
  • 网络rolled edge
  1. 中厚板轧制边部不均匀变形机理的探讨

    Research on the Inhomogeneous Deformation Mechanism at the Rolled Edge of Plate

  2. 螺纹钢切分轧制弧边方孔中轧件变形有限元分析

    Finite element simulation of metal deformation in fluted - square pass during slit rolling of deformed bars

  3. 热连轧粗轧调宽轧制过程边角部金属流动三维数值模拟

    Three-dimensional numerical simulation of the edger and corner metal 's flow on edging rolling on roughing of hot continuous rolling process

  4. 轧制变压器铜带边部处理技术

    Edge conditioning technique for transformer copper strip

  5. 在半固态浆料中,固相颗粒大多聚集在轧件的中间区域,液相主要流向轧件的边部,从而导致液相偏析,使轧制产品的边部和中部的组织和性能的不同;

    The solid phase gets together at the center of the rolled piece , and the liquid phase flows to the edge of the rolled piece , these led in liquid segregation and the difference of microstructural and mechanical characteristics between center and edge region .

  6. 玻璃钢法兰设计轧制H型钢边部宽展的研究

    Design of FRP flange flange spread in H - steel rolling

  7. 带张力轧制H型件边端的力能参数的实验研究及理论计算薄板带张力轧制时金属流动的计算机模拟

    An Experimental Research and Theoretical Calculation on the Load and Torque in Edging Stocks of H-Beam under Tension SIMULATION OF FLOW PATTERNS IN SHEET ROLLING WITH TENSIONS

  8. 运行状态下的边端效应力对电机推力有较大影响;带张力轧制H型件边端的力能参数的实验研究及理论计算

    End effect force has a great influence on the thrust of LIM . An Experimental Research and Theoretical Calculation on the Load and Torque in Edging Stocks of H-Beam under Tension

  9. 基于中厚板无切边轧制法中立轧轧边变形的物理模拟,分析了平辊立轧与倒棱轧制对中厚板断面形状的影响。

    Based on physical simulation of edge rolling process in Trimming-Free Plate rolling method , the affection of V rolling and chamfer rolling on the plate profile is analyzed .

  10. 采用有限元软件ANSYS/LS-DYNA对MAS轧制过程及随后的展宽和精轧过程进行了模拟计算,分析了各变形阶段钢板的形状变化及不同MAS轧制参数对钢板边部形状的影响。

    The plate rolling with MAS , spread and finish rolling processes were simulated with software ANSYS / LS-DYNA . Both plate shape characteristics and the influence of parameters of rolling with MAS on the plate shape were studied .