
zéi ōu
  • skua
贼鸥[zéi ōu]
  1. 南极中山站邻近区域麦氏贼鸥Catharactamaccormicki繁殖生态研究

    Breeding ecology of the south polar skua ( Catharacta maccormicki ) in the area near Zhongshan Station , Antarctica

  2. 北大西洋大型褐色贼鸥。

    Large brown skua of the North Atlantic .

  3. 贼鸥是飞行速度很快的黑色鸟类,尾部长而分叉。

    Jaegers are swift black birds with long forked tails .

  4. 这些是贼鸥,他们的特长是偷蛋。

    These are skuas . Their specialty is stealing eggs .

  5. 其他贼鸥:哦,不,别让他说那个。

    Other Skuas : Oh , you heard that .

  6. 中国鸟类一个科的新纪录&贼鸥科

    A New Record of an Avian Family to the Chinese Fauna & Stercorarridae

  7. 南极考察站废弃物对贼鸥食性的影响

    Impacts of station garbage on the diet of Antarctic skuas in King George Island

  8. 意识到不是真蛋后,贼鸥厌恶地丢弃了蛋摄像机。

    Realizing it 's not the real thing the skua discards Egg Cam in disgust .

  9. 结果,大贼鸥现在的数量比一个世纪前增加了200倍。

    As a result , the great skua population is now200 times larger than it was a century ago .

  10. 南极中山站附近麦氏贼鸥雏鸟生长及其影响因素

    The growth of chick in the south polar skua and some factors influencing it near the Zhongshan Station , east Antarctica

  11. 针锋相对地,一个成年帝企鹅与一只贼鸥抗争着,阻止它叼走一只刚刚死去的幼雏。

    Going beak to beak , an adult king penguin challenges a skua attempting to make off with a freshly killed chick .

  12. 北海的掠食者大贼鸥在过去一直从渔业捕捞的剩余物中获得好处。

    One of the North Sea 's top predators , the great skua , has greatly benefited from the leftovers of commercial fishing .

  13. 欧盟的新条例计划要给鱼群慢慢恢复的空间。但是,随着捕捞的减少,贼鸥所能得到的丢弃物也减少了。

    New European Union policies have been designed to allow stocks to recover , but reduced fishing also means fewer discards for the skuas .

  14. 另外,人类活动对本区麦氏贼鸥繁殖习性和繁殖率所产生的影响不可忽视。南极中山站附近麦氏贼鸥食性研究

    Human activities impact on bird 's breeding does happed in this area aswell . FEEDING HABIT OF THE SOUTH POLAR SKUA AROUND ZHONGSHAN STATION , EAST ANTARCTICA

  15. 人类活动以及贼鸥对人类废弃食物的依赖,在一定程度上改变动物食物结构,并对贼鸥生态习性乃至种群数量变化均产生一定影响。

    Dependence on human food remains does influence skua 's diet , which affects considerably ecological behavior as well as population variation of both species in both areas .

  16. 每只阿德利企鹅只有两个蛋,而饲养这些蛋需要一年的投资。但有贼鸥出没,蛋可能会瞬间毙命。

    Each Adelie has only two eggs and a year 's investment goes into rearing them . But with skuas on the prowl one can go in a flash .

  17. 对南极长城站和中山站两地的贼鸥种群进行包括营巢行为、觅食习性、种群变化、繁殖生态,以及贼鸥栖息地的地理和生态环境等的比较研究,结果表明两地贼鸥种群存在明显的生态学差异。

    The skua 's nesting , feeding behavior , population variances and breeding success as well as their habitat natural conditions in the areas near Great Wall Station and Zhongshan Station in Antarctica were compared .