
  1. 山姆希望能再看一次电影《超能陆战队》。

    Sam hopes to see the film Big Hero 6 again .

  2. 你看过电影《超能陆战队》吗?

    Have you ever seen the movie Big Hero 6 ?

  3. 他的作品包括梦工厂的《雪人奇缘》,迪斯尼的《无敌破坏王2:大闹互联网》、《疯狂动物城》、《超能陆战队6》和《无敌破坏王》以及电影版《辛普森一家》。

    A talented Disney animation artist , Matsuda 's name came to the fore , Disney 's Ralph Breaks the Internet , Zootopia , Big Hero 6 and Wreck-It Ralph , and The Simpsons Movie .

  4. 迪士尼近日公布了几张即将在今年年底上映的动画片《超能陆战队》(BigHero6)的最新海报。

    Disney has released new posters for the upcoming animated feature Big Hero 6 .

  5. 100多个人参加了实验,这些参与者不是观看了迪斯尼公司出品的标准格式《超能陆战队》,就是观看了RealD3D的《超能陆战队》。

    More than 100 people took part in the experiment , where participants watched Disney film Big Hero 6 in either standard format or RealD 3D .

  6. 《超能陆战队》改编自漫威漫画,故事围绕14岁的机器人设计奇才阿宏展开。

    Based on a Marvel comic , the film centers on 14-year-old robotics prodigy Hiro Hamada .

  7. 而电影《超能陆战队》却与众不同,它讲述了机器人与人类之间一个简单而暖心的故事。

    But Big Hero 6 chooses to tell a simple but heartwarming story about the bond between humans and a robot .

  8. 令男女老少都喜笑颜开的《超能陆战队》可谓大获成功,而影片中超大号充气机器人“大白”正是其最大卖点。

    The movie Big Hero 6 has delighted audiences of all ages and the biggest reason for itssuccess is the film 's highly-squeezable hero , Baymax .

  9. 和其他出自华特迪士尼的动画电影相比,2014年的《超能陆战队》第一周票房为5620万美元,《疯狂动物城》相比超出了31%。

    Compared to the most recent film from Walt Disney Animation Studios , " Zootopia " opened an impressive 31 percent ahead of the 56.2 million dollars start of 2014 's " Big Hero 6 . "