
  1. 资产托管:纽约银行经验及其启示

    Asset Custody : Experiences from Bank of New York and Enlightenment

  2. 我国商业银行开展资产托管业务的研究

    The Study on the Assets Trust Business Developed by the Commercial Banks in China

  3. 第七章从防范风险的角度出发,提出了商业银行改善资产托管业务的建议。

    Chapter seven put forwards some proposals to improve the custody business of commercial bank .

  4. 资产托管找谁家?

    Who can deal with Asset Custody ?

  5. 在飞速增长的资产托管行业,科技支出正迅速上升,因此企业规模显得越来越重要。

    Scale is increasingly important in a fast-growing business in which technology spending is rising rapidly .

  6. 第四章和第五章分别介绍了中外资产托管业务的发展现状,并且分析了取得的成绩以及不足之处。

    Chapters four and five , respectively , introduced the status of local and foreign business custody business .

  7. 马多夫通过自己公司的内部经纪人进行交易,从而引发了对资产托管以及内部控制的疑问。

    Mr Madoff dealt through his own in-house broker , raising questions about custody of assets and internal control .

  8. 花旗收购所动用的资金额没有披露,这一收购突出了全球资产托管行业的持续整合。

    Citigroup 's acquisition , for an undisclosed sum , underlines the continuing consolidation in the global custody industry .

  9. 资产托管业务是个舶来品,纵观国际商业银行的发展历程已有百余年的历史。

    Asset custody is an exotic , throughout the development process of international commercial bank has more than 100 years history .

  10. 将来银行和资产托管机构会在提供多种抵押相关业务方面决一胜负,第三方卖家甚至是共同对手方本身也会参与竞争。

    Banks and custodians will battle it out to provide a variety of collateral-related services in future , with third-party vendors and even CCPs themselves also vying for business .

  11. 运营体系是银行存在的基础,银行通过运营体系来履行对客户和银行自身的资产托管、支付结算、资金清算、账务处理、信息管理、现金管理、凭证管理等等基本职能。

    Banks rely on their operational systems to deliver functions like asset custody , payment and settlement , capital liquidation , accounting treatment , information management , cash management , disbursement management .

  12. 然而,目前许多问题仍然没有确定的答案,包括股票收益税、资产托管等,导致许多相关方面(特别是资产管理公司)产生担忧。

    However , lingering uncertainties over various issues – including the taxes on share gains and the custody of assets – have caused concerns for many of those involved , especially asset managers .

  13. 资产托管行业的合并往往会导致一些客户流失。尽管雷尼表示,他们的目标是避免这一问题,但在对交易的预期中,仍考虑到了一定程度的客户流失问题。

    Mergers in custody tend to result in some client losses and , while Mr Renyi said the aim was not to lose any , some attrition is built into projections for the deal .

  14. 第三章是全文的重点,分析了资产托管与商业银行金融风险的关系,并且指出资产托管能够有效化解这些金融风险。

    The full text of Chapter three is key point of the whole essay , it focuses on relationship between financial risk management and commercial banks , and noted that custody business can effectively resolve these financial risks .

  15. 资产托管业务作为一项市场潜力巨大,且综合收益高的中间业务,完全符合商业银行战略转型发展的需要,因此,资产托管业务得到了国内主要商业银行的高度重视和大力发展。

    Asset custody as an enormous market potential , and comprehensive income high intermediary business , complete with commercial bank strategic transition to the needs of development , therefore , asset custody got the main domestic commercial Banks to attach great importance and vigorously develop .

  16. 医疗服务资产经营托管制在无锡的试行与效果

    A trial implementation of " trusteeship " of medical service / assets management and its achievements

  17. 在正常的交易日,资产经理与托管银行会向投资者支付与国债市场挂钩的许许多多巨额款项;但许多机构不知道如果发生技术性违约它们该如何做。

    On a normal day , asset managers and custodian banks make huge numbers of payments to investors , linked to the treasury market ; but many institutions are uncertain what to do if a technical default occurs .

  18. 随着资产证券化不断加强,股权托管逐渐成为中国近年来资产托管的重要种类。

    With increasing assets securitization , equity trusteeship has gradually become an important type of assets trusteeship in China in recent years .

  19. 美国纽约银行(BankofNewYork)和梅隆金融集团(MellonFinancial)昨日宣布合并,从而缔造一个规模达430亿美元的证券服务及资产管理巨头。此举可能引发全球资产托管行业的进一步整合。

    Bank of New York and Mellon Financial yesterday unveiled a merger to create a $ 43bn security services and asset management giant that could trigger further consolidation in the global custody industry .

  20. 资产管理公司收购与保全不良资产业务中的若干法律问题花旗收购所动用的资金额没有披露,这一收购突出了全球资产托管行业的持续整合。

    Some Legal issues on Capital Management Company Taking over and Protecting ill-Capital ; Citigroup 's acquisition , for an undisclosed sum , underlines the continuing consolidation in the global custody industry .