- 网络Oversoul;the over-soul;Over Soul

In an ungrounded state , it is impossible to integrate new information from one 's soul , oversoul and source .
We are calling you to return to where your oversoul resides , from whence you agreed to come into this body .
Chapter Three is concerned with man in the empirical world .
Allow the branches above you to rise high unto your over soul .
Tao and Over-Soul : Origin of All Things
Chapter Two explores the metaphysical pursuit of " Tao " and " Over-Soul " .
Tao , Over-Soul and Duality
Let us bless your over soul for all that it does in service to your ascension .
Individual souls for a particular lifetime are products of oversouls who individuate each soul for duty in a particular physical body .
In New England transcendentalism , a spiritual essence or vital force in the universe in which all souls participate and that therefore transcends individual consciousness .
You create the total energy of the material world by Your external potency , and after creation You enter within the material world as the Supersoul .
Now let us allow the swirling pink and golden energies to fill your upper body grounding and chakras above the head leading to your over soul .
Emerson denies God , affirms the divinity of man and stresses that humans intuition is an integral part of the " oversoul " permeating the universe .
It is the intuitive body that allows us to hear the messages from our I AM , Oversoul , Source and God Goddess All That Is .
When a universe is being created by a creator God , it is done in cooperation with the oversouls who now supply souls for individual human bodies .
As the kernel of his ideas , Ralph Waldo Emerson 's " Over-Soul " theory bore a certain similarity to " Tao ", the supreme notion of Taoism .
Spiritual soul who lives in true identity , however , is freed from that limitation and awakened and realized it 's spiritual nature in the light of the Supreme Soul .
It is also the light body that acts as a bridge for information from one 's soul , oversoul and source to the physical vessel and consciousness of the form .
The second chapter mainly focuses on Emerson 's idea of freedom , which , according to this thesis , is the final and unifying argument in the system of Emerson 's thinking .
You can also look at how you ground to the aurora and how you connect to your oversoul , to balance this out to a larger degree , along with any other movement in your field .
Steinbeck mentioned the concept of " over-soul " in this work , pointing out that people can feel individual soul with intuition and communicate with " over-soul " so as to accomplish the integration of individual spirit and universal spirit .
I find in that affinity a profound source of meaning and hope . Emerson denied the existence of God and valued the intuition endowed to human beings , which was in great harmony with the pervasive Over Soul in the universe .
This essay mainly centers on these points : limited man and indifferent universe ; Emerson denied the existence of God and valued the intuition endowed to human beings , which was in great harmony with the pervasive Over Soul in the universe .
The first part briefly introduces the two concepts " Tao " and " Over-Soul ", simply states the theory of making a comparative study on the philosophy of Lao-tzu and the thought of Emerson , and generally offers the framework of the thesis .