
zàn měi ɡē
  • hymn;psalm;anthem;laud
  1. 采访对象高唱赞美歌,还要他不择手段榨出他们的骨髓;

    Interview hymn singing , but he means that they squeeze the bone marrow ;

  2. 圣歌;欢乐的歌vt.唱赞美歌vi.唱赞歌人们在一起唱一首欢乐的歌。

    hymn The people joined together in singing a hymn .

  3. 他们唱赞美歌以感谢上帝。vt.通知;

    They hymned their thanks to God .

  4. 人心若与上帝同调,怎能不高唱赞美歌?

    A heart in tune with God can 't help but sing His praise .

  5. 而线索就藏在乔治·赫伯特的一首诗里窗,这是晚祷的一首赞美歌。

    The clue lay in George Herbert 's poem The Windows which was sung as an anthem at evensong .

  6. 而线索就藏在乔治·赫伯特的一首诗里“窗”,这是晚祷的一首赞美歌。

    The clue lay in George Herbert 's poem " The Windows " which was sung as an anthem at evensong .

  7. 他可以不象他的许多同行那样为“大老板”写赞美歌,取而代之的是,描绘莫斯科夜晚的万家灯火。

    Instead of writing hymns to his boss , like many of his peers , he made songs about the soft light in Moscow windows .

  8. “教堂婚礼”的仪式包括赞美歌、一本有纪念意义的“仪典安排”手册、一位风琴手、一个唱诗班、翻领上的配花,以及个人选择的圣经章节。

    A church wedding service will include hymns , a commemorative Order of Service leaflets , an organist , a choir , lapel flowers and personally chosen Bible readings .

  9. 他会尽量避免对抗,到了复活节,他会一边工作一边唱赞美歌,用僵硬的语气歌颂“我们的主啊”。

    He avoided confrontation - in the case of religious observance by singing Christmas hymns while he worked over Easter and vice versa , or by referring in conversation to ' Our Lord ' with a perfectly straight face .

  10. 这个主题深,它是一种赞美之歌的豪气。

    The theme is deep , and it is a song of praise of heroism .

  11. 我欲唱快乐之歌对上帝唱赞美之歌!

    I will sing a song of praise ! Sing unto God a song of praise !

  12. 一首赞美之歌(赞美上帝、圣人或一个民族)。

    A song of praise ( to God or to a saint or to a nation ) .

  13. 然后为内心所爱之人祈祷,吟唱赞美之歌,并带着祷告和歌声入眠。

    And then to sleep with a payer for the beloved in your heart and a song of praise upon your lips .

  14. 尽管没有谁能听到,他还是边走边唱着赞美自己的歌。

    He began to sing a song about himself as he walked along , although there was no one to hear it .

  15. 他向佛陀表达了心底的敬意,然后唱着赞美佛陀慈悲的歌飞走了。

    He showed his deepest respect to the Buddha and then flew away , singing great praises for the Buddhas mercy .