
fú shè xiàn
  • radiation;ray
辐射线[fú shè xiàn]
  1. 我们可以把方块的辐射线转移到那个箱子

    We 're able to take the Cube radiation and funnel it into that box .

  2. 本发明提供了用于在所述辐射线范围内形成图像的构造简单、坚固又比较廉价的装置。

    The invention provides a simply constructed robust and yet relatively inexpensive apparatus for forming images in the radiation concerned .

  3. 冕洞区SiⅡ辐射线源区的相关高度

    Correlation Height of the Emission Source of Si ⅱ in a Coronal Hole Region

  4. 密度与除了低层色球辐射线OI(130.4nm)以外的其它所选太阳辐射流量之间的相关性都相当好。

    The density correlates remarkably well with all the selected solar irradiances except the lower chromospheric O I ( 130.4 nm ) emission .

  5. 使用染料调Q红宝石激光器激发液态空气的受激喇曼散射(SRS),在0.5247~1.0256微米的范围内获得基本上等频差间隔的十三条辐射线。

    SES of liquid air was pumped by a ruby laser using dye for Q-switching . The obtained SES spectrum consists of 13 lines from 0.5247 μ m to 1.0256 μ m.

  6. 研究了用于接收卫星直播电视的径向缝平面天线的分析和设计方法,以及该天线在Ku波段能够辐射线极化锐方向性波束。

    The analysis and design of radial line slot planar antenna which can radiate linearly polarized pencil beams in Ku-band are presented for the application of receiving direct broadcast from a satellite .

  7. 本文初步探讨了ARA-2对紫外辐射线的吸收情况,并用活体兔子与人发作载体进行验证,认为它是一种良好的抗辐射物质。

    This paper inquires into the UV absorbancy of ARA-2 , a natural UV absorber . Verifying by living rabbit and human hair as carrier , ARA-2 is believed to be a good uvioresistant substance .

  8. 声辐射线跟踪显示器她的声音显得很低沉。

    ARTI ( Acoustic Ray Trace Indicator ) Her voice sounded grave .

  9. 日本政府证实福岛核能发电厂辐射线已外漏!

    Japan govt confirms radiation leak at Fukushima nuclear plants .

  10. 声辐射线跟踪显示器可溶性放射性示踪剂

    ARTI ( Acoustic Ray Trace Indicator ) soluble radioactive tracer

  11. 激光诱导红外辐射线检测技术的理论与应用研究

    Research on theory and application of laser-induced infrared radiometry

  12. 许多孩子因为喝了在辐射线污染的土地上放牧的牛的牛乳,而吸收了碘。

    Many ingested the iodine in milk from cows that had grazed on radiated fields .

  13. 本文同时对加平行板的圆锥喇叭进行了研究,其特点是辐射线极化波。

    Another antenna which is conical horn with a metal plate lens radiates linear polarized wave .

  14. 介绍了辐射线运行时保护装置的整定原则和运行要求。

    The setting principle and operational requirements of protection system running in radial line mode are introduced .

  15. 人精子在体外经辐射线(X线等)照射后,染色体畸变率明显升高,与剂量呈线性关系。

    The frequency of human sperm chromosome aberration shown a significant and dose-dependent increase after treating in vitro with radiation .

  16. 但在前面台阶,一个人坐在那里避免辐射线侵蚀石头。

    But on the front step , a person who was sitting there blocked the rays from hitting the stone .

  17. 小肠直肠瘘管虽然是辐射线大肠炎之罕见并养症,但也须仔细的作诊断和小心的处理。

    Enterorectal fistula , which is a rare complication of radiation therapy , should be critically diagnosed and managed with caution .

  18. 科学家们有理由认为,一个人可以承受远远超过这种程度的辐射线而身体不致受到损害。

    Scientists have reason to think that a man can put up with far more radiation than this without being damaged .

  19. 光环带的光束像一把流光折扇,在太阳的南北两极附近形成纤细的辐射线。

    The corona 's rays flash out in a brilliant fan that has wispy spike-like rays near the Sun 's north and south poles .

  20. 所述辅助鼓轮设置成反射从第一鼓轮投射到它上面的辐射线,以便将其聚焦到辐射线接收器或传感器(7)上。

    The secondary drum is arranged to reflect the radiation striking it from the first drum to focus onto a radiation receiver or sensor ( 7 ) .

  21. 研究人员称,有一种新材料也许能提供一种可以让物体隐形的思路,因为这种材料可以改变光线和其它形状的辐射线在物体上的折射方向。

    New materials that can change the way light and other forms of radiation bend around an object may provide a way to make objects invisible , researchers said .

  22. 通过探测高层大气中气辉(极光)辐射线的多普勒频移,可以反演出高层大气中的速度、温度和压强等物理量。

    Through detecting the Doppler shifts of airglow ( aurora ) in upper atmosphere , the physical quantity such as velocity , temperature and pressure of upper atmosphere is derived .

  23. 测试表明,当气体以合理配比和充气压放电产生的共振辐射线与三基色荧光粉激发和发射性能匹配时,可获得高的发光效率。

    The measurement shows that high luminous efficiency may be obtained while the resonant radiant lines created by gas discharge in suitable combination and pressure suit to the excitation and emission characteristics of the phosphors .

  24. 环境污染是文物古迹损坏的主要因素,文章阐述了水污染、气污染、震动、辐射线各污染因素对文物古迹的损坏;

    The environmental pollution is the main factor that the cultural relics and historic interest are ( damaged ) . It is explained that the water pollution , air pollution , shakes , the radiation string and each factors ' damage to the cultural relics and historic interest .

  25. 港口处于接受外向先进产业的最前端,一方面在区域经济中充当经济增长的极核,临港产业通过与腹地的产业间联系形成一条条辐射线。

    Seaports are located in the forefront of the region into where the advanced industries enter first . On the one hand , they act as the core of the regional economy with the port-vicinity industry , which is formed into an invisible radiator with the associated hinterland industry .

  26. X射线管辐射谱线分析

    A study on the characteristic lines of X-ray tube radiation

  27. 它在Ne的自发辐射谱线中没有相应的波长。

    There is no such a wavelength in Ne spectrum .

  28. 长春光机所软X射线成像望远镜和同步辐射光束线研制技术的发展现状

    Present Situation of the Research and Development for Soft X-ray Imaging Telescopes and the Beam Line for Synchrotron Radiation at Changchun Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics

  29. 文章介绍了在一定温度、一定气体密度和一定放电流条件下,Ar气放电时,Ar+某些能级辐射谱线宽度的测量。

    The radiative life times for some energy levels of Al + in the Ar gas discharge have been measured for specific temperature , gas density and discharge current .

  30. 研究结果表明:对于各向同性PBG情形,原子基态劈裂产生了新的自发辐射谱线。

    It is shown that new spontaneous emission lines are produced from the fine splitting of atomic ground state levels in the isotropic PBG case .