
  1. 第四部分,赊旗镇地理条件的丧失。

    The fourth part of the town flag credit loss of geographical conditions .

  2. 第五部分,赊旗镇兴衰与地理环境的关系。

    Part V , credits the rise and fall of the town flag and geographical environment .

  3. 清代河南赊旗镇的商业&基于山陕会馆碑刻资料的考察

    Business at Sheqi Town in the Qing Dynasty Henan : An Observation Based on Tablet Inscriptions at the Guild of Shanxi and Shaanxi

  4. 探讨了衰落时期的社会概况、赊旗镇衰落的原因;其中就衰落的原因从自然灾害、经济、人为因素两个方面探析。

    Period of the decline of the social profile of the town of credit flag of the reasons for the decline ; one of the reasons for the decline from natural disasters , economic , and human factors of the two aspects .