
  • 网络path dependence;Path Dependency;path-dependence;Path-dependent
  1. FDI的区位分布、路径依赖与区域经济增长

    The Location & Path Dependence of FDI in China and the Regional Economic Growth

  2. 高匹配焊接接头中J积分的路径依赖性

    Path dependence of J-integral in welded joint with an overmatching weld

  3. 哥伦比亚大学的语言学家约翰·麦克沃特尔认为,人们应该会更加关注路径依赖(pathdependence)。

    John McWhorter , a linguist at Columbia University , wrote that people should be more aware of path dependence .

  4. 城市社区的国家与社会:现实诉求和路径依赖对C市市长公开电话的个案研究

    State and Society in Modern Urban Community : Realistic Appealing and Path Dependence : A Case Study of Mayor 's Publicized Telephone in C city

  5. 计算结果表明:焊接接头裂纹尖端近场的J积分具有路径依赖性,而在远离裂尖的J积分表现出路径无关性。

    The results show that the J-integral is path-independent except for contours very close to the crack tip .

  6. 长期国企改革形成的路径依赖、产权建设不完善、资本市场发展不完善以及我国在市场经济不发达的条件下加入了WTO,是国有资本减持产生财务风险的原因。

    Because of route-leaning formed in the course of state corporate innovation , faulty property system , imperfect capital market and China 's entering WTO in undeveloped economic conditions , there are financial risks in decreasing state capital .

  7. 三是利用蒙特卡罗方法求解复合期权的价值,解决了BS模型和二项式模型在求解复合期权价格的不足,满足了风险投资过程路径依赖的特性,提高了定价的准确性。

    Thirdly , solving the value of the complex option by the Monte Carlo simulation and complementing the deficiencies of the B-S model and binomial model to enhance the exactness of pricing .

  8. 根据两类因素的特点,本文提出未来研究理论、复杂系统理论和路径依赖理论是能够指导SEA预测分析的理论基础,它们对SEA中所采用的技术方法提出了具体的要求。

    According to characteristics of these two types of factors , this thesis proposes that theories of futures study , complex system and path dependence can be regarded as fundament for prediction in SEA . The requirements for SEA prediction techniques and methods are concluded from these three theories .

  9. 由于ICT产业具有网络效应、收益递增、系统结构和路径依赖等特点,使得ICT产业的技术标准联盟运行机理与传统的战略联盟存在着不同之处。

    Because the ICT industry has network effects , increasing returns , system structure and path dependence and other characteristics , the coopetition strategy of technological standards alliance is different from traditional competitive strategy alliance .

  10. 第三章阐述浙江OEM企业战略升级的影响因素及机理分析,指出浙江OEM企业的影响因素、路径依赖及能力提升。

    Chapter 3 proposes Zhejiang OEM enterprises ' upgrade strategy , and states the affecting factors and mechanism analysis , points out the influence factors , the dependence path and the ability promotion of Zhejiang OEM enterprises .

  11. 接着在经典的Black-Scholes模型的假设下,对路径依赖型特异期权的定价问题进行了详细的讨论,同时还给出了特异期权应用的例子。

    Then , on the assumption of classical Black-Scholes model , the valuation of pass-dependent options were discussed in detail , and the same time the examples of exotic options application were given .

  12. 来自宏观、中观和微观等多方面的因素会使得代工企业对代工模式产生路径依赖,被锁定于全球价值链的低端环节,阻碍其从代工向OBM的升级。

    Subcontracting enterprises can be locked into the low value added activities of GVC because of path dependency , which is influenced by different level reasons .

  13. 结果表明,在疲劳裂纹的起裂阶段,J积分具有良好的守恒性,而在随后的疲劳裂纹扩展过程中,由于裂纹尖端区域残留应力的影响,J积分具有明显的路径依赖性。

    It was found that , J integral had a good path independence at the initial stage of the fatigue crack growth . Because of the effect of residual stress of crack tip region , J integral appeared a significant path dependence in the afterward stage of fatigue crack growth .

  14. 最后由得到的收敛性结果表明Euler-Maruyama方法可以应用于计算一些具体的金融数量,如债券、路径依赖期权等。

    Finally , from those convergence results , we show that the Euler-Maruyama method can be applied to compute some financial quantities , for example , bonds , path-dependent option and so on .

  15. 积极财政政策:路径依赖与结构转型

    On the Proactive Fiscal Policies : Path Dependence and Structure Transformation

  16. 公司治理的文化路径依赖及其创新性选择

    The Cultural Path Dependence of Corporate Governance and Its Creative Choice

  17. 论我国投资类寿险法律监管的路径依赖与制度选择

    On Path Dependence and Institution Choice of Chinese Investment Life Insurance

  18. 路径依赖、路径创造与中国的经济体制转轨

    Path Dependence , Path Creation and The Economic Transition in China

  19. 企业制度发展同样具有路径依赖的特征,当企业现有的制度发展路径不能为企业带来绩效时,企业便进入了制度路径锁定状态。

    The enterprise system similarly has the characteristic of the path-dependent .

  20. 养老金制度变迁中的路径依赖及其锁定效应

    Path-Dependence and Lock-in Effect of Institutional Changes of the Pension System

  21. 它之所以存在和发展,正是对传统家族文化路径依赖的结果。

    Its development depends on the tradition of a family culture .

  22. 文化遗产旅游商业化的路径依赖理论模型

    A Theoretical Model of Path Dependence for Cultural Heritage Tourism Commercialization

  23. 中国国有经济战略性调整的路径依赖及其超越

    Beyond and Path Dependence on Strategic Restructuring for China Public Economy

  24. 产业集群创新能力增长机理的路径依赖

    Path-Dependence of the Growth Mechanism for Innovative Competence of Industry Clusters

  25. 专业认证制度实施中的路径依赖性分析

    On Path Dependence in the Implementation of Professional Programmatic Accreditation System

  26. 发展模式变迁的路径依赖及其创新选择

    Path Dependence of the Change of Development Model and Innovation Select

  27. 税制改革对制度安排的路径依赖分析

    A Path Dependent Analysis on the System Arrangement with Tax Reform

  28. 文化遗产产业化运作的路径依赖与战略选择

    Culture heritage industrialization operation 's path dependence and strategy selection

  29. 第三配置及其路径依赖偏好

    The Third Allocation Mechanism and Its Preference for Path Dependence

  30. 法与金融学:路径依赖与金融法变革

    Law and Finance : Path Dependence and the Reform of Financial Law