
  1. 国内车辆可靠性强化试验技术的现状与发展趋势

    Present state and perspectives of reliability enhancement test technology of vehicles

  2. 坦克装甲车辆可靠性维修性参数体系研究

    The Study On R & M Parameters Of Tank And Armoured Vehicle

  3. 我国铁道机车车辆可靠性工程的研究

    Reliability Engineering Research on Chinese Railways ' Locomotives and Cars

  4. 货车车辆可靠性数值初步分析

    Initial Analysis of the Reliability Values of Freight Cars

  5. 首先论述了车辆可靠性强化试验技术的理论基础;

    Firstly , the theory of reliability enhancement test of vehicle was discussed .

  6. 车辆可靠性数据管理与分析系统

    A Vehicular Reliability Data Management and Analysis System

  7. 地铁车辆可靠性测试方法探讨

    On the Test of Metro Vehicle Reliability

  8. 提出了一种车辆可靠性分析中威布尔分布的参数估计公式,并用蒙特卡洛法进行模拟验证。

    An estimation formula of parameters of Weibull Distribution in reliability analysis is presented and tested by the Monte Carlo method .

  9. BRT车辆运行可靠性问题的探讨分析

    Analysis of the Operation Reliability of BRT Buses

  10. 本文系统分析了公路大件运输安全性的影响因素,建立了运输车辆的可靠性、稳定性和通过能力模型,并在此基础上用VB语言开发出了公路大件运输计算机决策系统。

    In this paper , impact factors on safety of over-size transport are analyzed firstly . Then some models of reliability , stability and capacity of road are established , on the basis of which a decision making system for over-size transport is developed .

  11. 车辆大修可靠性的多指标综合评价及分析

    A Study on Multi-index Comprehensive Assessment Methods for Reliability of Overhauled Vehicle

  12. 提高车辆零部件可靠性和耐用性的研究

    Research for Improving Reliability and Durability of Parts and Components in Cars

  13. 装甲车辆使用可靠性综合评定方法

    The Comprehensive Evaluation Research on the Operational Reliability of the Armored Vehicle

  14. 并行工程在车辆产品可靠性管理中的应用

    Application of Concurrent Engineering to Reliable Management of Automobile Appurtenances

  15. 基于加权最小二乘法的机车车辆零部件可靠性分析

    Reliability analysis of locomotive and car parts based on weighted least square method

  16. 通过实例计算,证明铁道车辆应用可靠性设计的可行性。

    The feasibility of applying reliability design to rolling stock parts is revealed by examples .

  17. 地铁车辆的可靠性验证测试

    Test of the Reliability of Metro Vehicles

  18. 装卸搬运车辆的可靠性探讨

    The Reliability of Handling Transport Vehicles

  19. 显然在非常严酷的地形上行驶会极大的降低履带车辆的可靠性。

    Obviously , the more severe crosscountry terrain results in reduced reliability for the tracked vehicle .

  20. 信号优先是提高公交车辆运行可靠性和准点率的重要手段。

    Bus signal priority is an important method to improve reliability and schedule adherence of bus system .

  21. 应用车辆零部件可靠性稳健优化设计的理论方法,对车辆前轴进行了可靠性稳健优化设计。

    The method of reliability robust optimization design on vehicle components are employed to optimize the design of reliability of vehicle front-axle .

  22. 工程机械控制器作为工程机械的核心部件之一,影响着车辆的可靠性、经济性和维护性。

    Construction machinery controller as one of the core components of the construction machinery , affecting the vehicle reliability , economy and maintainability .

  23. 试验结果可以直接检查出汽车轮胎轮毂性能,是保障汽车车辆安全可靠性所不可缺少的试验检测设备。

    Test results can be directly check out the car tires wheel performance , is the guarantee automobile vehicle safety reliability indispensable testing equipment .

  24. 两栖装甲车辆乘员可靠性受内部因素和外部因素的共同影响,而环境因素是外部因素的重要组成部分。

    The crew reliability of amphibious armored vehicles is affected by both inner factors and outer ones , of which the environmental factor is an indispensable component .

  25. 探讨了影响公路大件运输过程安全可靠的因素,建立了关于运输车辆的可靠性、稳定性及通过性模型,并据此开发出“公路大件运输计算机决策系统”。

    It builds models of reliability , stability and passing ability for the tractor trailers and then develops the decision making system of the transportation for massive products .

  26. 用户与制造商应在设计阶段加强协商与交流,以提高车辆的可靠性与适用性。

    The authors argue that Nanjing Metro , the stock manufacturers and the user shall improve their communication at the design phase for a better reliability and adaptability of the vehicles .

  27. 然而,有更多的人将购买第二辆汽车,同时二手车市场正开始发展起来,这使得消费者也重点关注车辆的可靠性,而不仅仅是外观。

    However , more people are buying their second car and a second-hand market is beginning to develop , focusing consumer attention on the reliability , rather than just the look , of vehicles .

  28. 格拉斯哥喀里多尼亚大学的专家认为,高速互联网还将提高自动化车辆的可靠性和性能,使其比目前使用的手动驾驶汽车更安全。

    Experts at Glasgow Caledonian University ( GCU ) believe the high-speed connection will also improve the reliability and capability of automated vehicles to the point where they will be safer than the manual cars being driven today .

  29. 在汽车车身的制造过程中,焊接的好坏,不仅决定了车身焊接过程中的制造偏差,也决定了车辆的可靠性以及安全性。

    In the manufacture procedure of the automobile body , the quality of welded joints , not only directly determines manufacturing deviation in the body welding assembly process , but also guarantees the reliability and security of the car .

  30. 阐述了灰色分析法进行车辆大修可靠性评价的方法,研究了分辨系数对关联度的分辨作用及权重对关联度大小的影响。

    The vehicle over-haul reliability evaluation method using the gray analysis method is introduced , and the identification function of the iden-tification coefficient on the degree of association and the effect of weights on the degree of association are studied .