
  • 网络supercritical unit
  1. DCS控制吹灰系统在超临界机组中的应用

    The application of DCS control soot blowing system in supercritical units

  2. 提高汕尾电厂2×600MW超临界机组DCS控制水平之浅见

    Superficial views to enhancing the level of DCS control for 2 × 600mw supercritical units in Shanwei power plant

  3. 900MW超临界机组协调控制及AGC策略的研究与应用

    Research and application of coordinated control and AGC strategy in 900 MW supercritical unit

  4. 介绍了某厂600MW超临界机组锅炉的低NOx燃烧技术。

    The low NOx burning technology in a supercritical power plant is introduced .

  5. 600MW超临界机组协调控制对AGC的响应情况分析

    Analysis of coordinated control 's response to AGC in 600 MW supercritical unit

  6. 600MW超临界机组直流锅炉水汽质量监督及控制

    600 MW Supercritical Unit Once-through Boiler Water-vapor Quality Monitoring and Control

  7. 600MW超临界机组直流锅炉稳压冲管技术要点

    Notices of Steam Purging of 600 MW Supercritical Unit Once-through Boiler

  8. 600MW超临界机组锅炉等离子煤粉点火燃烧器烧损的分析及改进

    Analysis of the Plasma Ignition Burner Burnout Problem and Its Improvement

  9. 600MW超临界机组锅炉冲管方式与分析

    Boiler Pipe Blowing Technique Analysis of a 600 MW Supercritical Unit

  10. 国产600MW超临界机组燃烧系统对比与分析

    Combustion System Contrast and Analysis of Home-made 600 MW Supercritical Units

  11. 通过控制系统改造实现国产600MW超临界机组FCB功能

    Realization of FCB in the 600 MW supercritical units by control system retrofit

  12. 600MW超临界机组给水控制系统及其仿真研究

    Feed-water Control System of 600 MW Super-critical Unit and Its Simulation Study

  13. 900MW超临界机组FCB试验

    FCB test for 900 MW supercritical units

  14. 600MW超临界机组锅炉冲渣水回用的深度处理

    Deep treatment for the reusing flushing slag water of 600 MW supercritical boiler

  15. 600MW超临界机组DEH系统甩负荷控制的关键点

    The Key Points of DEH System Control Strategy in a 600 MW Supercritical Unit Load Rejection Test

  16. 超临界机组送、引风机RUNBACK试验过程及分析

    Testing Procedure and Analyses of Super Criticality Unit 's FDF / IDF RUNBACK

  17. 国产600MW超临界机组工程主要施工方案及工艺

    Main Construction Plan and Technics of 600 MW Super-critical Unit Made in China Project

  18. 关于600MW级超临界机组蒸汽参数的选择分析

    Parameter Choice Analysis on 600 MW Supercritical Units

  19. 600MW超临界机组推力瓦温度升高原因分析与处理

    Cause Analysis and its Treatment to 600 MW Unit Temperature Thrust Bearing Shoe Raising

  20. 浅析600MW超临界机组汽流激振对轴系稳定性影响

    The Influence of 600 MW Hypercritical Unit Steam Excitation Shock on the Shafting Stability

  21. 600MW超临界机组汽轮机中压缸启动及故障分析处理

    Analysis of start-up through IP cylinder and its fault treatment for 600 MW super-critical unit

  22. 等离子点火系统在600MW超临界机组的运行分析

    Analysis of Application and Operation of the Plasma Ignition Technology in 600 MW Supercritical Boiler

  23. 2×600MW超临界机组协调控制系统分析与优化

    Analysis and Optimization of Coordinated Control System of 2 × 600MW Supercritical Thermal Power Unit

  24. 600MW超临界机组给水泵密封水回收

    Sealing Water Recovery of Feed Water Pumps of a 600 MW Supercritical Power Generating Set

  25. 600MW超临界机组汽动给水泵全程上水经济性分析

    Economical efficiency analysis of whole process water feeding by turbo-feed pump in 600 MW supercritical units

  26. 600MW超临界机组冲转时主蒸汽温度偏高的原因分析及改进措施

    Analysis on Causes of Excessive Main Steam Temperature during Turning of 600 MW Supercritical Unit with Improving Measures

  27. 600MW超临界机组炉膛安全监控系统在实现等离子无油点火中的控制策略及其改进

    Control Strategy and Improvement on FSSS in Plasma Igniting Process Without Fuel Oil of 600 MW Supercritical Unit

  28. Tricon系统在国产超临界机组主保护系统中的应用

    Application of the Tricon System in Main Protection of China-made Supercritical Mech Unit

  29. 国产1000MW超临界机组高压给水管道的设计探讨

    Design Discussion on High-Pressure Water-Feeding Pipeline for Home-Made Super Critical 1000 MW Units

  30. 600MW超临界机组锅炉汽水分离器启动疏水回收的解决方案

    Solution for the start-up drain water recovery of boiler steam-water separator in 600 MW supercritical power unit of Huaneng Shantou Power Station