
  • 网络helping behavior
  1. 40例女性精神病人辅助行为治疗的疗效观察

    Therapeutic Observation of Accessory Behavioral Treatment for 40 Women Patients with Psychoses

  2. 作为书面邀请语篇,中英文商务邀请信中都包含有邀请的基本构成部分:起始行为语、中心行为语和辅助行为语。

    As the written discourse , every letter contains the basic structure of invitation : address term , head act and adjuncts .

  3. 外部行为特征观察法是母牛发情鉴定中最常用的方法,辅助行为特征和生理特征对母牛的发情鉴定也非常重要。

    Visual observation of oestrous behavior is the best practical means to detect cows in heat . Additional symptoms of oestrus and physiological characteristics are useful guidance for oestrus detection too .

  4. 而在英文求职信中,请求言语行为一般在开头就提出,其后紧跟着辅助行为语,比如介绍言语行为、致谢言语行为等。

    Nevertheless , in Native English application letter , the request is put forward at the beginning , and following the request there are supportive moves such as introducing , expressing thanks .

  5. 本文通过对恐怖主义组织、恐怖主义分子直接、间接实施的恐怖活动以及相关辅助行为的分析,以期为具体的恐怖主义性质案件的调查以及彻底摧毁恐怖主义组织的存在基础、抓获恐怖主义分子提供有益的帮助。

    The essay mainly researches terrorist organizations , terrorist activities conducted directly or indirectly by terrorists and relative behaviors , which will definitely help investigate terrorism cases , catch terrorist and smash terrorist organizations .

  6. 使用中核行为+辅助行为+修饰语的时候,日语多使用明确地表达不同意,而汉语多使用说明自己的意见来作为核心行为。

    Using a combination of " Central speech act + Auxiliary speech act + Micro-unit ", Japanese love to use Central speech act of " direct disagreement ", while Chinese love to " expression their own views " as the Central speech act .

  7. 政府采购行为由以实现公务需要的行政辅助行为和以实现公共利益为目的的行政私法行为构成,政府采购表现出来的私法性质并不能决定它的本质,其要接受公法的调整。

    Act of government procurement constituted with administrative auxiliary act for realizing the need of public affairs and administrative private act for realizing the public interests . However , the nature of government procurement showed private law can 't be determined its , which is regulated by public law .

  8. 从计算机辅助行为结构创新的角度,提出了行为结构创新假设,建立行为在行为集合内的表示方法、行为集合分组规则、行为分组法步骤、分组最优评价规则。

    Firstly , the presuppositions for the creative design of the behavior structure are presented . Secondly , the behavior representation within the behavior set , the rules for grouping the behavior set , the steps for the behavior grouping , and the evaluation of the behavior structures are studied .

  9. 这项研究关注电脑辅助认知行为治疗,发现在治疗抑郁症方面,电脑辅助的认知行为治疗并不比病人们从个初级护理医生那里得到的普通的治疗更有效。

    The study looked at computer-assisted cognitive behavioral therapy ( CBT ) and found that it was no more effective in treating depression than the usual care patients receive from a primary care doctor .

  10. 社会语言学把伴随言语交际过程的辅助表达行为称为副语言行为。

    All the subsidiary expressing behavior in the utterance is called paralinguistic behavior in sociolinguistics .

  11. 以生理信号分析为主,辅助表情行为观察和情绪主观感受报告,是一种有效的情绪识别方法,所得数据客观、准确,提高了情绪识别率。

    Its ' an effective method to recognize emotion by physiological signals , facial and body expression , emotion self-report .

  12. 真实人物和虚构角色的实质性人格特征的商品化已从辅助性行为演化成为重要的独立的收益来源。

    The merchandising of the essential personality features of a real person and of a fictional character has rapidly evolved from a subordinate activity into an important independent source of earning .

  13. 文章在分析了GIS的这种发展趋势的基础上提出了公众GIS的概念,即:直接面向公众,为公众提供信息服务和辅助公众进行行为决策的地理信息系统。

    Based on the analysis of the development of GIS , the authors put forward a new concept , i. e.

  14. 临床决策支持系统可以根据临床指南等医学知识库,帮助医务人员收集和分析患者数据,提供各种决策建议供医生进行参考,辅助其诊疗行为,因而越来越受到重视。

    Clinical decision support systems employ medical knowledge bases , help the doctors to collect and analyze patient data for physicians and provide clinical decision-making information for the doctors ' reference .

  15. 随着企业管理思想的逐步成熟,人们开始意识到,人力资源管理不仅仅是组织内部的一种辅助的管理行为,而是组织生存和发展的关键。

    As the enterprise management thinking gradually mature , people begin to realize that human resources management within the organization is not only a subsidiary management behavior , but also the key to the survival and development of the organization .

  16. 计算机自我效能感(computerself-efficacy,CSE)是自我效能感理论在计算机培训、计算机辅助技术使用等行为活动中的应用。

    Self-efficacy ( SE ) is being applied into computer use , which was defined as computer self-efficacy ( CSE ) .

  17. 设计了锁相环电路的鉴频鉴相器(PFD)单元、电荷泵(CP)单元、环路滤波器(LF)单元、压控振荡器(VCO)单元和一些辅助功能电路的行为级模型。

    The behavioral level models of CPPLL include such sub modules : phase frequency detector ( PFD ), charge pump ( CP ), loop filter ( LF ), voltage control oscillator ( OSC ) and some auxiliary circuits .

  18. 计算机辅助的机构运动行为知识表示及推理

    Computer aided knowledge representation and reasoning of motion behavior of mechanisms

  19. 一系列阳离子性卟啉化合物的基质辅助激光解吸质谱行为

    Application of Matrix - assisted Laser Desorption / Ionization-time of Flight-mass Spectrometry in Characterizing a Series of Cationic Porphyrins

  20. 整体来看对罚金数额、单位处罚的比例、刑罚辅助措施以及渎职行为的入罪方面都存在一定的问题。

    On the whole , there are some problems on fines amount , proportion of unit penalty , auxiliary measures of punishment and jobbery incriminated .