
dūn miáo
  • restrain the growth of seedlings;retain the growth of seedlings(for root development)
蹲苗 [dūn miáo]
  • [restain the growth of seedlings(for root development)] 为使幼苗更好地生长,在一定时期内控制施肥和灌水,进行中耕和镇压,使幼苗根部下扎,生长健壮,防止茎叶徒长

蹲苗[dūn miáo]
  1. 因此苗期不应进行灌溉,实行蹲苗,促使根系向深层发展和减少死苗。

    Therefore , it is not appropriate to irrigate during seedling stage so as to promote root growth and decease rate of death .

  2. 3尿素的施肥水平显著影响菊苣直根的产量,以缓苗期、蹲苗后和封垄前分别追施一次为宜。

    The carbamide levels influence chicory taproot yield significantly . It was appropriate to fertilize during postponing seedling stage , after controlling seedling and before full crop .

  3. 本文分析了地膜覆盖条件下,土壤耕层积温的变化对玉米根系及地上植株生长影响的生理基础.同时对传统的蹲苗措施进行了讨论。

    The physiological basis in the influence of the cumulative temperature change of plough layer on the corn root system and plant growth in condition of plastic film mulching was analysed in the paper , and the traditional measure to restrain the seeding growth was discussed .