- 动Resale;buy goods in one area to sell in another

HP will resell NET 's UC gateway as a way to support Microsoft UC .
To deploy build-to-order in the reseller channel effectively , you need a strong e-business solution .
The diversions discovered included a cargo of NK 555 that appeared in Singapore in August 2009 .
The spreading of the " originate and distribute " banking model led to a separation of those holding credit risks from those monitoring and managing them .
Joining PartnerWorld is easy , and you can specify your type of company membership , such as a consultant , integrator , reseller , or ISV .
Eliminate the reseller 's markup and pass the savings on to the customers .
How Architecture Enterprise to Calculate Record and Offset Allowance for Accrued Loss on Contract Correctly
Tianxiang Products can be made at short notice and resellers throughout the country abroad .
The contract also allows vaccines to be donated to poorer countries or redirected to other European nations .
To improve the information distortion of accounts receivable , three aspects : self risk , controlling risk and checking risk should be on guard .
Our philosophy-to provide low price and high quality products , to keep a low profile while generating high income is ideal for direct selling .
In addition to subscriptions , the revenue model includes referral fees , transaction fees , consumption-based pricing , performance-based pricing , reseller margin , and revenue sharing .
E-mails and shipping documents show the cigarettes were first diverted to Dalian , a Chinese port , and then shipped on to Singapore before finally landing in Haiphong in Vietnam .
The company , which started eight years ago as a reseller of international line capacity , now helps to connect Chinese telecoms operators with their international counterparts through its hub service .
In the mean while , it shall write off the relevant deposited-in reinsurance guarantee according to the refund of the deposited-in reinsurance guarantee of the previous period as stated in the bill .
After Architecture enterprises carries out the new Enterprise Accounting System and Architecture Enterprise Accounting Practice Approach , it becomes one of most difficult content to calculate , record and offset allowance for accrued loss on contract every year .
The net profit , if any , may be written off on an average in light of a five-year period , or be used to make up the annual loss , the balance may be incorporated into the enterprise 's clearing income .
The behavior of parallel importation itself may not infringe the intellectual property rights . The infringement of intellectual property rights always takes place the process of movement or reselling of goods . So the competition rules have effect in these processes to rule the unfair competition .
It 's no use carrying this debt forward ; we might as well write it off .