
lún fá qī
  • circulation period;rotation
轮伐期[lún fá qī]
  1. 短轮伐期刚果12号桉的萌芽更新

    The Sprout Regeneration of Eucalyptus ABL 12 for the Short Rotation

  2. 短轮伐期杨、柳材的制浆性能研究

    Study on Pulp Making Properties of Short Rotation Poplar and Willow Wood

  3. 在土壤为中层-厚层厚度的条件下,栎林矮林作业轮伐期以3~5a为宜。

    On the sites with middle and deep soil layers the recommended rotation age of oak coppice system is 3-5 years .

  4. 研究结果表明;以20a以上的轮伐期经营刺槐萌生林在经济上是不合算的;

    The results showed that no benefit would be derived from black locust coppice forest with a rotation age beyond 20 ;

  5. 从蓄积量、经济效益考虑,蓝桉在一个轮伐期内,可间伐1~2次,最后保留木应为560株·hm-2左右。

    Globulus pulpwood forest may be thinned once or twice within a rotation and finally the retained trees should be about 560 stems per hm 2.As the pulpwood , E.

  6. 以培育干材和小径级矿柱材等工业用材为目的,对刺槐萌生林实施8~13a短轮伐期作业法,从经济效果最佳角度考虑是比较合理的。

    And the rotation age at the 8th to 13th years was reasonable for coppice forest management of black locust .

  7. 成都发展巨桉短轮伐期工业原料林,应选择在平原区,海拔800m以下的低山丘陵区,并且土层厚度在40cm以上的酸性至中性土壤立地条件。

    The plain , hilly and low mountainous areas with a soil depth of over 40 cm and pH value from acid to neutral are suitable to the establishment of short-period Eucalyptus grandis forests for the purpose of industrious raw materials .

  8. 杉木短轮伐期工业材物理力学性质预测模型的研究

    Directive Culture Forecasting Patterns of Physical and Mechanical Chinese Fir Wood

  9. 广西短轮伐期工业原料林建设现状及对策

    Actuality and Countermeasures of Short-rotation Industrial Raw Material Forests in Guangxi

  10. 轮伐期对杉木人工林地力维护的影响

    Effect of rotation on site productivity maintenance of Chinese Fir Plantation

  11. 短轮伐期桉树林分树冠生长的阶跃函数模型

    The Unit Step Function Model for Crown Diameter of Short Rotation Eucalyptus

  12. 确定最优轮伐期的实物期权方法

    A real option approach to determine an optimal rotation age

  13. 森林经营规划中的综合轮伐期研究

    Study of the Integrated Rotation in the Forest Management Plan

  14. 林木施肥是短轮伐期工业用材林的基础技术措施

    Plantation Fertilization-Basic Technical Measures for Short-Rotation Industrial Plantation Management

  15. 日本落叶松纸浆林合理轮伐期研究

    Study on sound rotation of Larix kaempferi pulp plantation

  16. 不同轮伐期和重复采收对大叶相思萌芽更新和林分产量的影响

    Effects of Rotation Length and Repeated Harvesting on the Sprouting Reproduction of Acacia

  17. 关于落叶松人工林短轮伐期经营的思考

    Consideration Of Short Regulatory Rotation Age Of Larch Plantation

  18. 边缘产区杉木人工林短轮伐期及更新技术

    Short Rotation and Regeneration Techniques of Chinese Fir Plantation in Marginal Producing Area

  19. 短轮伐期日本落叶松家系生长性状遗传参数的变化

    Age Trends of Genetic Parameters for Growth Traits in Short Rotation Larix kaempferi Families

  20. 轮伐期以26&30年为宜。

    The rotation of 26-30 years is suitable .

  21. 确定最优轮伐期的原则及数学模型

    On principles and mathematical models for determining the optimal rotational felling period of forests

  22. 杨柳无性系短轮伐期纸浆林培育技术研究

    Study on Cultivation Technique of Short Rotation Pulp Forest With Poplar and Willow Clones

  23. 杨树短轮伐期集约栽培的新进展

    Recent Development of Short Rotation Poplar Intensive Cultivation

  24. 闽北马尾松造纸原料林适宜密度及轮伐期的探讨

    Approaching the Proper Density and Rotation of the Paper-Making Raw Material Forest of Pinus massoniana

  25. 杉木短轮伐期与模式栽培方法初探

    Preliminary Study on Short Cutting Period by Turns and Model Cultivation Method of Cunninghamia lanceolata

  26. 谈天然杨树林改培为短轮伐期用材林的经营利用

    Discussed on the Management of cultivate Changes of Natural Poplar Woods to Short Rotation Timber Forest

  27. 短轮伐期木麻黄木屑栽培香菇的产量是每袋0。

    The yield of Lentinula edodes cultivated with sawdust of Casuarina equisetifolia cut in short rotation was0 .

  28. 杨柳能源林种植密度和轮伐期试验及其燃烧特性分析

    Test on Planting Density and Rotation Time and Analysis on Combustion Characteristics of Poplar and Willow Energy Plantation

  29. 闽南桉树短轮伐期工业原料林基地建设若干问题的研究

    Studies on Several Problems of the Industrial Raw Material Forest Base Construction of Short-Rotation Eucalyptus in South Fujian

  30. 最大土地期望值法确定造林树种最佳轮伐期的探讨

    A Discussion on Determine the Optimum Rotation of Forestation Species with the Method of Maximum Land CapitaL Value