
Supported by the push-up policy and the improvement of RMB exchange rate formation mechanism , cross-border RMB business has undergone a remarkable development .
Since the current cross-border RMB business research is mostly carried out from the perspective of macro or micro economic perspective , seldom considering the view of commercial banks .
However , whether in theoretical analysis or investigation , RMB Settlement in cross-broader trade transaction is still in dispute .
The aforesaid accounts which fail to be changed into inter-bank current accounts of RMB within the prescribed time limit shall not be used to handle cross-border RMB settlement businesses any more .
Liaoning 's RMB settlements grow steadily since the work began .
The Bank of China announced Monday that it had transacted the first cross-border yuan trade settlement deal Monday morning .
By the first quarter of 2011 , $ 55 billion of China 's trade 7 % of the total was settled in yuan .
The two sides agreed in the cooperation with each other and their respectively responsible areas of regulation of personal RMB business at Macau bank and RMB business for cross-border trade .
Meanwhile , bankers hope that the measures will trigger a feedback loop in which the creation of more renminbi-denominated products in Hong Kong spurs greater cross-border trade settlement , and vice versa .
After the financial crisis , our government took a number of measures to promote the internationalization of the RMB . Such as having a currency swap with neighboring countries , promoting cross-border trade in RMB business in Hong Kong vigorously timely issuing RMB bonds in Hong Kong .