
  • 网络mild edema
  1. 结果:在缺血6h组主要表现为:神经元固缩,有轻度水肿。

    RESULTS : The major manifestations in 6 hours group were : shrank neurons , mild edema .

  2. rhIL-11的不良反应主要是轻度水肿、乏力及感冒样症状等。

    The side of rhIL-11 were mild edema , weariness and symptoms of catching cold .

  3. C组心肌细胞轻度水肿,胞浆不均匀,少量炎性细胞浸润。

    Group C myocardial cells edemaed lightly , endochylema distributed nonuniformly , inflammatory cell infiltrated lightly .

  4. 2%过乙酸给药后出现轻度水肿,3d后症状消失;

    2 % peracetic acid caused slight edema of the skin which disappeared after 3 days .

  5. 手术后2d内手术创口结膜轻度水肿,7d后已无明显痕迹。

    Two days after the surgery , edema of the wounded conjunctiva was found , and recovered 7 days later .

  6. E1组肌纤维轻度水肿,间质稍水肿,有炎细胞浸润。

    In group E1 , the muscular fiber and interstitial were slightly edema . There was inflammatory cell infiltration .

  7. 使用渗透压泵以Caerulein诱导大鼠急性轻度水肿性胰腺炎模型

    Caerulein-induced acute edematous pancreatitis with osmotic pump in rats

  8. 结果:中药低剂量组表现为肾小球结构基本正常,肾小管上皮细胞轻度水肿,间质可见炎细胞浸润;尿素氮(BUN)水平均明显降低;

    Result : The low-dosaged group had a nomal glomerulus structure , slight hydrops of renal tubular epithelial cell , infiltration of interstitial inflammatory cell and obvious decrease of BUN level .

  9. 再灌注超过48h组海马神经元和小脑蒲肯野细胞损伤较重,顶叶皮质神经元轻度水肿。

    Ultrastructure of hippocampal neurons and Purkinje cells of the aged rats with ischemia / reperfusion over 48h was more severely damaged . The parietal cortical neurons were slightly swollen .

  10. RH组肾小球基本正常,肾小管上皮细胞轻度水肿,肾小管管腔未变窄,肾间质少量炎性细胞浸润。

    Renal interstitium was with edema , hyperemia and infiltration of many inflammatory cells ; In group RH , the renal glomeruli was not wizened . The renal tubular epithelial cells were lightly swollen . The lumen of renal tubulars were not narrow .

  11. 小脑组织轻度水肿,有少量炎性细胞浸润,神经细胞正常,神经胶质细胞轻微增生;

    Slight edema and inflammatory cell infiltration in the cerebella were observed .

  12. 轻度水肿10例,中度水肿3例。

    There existed slight edema in 10 cases and middle edema in 3 cases .

  13. 2例好转,随访1年中移植片基本透明,但仍有轻度水肿。

    Cases improved , follow-up year grafts basic transparent , but there is still mild edema .

  14. 结果发现,在正常情况下黄牛胆囊即有轻度水肿、炎细胞浸润的胆囊炎病变;

    The results of the histological findings showed that normal gall bladder did have mild inflammation .

  15. 病灶周围轻度水肿7个,中度水肿6个,重度水肿1个。

    Seven lesions showed minimal edema , 6 lesions showed moderate edema and 1 lesion severe edema .

  16. 术后8周细胞器肿胀,部分溶解,间质轻度水肿;

    There were moderate ultrastructural damages at the end of 8 weeks , with the organelle oedema and partial lysis , interstitial dropsy ;

  17. 治疗后光镜检查见色素颗粒变碎肿胀,真皮中上层轻度水肿。

    After treatment , broken and swollen pigment granules , slight edema in the middle and upper dermal layers were found under light microscopy .

  18. 模型组大鼠胃黏膜色红,表面完整,伴有轻度水肿。

    MG rats gastric mucosa color is red , the surface integrity , and mucous membrane go do disorder , associated with mild edema .

  19. 单纯模型组肝脏细胞轻度水肿,而复合模型组肝脏脂肪滴明显。

    The liver cells of High cholesterol group showed mild oedema , while fat drops in the liver of Complex model group were more typical .

  20. 加味茵陈蒿汤高剂量组肝小叶结构较模型组清楚,只有散在脂肪小滴浸润,肝细胞仅弥漫性轻度水肿。

    Jiawei Yinchenhao Decoction high dose group compared with model group , the hepatic lobule structure clear , only scattered infiltration in the fat droplets , liver cells only diffuse mild edema .

  21. 实验结果:DHOV人工感染350d和500d的产蛋鸭后,产蛋鸭出现卵泡变性、变形、出血,脾脏肿大、大脑轻度水肿等特征性病变,符合自然病例特征。

    The attacked ducks manifested in the follicle degeneration , deformation , bleeding , enlarged spleen , mild brain edema and other characteristic lesions , those were all fit the natural case characteristics .

  22. 组织病理学检查:角化过度、角质层内及角质层下裂隙,角质层内可见变性坏死的中性粒细胞和角蛋白碎屑,棘层细胞及真皮乳头层轻度水肿,嗜酸性粒细胞少见。

    The skin biopsy showed hyperkeratosis of the stratum corneum and intracorneal and subcorneal cleft containing polymorphonuclear leucocytes , sparse eosinophils , and keratinous debris with mild edema of the epidermis and papillary dermis .

  23. 结果脑内型海绵状血管瘤可位于脑内任何部位,单发病灶多见,周围无或轻度水肿,无明显占位效应。

    Results The lesion of intracerebral cavernous hemangioma could be located in every region of the brain , which single lesion was more often and most lesions had no or slightly edema without space-occupying effect .

  24. 将扩张后皮瓣与扩大的受区(等于扩张囊的容积张力)缝合,术后第1天,皮瓣皮肤表面红润,皮温正常,缝合切口轻度水肿,无渗出。

    The expansion and expansion of the affected skin area ( equivalent to the volume expansion capsule tension ) suture , postoperative day 1 , no significant changes in skin color , suture incision without edema and exudation .

  25. 结果有1例肌瓣部分坏死,其余全部成活。腋窝积液1例,上肢短期轻度水肿2例,皮瓣轻度坏死2例。

    Results All succeeded except for 1 case of muscle flap having slight necrosis There were complications of 1 case of armpit dropsy , 2 cases of upper arm slight edema for a short rerm , 2 cases of skin flap slight necrosis .

  26. 肝组织病理形态学改变:假手术组肝细胞轻度水肿,肝细胞索,汇管区少量淋巴细胞浸润,小胆管增生不明显。

    Pathology morphological changes of hepatic tissue : the liver cells of the sham-operated group were mild edema . The cords of liver cells and the portal area had a few lymphocytes , and the proliferation of the small bile duct was not obvious .

  27. d30及d45病理组织学检查发现每组均有部分动物出现肝、肾淤血,轻度细胞水肿,可能系动物的隐性感染而非药物所致。

    The histopathologic examination showed congestion and slight edema of liver and kidney in each group .

  28. 氯喹处理组动脉血氧分压未见下降,肺组织PLA2活性低于ET组,LPO降低,SOD增高;病理检查见轻度肺水肿,炎细胞浸润较ET组少;

    In chloroquine group , PaO 2 was not decreased , PLA 2 activities in serum and pulmonary tissue were lower than that of ET group , the activity of SOD in lung tissue was increased significantly , while MDA content was decreased .

  29. 胎儿水肿术后发生轻度包皮水肿16例,7~10d恢复。

    Mild edema of prepuce occurred in 16 children and they recovered in 7-10 days .

  30. 术后轻度角膜水肿126例,虹膜部分后粘连1例。

    Postoperatively , there were mild corneal edema in 126 cases and iris posterior synechia in 1 case .