carbon monoxide emission are investigated in this paper .
The results show that under lean burn conditions , i.e. when excess air ratio is larger than 1.2 , the simulation on combustion in LPG engine with reduced mechanism has reasonably high accuracy .
Furthermore , the fluctuation values of CO and HC of the dual-fuel system at steady condition is greater than that from a gasoline engine because the variation of excess air ratio in a dual-fel system is greater .
NO_x emission behavior has been experimentally studied with 6 geometrically differently shaped burner nozzles and different fuel gas velocities , excess air coefficients , gas flow rate and for differently distanced gas and air nozzle .
Increase the excess air ratio would greatly reduce CO emission , but lead to higher NO concentration , while there is no clear effect on N2O emission .
When the air-fuel ratio of the engine is closed-loop controlled precisely , not only its power and fuel economy reach the target , but also its exhaust emissions meet the EURO ⅱ limits .
The numerical simulation and experimental study on some influence factors such as the temperature and the stoichiometric ratio in rich zone , the velocity and the particle size of reburning fuel on NOx reduction efficient has been done .
The EGR rate can reach 80 % when the load is lower due to the higher excess air ratio , while the higher load can use the lower EGR rate about 28 % .
The research on the release of NO under the test bed focuses on the different size of the coal , the changing of the excess air coefficient , the volatile content difference , the different Ca / S molar ratio and the difference of the bed temperature .
In this paper , three-dimension models have been used to simulate the combustion processes in CNG engine , in order to study the effects of cyclic equivalence ratio variations on flame kernel formation and development .