
  • 网络Funds Forecasting
  1. 利用时序模型进行科研资金预测的方法

    Capital Prediction Method for Scientific Research by Time-Series Model

  2. 理解预算与战略需求,并结合需求进行预算控制、资金预测;

    To develop budget control and fund forecast according to the understanding of budget and strategic requirement ;

  3. 浅析医院资金需求预测分析的方法

    The Methods for the Estimation Analysis on Hospital 's Fund Requirement

  4. 油田勘探开采的资金需求预测

    Calculation of the Funds Demanded for Oil Exploration and Recovery in the Oil Fields

  5. 如何保证准确的资金流动预测?

    How to ensure accurate cashflow forecasts ?

  6. 运用定量预测法中的销售百分比法、因素分析法以及资金习性预测法下的高低点法和线性回归分析法等方法预测资金需要量。

    This paper has talked about how to forecast capital requirement by way of percentage of sales method , factor analysis , capital character forecast and linear regression analysis .

  7. 文章借鉴国外在学习曲线研究和应用成果,将学习曲线应用于工程施工的资金运用预测上,得到非常有价值的结果。

    This paper applies the learning curve to forecast the fund application in construction project based on the foreign research achievement on learning curves , and gets very useful result .

  8. 销售额的增长必然伴随着企业资产的增长及负债的增长,因此好的销售预测是资金需求预测的必要基础,正是由于销售与资产的因果关系导致销售百分比法的产生。

    The increase of the sales quotas is bound to follow the increase of the assets and liabilities , therefore capital budgeting is based on the accuracy of the sales trend analysis and due to the close relationship between the sales and assets .

  9. 市场人士和参与谈判者表示,拟议中的特殊目的投资载体(spiv)具体细节仍不够明晰,能否从新兴市场国家的外汇储备和主权财富基金吸引资金尚无法预测。

    Market participants and people involved in the negotiations said details of the planned special purpose investment vehicle ( spiv ) remained too hazy to predict whether it would attract money from emerging market central bank reserves and sovereign wealth funds .

  10. 神经网络在企业流动资金需求量预测中的应用

    The Application of Neural Network in Enterprise Flowing Funds Demand Prediction

  11. 地方议会调高了对资金需求的预测。

    The council has revised its projections of funding requirements upwards .

  12. 施工项目资金运用的预测

    The Forecast of Fund Application in Construction Project

  13. 领导编制每一季度的预算以及定期的资金报告和预测。

    Lead the quarterly budgeting process and the monthly cash flow reporting and forecasting .

  14. 为了合理利用资金,需预测基地级维修时间。

    The maintenance time of base level should be forecasted to use money in reason .

  15. 基于在险值分析的土地储备资金回收风险预测&以杭州市为例

    Land Reservation Funds Retrieval Risk Prediction Based on VaR Method : A Case Study of Hangzhou

  16. 尽管出现全球金融危机,仍必须确保资金的可预测性、可持续性和落到实处。

    Despite the global financial crisis , funding absolutely must remain predictable , sustainable , and substantial .

  17. 文章在对流动资金需求量预测的传统方法进行分析的基础上,指出了神经网络方法的适用性。

    On the basis of analyzing the traditional methods of flowing funds demand prediction , the paper points out suitability of the method of neural network .

  18. 国库资金模型构建与预测&基于Box-Jenkins方法的研究

    Predicting and Modeling the Treasury Funds & Based on Box-Jenkins Method

  19. 宁德学院建设资金的筹措与预测

    Raising and forecasting of fund for construction of Ningde College

  20. 该方法可根据学校的办学目标和学科发展状况调整采购方案,也可对今后的采购资金分配进行最优化预测。

    This method can revise purchase plan according to develop of academic , and forecast optimizing plan about fund allocation of literature purchase .

  21. 合理预测土地储备资金需求,根据预测结果制定融资方案,控制土地储备贷款规模。

    Forecast requirements of land reserve funds reasonably ; and according to the forecasting results , to write financing proposals and to control the scale of land reserve loans .

  22. 缺乏现代企业的管理意识,对需求资金量及流量预测的重视程度不够等是使企业陷入流动资金紧缺的主要原因。

    Lack of the management awareness on the modern enterprise , having no enough regards for the forecast of funds demand and cash flux are the main factors caused in short supply for circulating funds .

  23. 并且通过对A市农村公路资金需要量的预测与国内外农村公路筹资模式的实证分析,找到A市农村公路资金缺乏的主要原因。

    A City of rural roads to lack of funding and empirical analysis of forecast the rural highway funding requirement of A City at home and abroad rural highway fund-raising mode , find the main reason .

  24. 新加坡领先银行的股价昨日创下亚洲最大涨幅。振奋人心的季度数据加大了投资者的期望:全球银行体系需要的资金规模可能不像预测的那么多。

    Shares in Singapore 's leading banks enjoyed some of the region 's biggest gains yesterday as encouraging quarterly figures added to hopes that the world 's banking system might not need as much capital as forecast .

  25. 通过引入时间序列分析的方法,以宁波市某一企业为实证,建立融资资金需求量测算模型,通过计算,表明该方法对资金需求的预测和实证检验相吻合。

    An financing example of a corporation in Ningbo City is illustrated by the calculation model of ( financing ) requirement founding based on the theory of time series analysis .