
zú qiú yùn dònɡ
  • football
  1. 他宣布退出足球运动。

    He announced his retirement from football .

  2. 他们的行为败坏了英国足球运动的声誉。

    Their behaviour has bought discredit on English football .

  3. 恰好是在25年前的今天,英格兰队在世界杯上夺冠,到达了足球运动的巅峰。

    Twenty-five years ago , to the day , England reached the sport 's pinnacle by winning the World Cup .

  4. 埃雷拉然后向足球运动的管理机构国际足联(FIFA)做出呼吁,不要再让普罗恩萨担任任何比赛的裁判。

    Herrera then called on FIFA , soccer 's governing body , not to assign any more games to Proen ç a.

  5. 这些措施会确保FIFA不被那些为求自肥而不惜牺牲足球运动的人利用。

    These steps will ensure that the organization cannot be used by those seeking to enrich themselves at the expense of the game .

  6. YO-YO测试模仿足球运动中的节奏,把体能测试与足球专项运动特点结合起来,评价足球运动员的专项耐力素质。

    It imitates the football rhythm , and combines physical ability test with the features of football , thereupon it can evaluate the specialized endurance quality of football players .

  7. 这是FIFA在百年庆典之际向全世界提出的口号,是现代足球运动的理性宣言,也是本文研究的目的意义所在。

    It 's just the slogan for FIFA to put up through the world in the celebration of anniversary , it is the reasonable declaration of modern football , and the significance of the paper lies in it .

  8. 经过研究表明YOYO测试方法符合足球运动规律,完全可以用来进行足球运动员的体能训练。

    Findings show that the testing method of YOYO conforms to the laws of sports , which can fully be applied to football players ' physical strength training .

  9. 我国女子足球运动未来发展制约因素研究

    Research on Factors Restricting Future Development of Chinese Women 's Football

  10. 在足球运动中所起的作用进行了分析,提出了加强这方面的理论学习,培养足球运动员的专项无形技术的具体方法。

    It shows specific measures in training of the football player .

  11. 中国青年女子足球运动现状研究

    Research into the Current Situation of Chinese Women 's Teenage Football

  12. 浅析现代足球运动比赛中不同场区内的防守原理

    Analyzing the Defensive Theories in Different Sites in Modern Football Games

  13. 足球运动是世界第一运动。

    Football game is the number one sport in the world .

  14. 现代足球运动攻击性防守探讨

    A Probe in to the Aggressive Defence Tactics of Modern Football

  15. 对足球运动的感性冲动和理性冲动的探析

    The Exploration of Feeling Impulse and Intellectual Impulse in Football Games

  16. 世界上足球运动是最受欢迎的。

    In the world soccer and football is the most popular .

  17. 唐山市高职院校足球运动开展状况的调查和分析

    Investigation and Study on Development of Football in Higher Vocational Colleges

  18. 对足球运动中热身活动的探究

    A Study on the Warming up Activity Prior to a Football Game

  19. 浅析足球运动中踝关节的损伤、急救与预防

    On the injury , first-aid and precaution of ankle in football sports

  20. 古代许多国家就有了足球运动。

    Football was played in a number of countries in ancient times .

  21. 上海市五人制足球运动开展现状分析与发展对策的研究

    Development Status and Future Strategies of Futsal Soccer in Shanghai

  22. 传统文化对足球运动发展影响初探

    Influence of Traditional Chinese Culture on the Development of Football

  23. 足球运动与学生意志品质的培养

    Football sports and the Development of the students ' Willpower and Virtues

  24. 我国大学生足球运动系统发展之研究

    The Study on the Football Games Systematic Development of Chinese University Students

  25. 中国大学生女子足球运动发展现状与对策研究

    Countermeasures and Present Condition of Chinese Female College Students ' Football Development

  26. 我热爱足球运动。我总是随身带着我的足球。

    I love football . I always have my football with me .

  27. 他把足球运动看作一种战争代替品。

    He regards football as a kind of surrogate warfare .

  28. 日本足球运动迅速发展与崛起的原因探讨

    Exploration of Reasons for Rising and Rapid Development of Football in Japan

  29. 足球运动场的收入减少了。

    The takings at the football stadium has fallen off .

  30. 汤姆:那在你心目中的足球运动的传奇巨星应该是哪些呢?

    Tom : What are the legends of soccer on your mind ?