
shē gòu
  • buy on credit;purchase on credit;credit buying;buy on tally;credit;account
赊购 [shē gòu]
  • [buy on credit] 先从卖方得到货物而延期付款

赊购[shē gòu]
  1. 无论是付现还是赊购,都可以要求经销商打折。

    You can ask a dealer for a discount whether you pay cash or buy on credit .

  2. 由于商业信用的发展,企业间赊销赊购现象已非属偶然。

    Because of the development of the business reputation , the phenomena of sale and purchase on credit are not incidental any more .

  3. 我们与大多数供应商都是实行赊购制。

    We have accounts with most of our suppliers .

  4. 请记在我的赊购账上。

    Put it on my account please .

  5. 我可以赊购这些东西吗?

    Can I have these on tick ?

  6. 这些人无法赊购到农用机械。

    The group can 't get credit to buy farming machinery

  7. 买主们千方百计想从供货商那儿无息赊购。

    Buyers use different ruses to wring free credit out of their suppliers

  8. 不要因为可以赊购,就买超过自己支付能力的东西。

    Don 't let credit tempt you to buy something you can 't afford

  9. 很多商店提供免息赊购。

    Many stores are offering interest-free credit .

  10. 长久以来,这些银行一直在与美国运通公司的信用卡以及各式各样的商场赊购卡竞争。

    The banks have long competed with American Express 's charge cards and various store cards

  11. 他们同纸张供应商达成协议,可赊购两年的新闻用纸。

    They struck a deal with their paper supplier , getting two years of newsprint on credit

  12. 你可以赊购这些家具。

    You can buy the furniture on credit .

  13. 买主们千方百计想从供货商那儿无息赊购

    Buyers use different ruses to wring free credit out of their suppliers .

  14. 因此,他从TataBPSolar赊购了一个太阳能照明系统。TataBPSolar是印度太阳能电池板生产商。

    So he obtained a single solar lighting system on credit from Tata BP Solar , an Indian solar panel manufacturer .

  15. 袜子付了现金但又赊购了一件新外套。

    Paid cash for the stockings but charged the new coat .

  16. 你能让我赊购这件东西,到星期四付款吗?

    Can you let me have this on tick until thursday ?

  17. 赊�这些人无法赊购到农用机械。

    The group can 't get credit to buy farming machinery .

  18. 通过增加货币供应量或赊购货物而增加商品价格。

    Cause prices to rise by increasing the available currency or credit .

  19. 赊购企业商业信用成本的优化选择:机会成本分析的一个实际应用

    Security of Smart Card The Optimized Choice for Enterprise Business Credit Cost

  20. 我们的所有产品都可以免息赊购。

    You can get interest-free credit on all our products .

  21. 一些供应商不允许客户赊购。

    Some suppliers will not give credit to their customers .

  22. 许多人不得不用赊购方式购买大件商品。

    Many people have to make major purchases on credit .

  23. 在这家商店里可以赊购。

    You can buy on tally in this shop .

  24. 交货后,我们完成赊购。

    We 'll put the credit through after delivery .

  25. 他上月赊购了一辆汽车。

    He took on a car last month .

  26. 该公司缺乏经营经验,故在答应赊购时应特别谨慎。

    They is inexperienced in business and extreme caution is advise in grant credit .

  27. 她要赊购一台电脑。

    She 'll buy a computer on credit .

  28. 他们有商店赊购卡、汽车贷款、个人贷款以及信用卡。

    There were store cards , car loans , personal loans and credit cards .

  29. 若是你付不起现金,可以赊购这套家具。

    If you can 't afford to pay cash , buy the furniture on credit .

  30. 他的车是赊购来的。

    He bought his car on credit .