- outflanking tactics;flanking tactics

Medium Military Tactics Research of the Long-distance Run Diao Zhizhong : Outflanking tactics in Pioneering Work
War of annihilation entails the concentration of superior forces and the adoption of encircling or outflanking tactics .
" We 've had plenty of debates in Congress and the media over whether the government should have a backdoor , and this is an end run around that - here they come with an order to create that backdoor . "
We used outflanking tactics and the enemies were confused and disoriented . We turned the enemy 's flank .
By large diversionary tactics his army succeeded in throwing off the pursuit of the Romans and mastering initiative on the battlefield .
The idea here is to avoid a head on battle with a strong enemy , and instead strike at his weakness elsewhere .
Therefore concentration of forces and the use of encircling and outflanking tactics are the prerequisites for mobile warfare , that is , for quick-decision offensive warfare on exterior lines .
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